More Bad Than Good Part 3

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We drove to Lydia's house and she joined me in the backseat. 'Go to Derek's house.' She said and Stiles nodded before driving off. When we arrived at Derek's house I kinda hoped he'd be there, although I knew he wouldn't be. He took off and we don't know if he's coming back. But weirdly enough the twins weren't here as well. Lydia walked inside and looked around confused. 'They said they'd meet us here...' She muttered. Stiles walked over to her and that's when Scott and I both got hit in the face. I quickly ducked down and stretched my leg trying to trip whoever hit me. Bitches can't just hit Samantha McCall like that? Scott couldn't turn so he was an easy target, they easily threw him further into the room. I kicked off from the wall and swung my leg kicking them both in the face. Although they were only betas now. There were still two of 'em and soon enough one had grabbed the collar of my jacket and had me dangling above the ground. 'Hey! Put me down! Do you know who you're dealing with?! You're just betas now I can easily kick your asses! Put me down and face me you bastards!' I yelled as Aiden carried me around the room and then put me down next to the wall. 'Great, now let's fight like real men.' I said. He smirked and I then heard a click sound. Wait a minute... That sounded a lot like... Damnit. Handcuffs. Aiden joined his brother in beating my brother up. 'Is there wolfs bane in these handcuffs or something?' I groaned as I tried to break them but it didn't really work. 'Yeah there is actually, we don't want you disturbing class. Don't worry, it's a small amount, you won't die.' Ethan shrugged. 'Disturbing cla- I won't d- what the hell are you talking about? You're beating him up? I thought you guys were gonna teach him how to fucking roar!' I yelled pulling on the handcuffs on last time. Scott was by now laying on the floor clutching his stomach. 'We are!' Aiden said. 'You do it by giving in. Giving in and letting go, that's how Deucalion thought us control.' Ethan added. 'Yeah well Deuc's an idiot! I don't like his method!' I yelled. 'Hey eh, you know what's funny?' Stiles said raising his hand. 'We already tried something like this, using a heart monitor and lacrosse balls, but you know, beating the crap out of him is probably a lot better. Although I don't think chaining my girlfriend up is really necessary.' He shrugged. 'That's actually the plan? You kick my ass?' Scott asked. 'You're afraid to turn, we're going to make you.' Ethan said. 'You turn, and you kick our asses.' Aiden shrugged. He looked in my direction and smirked. 'Unless you'd rather watch us beat your sister up?' He asked. 'You're not allowed to I'm a girl you idiot!' I yelled whilst pulling on the handcuffs again. It didn't work so I just slid down again the wall. 'Stupid werewolves...' I mumbled crossing my arms over my chest. 'What's wrong? You think you can hurt us? C'mon McCall we can always heal.' Ethan said. Scott swung a fist at them but they easily knocked him away. 'You're an alpha!' Aiden said. 'You wanna roar like one you gotta give in full throttle! Try to be the monster. Become the beast, be everything you're afraid off.' He said. 'That's what gives you power, gives you strength.' Ethan added. 'Giving in doesn't make you the bad guy.' Aiden exclaimed. 'As long as you can control it.' Ethan quickly added. 'Sometimes control is a little overrated.' Aiden said kicking my brother in the stomach once more. 'What if I can't control it? What if I can't turn back?' Scott asked between gritted teeth. I groaned. 'You can! Just fight back so I can get out of here!' I yelled. 'Then it takes over.' Aiden responded and I rolled my eyes. Great motivation you're giving him there. Great job. 'You become Malia, you get further and further away from being human. You turn into an animal. Or worse.' Ethan said. 'You turn into Peter.' Aiden said and I raised my eyebrows. Okay let's not take it too far now boys. We're here to teach him how to roar, not to offend him. Scott stood up and ran towards them. Aiden grabbed his shirt and threw him onto the table, jumping on it as well and hitting my brother in the face rapidly. Suddenly Ethan grabbed his brother's arm stopping him. 'What? I thought we were helping him?' Aiden exclaimed. 'You help too much.' Ethan said calmly. Aiden jumped off the table, Ethan walked over to me and unlocked my handcuffs, I quickly ran over to Scott. 'Geez you didn't have to go all terminator on him?' I sighed as I examined his face, it was already healing but there was quite a lot of blood. 'Let's go find Malia.' Scott mumbled and I smiled. 'Yes sir.' I said grabbing his hand and helping him up.


