Motel California Part 2

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Okay so after saving Ethan from ripping himself apart, saving Boyd from drowning and finding Isaac hiding under a bed, we only had to find Sam and Scott now. But we first we had to go back to the bus to get the last flare, apparently fire pulls them out of their trance or whatever it is. Although I hadn't figured out how to snap both of them out of it with only one flare left. We ran down the stairs but I stopped in my tracks, we'd found them. Scott was holding the last, already burning flare in his hand and both him his twin sister were standing in a puddle of some kind of liquid. The same liquid was also dripping from my girlfriends raven black hair. 'Scott...' Allison began as she stepped closer to them. Lydia and I carefully followed them. My eyes widened at the sight. 'Samantha?' I whispered. I thought there were only supposed to be three sacrifices? But of course... We stopped the first ones. Lydia suddenly nudged my side, when I followed her gaze I found an empty can of gasoline. I gulped and looked back at the two people I've known for most of my life. My girlfriend turned her head a little, I caught her gaze and my heart sank. Her eyes were filled with sadness, every sprinkle of hope vanished. 'There's no hope.' Scott began talking. 'What do you mean, Scott?' Allison asked carefully. 'There's always hope.' She said. Scott shook his head. 'Not for us. Not for Derek.' He continued. I knew that with "us" he meant him and his sister. I hated it when they spoke as if they were one person. 'Derek wasn't your fault.' Allison spoke, I could hear she was trying to be strong, trying to hold back her tears. We both felt the same right now. 'Every time we try to fight back, it just gets worse. People keep getting hurt. People keep getting hurt.' Sammy spoke, keeping her gaze fixed on the ground. I stepped forward. 'Listen to me, okay? This isn't you, alright? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this.' I said. 'What if it isn't?' She replied finally looking up at me. I was a little taken back. There was no trace left of her love for me. Like it was never even there. 'What if this is just us.' Scott continued. 'What if doing this is actually is the best thing that we could for everyone else?' He asked. I had to find a way to stop them, but how? They were holding the last flare... 'It all started that night, the night I got bitten.' Scott said. 'You remember the way it was before that? You me, and Sammy. We were nothing. We weren't popular, you guys weren't dating... We weren't important. We were no one.' He continued. 'So maybe we should just be no one again. No one at all.' Sammy added reaching out her hand for the flare. Lydia gasped behind me. Silent tears were rolling down my cheeks at the sound of those words. My heart shattered. All I ever wanted was to protect her, but now I realized that I can't. I can protect her from every monster out there, but I can't protect her from herself. 'You guys.' I began, taking another step forward. 'Listen to me, okay? You're not no one. Okay, you're someone. You guys are my best friends. And I need you. Both of you. Scott, you're my brother.' I said as I slowly stepped into the puddle of gasoline. 'Sammy.' I whispered. 'Baby, please, you know this isn't right. Look at what you're doing. You guys, I wanna win more lacrosse games with you, I wanna defeat more evil sons o' bitches... Samantha god dammit I want you to walk towards me down the altar someday with Scott by your side, you hear me?' I told them. She looked up at me with big eyes. I smiled slightly at her and at the same time reached out my hand and wrapped it around the flare. I pulled the flare from Scott's hand and threw it over my shoulder. I let out a sigh of relief. I'd done it. 'NO!' Lydia suddenly yelled behind us and the next moment her body collided with us pushing us out of the gasoline as it went up in fire behind us. I crawled up and sat up straight. 'Stiles.' Scott said next to me. I turned to look at them. Sammy was still crying so I wiped her tears with my sleeve before I pulled both of them in a hug.

[Sam POV/ The next morning]

Stiles told me everything that happened that night. I couldn't believe Scott and I did that... Or, we're going to do that. But Stiles saved us. Apparently there were supposed to be three werewolf sacrifices, but they managed to stop every one of them. Thank god. But even though I didn't kill myself last night it really wasn't a fun morning though, not only because of that but also because we kinda woke up in the bus... My neck hurt and I had a cramp in my leg, but I smiled nevertheless because I woke up next to the love of my life. 'Morning.' He smiled when he saw I was awake. 'Morning.' I smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips. Just then I heard the bus doors go open. 'I don't even wanna know...' coach sighed. 'I really don't wanna know, but in case you missed the announcement, the meets cancelled. So we're heading home. Pack it in!' He said. I asked Stiles to give me my bag so I could try and make myself look somewhat human. I was brushing my hair when suddenly Ethan sat down next to Scott in front of us. Why? 'I don't know what happened last night, but I'm pretty sure you saved my life.' He spoke. 'Actually I saved your life... But not that matters it's just a minor detail...' Stiles said leaning forward a bit. I rolled my eyes and got out my toothbrush and water bottle. 'So I'm gonna give you something.' Ethan said. 'We're pretty sure Derek's still alive.' He said and I almost choked on toothpaste. 'But he killed one of ours. That means one of two things can happen: either he joins our pack...' He continued. 'And kills his own...' Scott added quietly. 'Or Kali goes after him, and we kill him. That's the way it works.' Ethan said and then got up to sit next to Danny. 'Well good morning to you to.' I mumbled with a mouth full of toothpaste. 'Where will you spit that out?' Stiles asked raising an eyebrow. I raised my eyebrow at him, brought the water bottle to my face and spat it in there without breaking eye contact. 'You disgust me...' He sighed looking the other way. I shrugged. 'It was your bottle.' I smiled and he glared. Our attention was then caught by Lydia who had coaches whistle. She blew it, but covered it with her hand. She showed us her hand and it was covered with a dark powder. 'Wolfs bane...' She said 'So every time coach blew his whistle on the bus Scott, Boyd, Isaac...' Stiles began. 'Ethan.' Lydia added. 'Et moi.' I sighed. 'We all inhaled it.' Scott said. 'You were all poisoned by it.' Allison said. 'So that's how the Darach got in their heads that's how he did it...' Stiles said and he quickly snatched the whistle from her hands and threw it out of the window. 'Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey Stilinski!' Coach yelled from the back of the bus. 'Uh sorry coach! My hand slipped!' Stiles yelled back. 'You're an idiot.' I chuckled pressing a kiss to your cheek. 'Yeah but you love me for it.' He replied and sent me a cheeky smile. 'True.' I shrugged and giggled.


now I'm going to sleep and than write the next chapter! :)

Love yousss allll    

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