Stiles parked his jeep and whilst I climbed out Allison and Isaac arrived. We all looked at each other and Lydia was the first to speak. 'Anyone ese think we might be doing more harm than good?' She asked and I had a sight urge to raise my hand but I didn't. 'We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter.' Scott said. 'Actually we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote, who was his daughter and who we don't know how to change back from a coyote to his daughter.' Isaac said and I rolled my eyes with a sigh. 'And again with the not helping!' Stiles pointed out. 'Men...' I sighed with a shake of my head. Scott looked at Allison. 'Did you bring it?' He asked. She nodded and walked over to her car, she opened the trunk and got out a gun. I was about to make a remark on how cool that looked when I heard gun shots in the distance. 'Oh damn...' I sighed and Scott and I shot each other a look before running towards the bike. 'Hey, hey, wait, wait, wait, wait!' Stiles yelled after him but he was already speeding away. We drove through the forest when we suddenly heard a scream, Scott was distracted for a moment which caused us to hit the ground. 'Nice driving Senna.' I sighed and I stood and wiped the leaves from my clothes. 'Just shut up and run.' Scott said. I rolled my eyes and we started running. It didn't took us long to find Malia, we started running even faster. 'Uh, bro, now would be a pretty good time to start on that alpha business you know.' I told him with an unsure grin. 'I'm scared.' He admitted. 'That's okay. I'm scared too. Malia's probably scared. But think about it, you could save her life you know, make her human again?' I told him. 'Scott.' I said causing him to look at me. 'I believe in you.' He nodded and his eyes turned red causing me to smile. He started running even faster, like, alpha fast you could say. Malia led us all the way back to the car wreck. Scott jumped over the car, landing on one knee. Malia appeared from behind a tree, she snarled at my brother. My brother returned it with a roar so loud I knew my own eyes turned yellow, an invisible force pushed me down onto my knees. The power of an alpha. Or in this case, a true alpha. The coyote laid down and Scott looked up surprised when suddenly there was no longer a coyote laying in front him but... A naked girl. Why not. I grinned and stood up stripping off my jacket in the process. I ran towards them. 'I knew you could do it.' I smiled to Scott when I ran past him. I crouched down next to Malia who was looking around confused. 'Hiya there.' I smiled handing her the jacket. I looked at my brother. 'Scotty, get Papa Stilinski on the phone, he just solved a case.'


I was sitting on Stiles' lap in the sheriff's car, we watched how Mr. Tate opened the door and saw his daughter again for the first time in eight years. Stiles sighed a little next to me and kissed my temple. 'So are you coming to my place again? Maybe this time we can actually sleep instead of running around the woods again.' He chuckled. I nodded with a smile and kissed his cheek. 'I heard you saved Lydia's life today.' I said placing my head in the crook of his neck. Lydia had told me that Stiles managed to disarm the trap she'd stepped on, she got off right before it set off. He shrugged. 'We were lucky.' He said. I rolled my eyes. 'Don't say that, you did something very good today. It wouldn't surprise if more luck came falling out of the sky.' I chuckled. 'You know what, you might just be right.' Stiles said and I looked up at him with a confused look. He nodded outside the car to the mirror. 'Can you see what's on that mirror?' He asked me. 'Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.' I read. 'What about it? Wait, can you read that?' I exclaimed as I sat up straight, placing my hands on his chest for support. He nodded and I cheered pressing my lips to his. 'You know, maybe things well start to get better from now on.' I smiled.

Yeah right. Jokes.

I can't stop writing omg 

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