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AUTHORS NOTE: If this chapter and the next one don't make a lot of sense I do am truly sorry as I do understand hahaha they were really difficult to write. But I assume you have all seen the show so I guess you'll know what's going on!

Lovies and enjoy!!!


'...They were there for two days.' Cora finished her story about young Derek and Peter running from hunters. 'Waiting, hiding. That's what we were taught to do when the hunters find us. Hide and heal.' She said. I nodded. 'Okay so is two days like standard then or are we thinking Derek's on some extended get away?' I asked. Cora turned around, a frown on her face. 'Why do you care?' She asked me. 'W-why do I care? Alright let's see: Because over the last few weeks my best friend and my girlfriend tried to kill themselves, his boss nearly got ritually sacrificed. A girl who I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed. Boyd was killed by alphas... You want me to keep going? Cause I can. For like an hour!' I exclaimed. I kinda wished Sammy was here right now, she was better at these things, and she could take Cora on if she tried to rip my head off. 'You think Derek can do anything about that?' Cora asked me. I sighed. 'No but since he's the one everyone's after it's more like he should do something.' I shrugged. Cora sighed and shook her head. 'I don't know. There's something different about him now. He wasn't like this when I knew him.' She said. 'Then what was he like?' I asked her. We heard footsteps coming down the stairs and we both looked up, it was Peter. 'A lot like Scott, actually.' He said and I raised my eyebrows. 'A lot like most teenagers, unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really, only to other teenagers.' He told us. 'So what happened? What changed him?' I asked, Peter smiled. 'Well, Stiles. What changed Scott? What changed you?' He asked me. 'A girl of course.' He said when I didn't reply. 'You're telling me some girl broke his little heart? That's why Derek's the way he is?' I asked. That was really the last thing I expected. Peter turned to Cora. 'Do you remember Derek before he was an alpha, he had blue eyes.' He said. 'Do you know why some wolves have blue eyes?' He asked me and I shook my head not knowing the answer. How was I supposed to know? 'I just thought it was like a genetic thing.' I shrugged. Peter shook his head. 'If you wanna know what changed Derek, you need to know what changed the colour of his eyes.' He said.


The door suddenly opened and Samantha walked in. 'Never heard about knocking?' Peter sighed. 'Stop whining grandpa.' She said as she plopped down next to him on the couch, Peter rolled his eyes. 'You might be a werewolf now but I can still kick your ass.' He told her. She raised her eyebrows at him. 'I'd very like to see you try, now, please continue.' She spoke and crossed her arms. I sighed a little. 'Okay so if Derek was a sophomore back then, how old was he? How old were you? How old are you now?' I asked. Peter raised an eyebrow. 'Not as old as we could have been but not as old as you might think.' He replied. 'Around fifty or so then.' Sammy shrugged and Peter rolled his eyes again. 'Okay that was frustratingly vague.' I quickly said before they could continue to throw insults at each other. I turned to Cora. 'How old are you?' I asked. 'I'm 17.' She replied. I threw my hands up. 'See that's an answer, that's how we answer people.' I told Peter. 'Well 17 how you'd measure in years.' Cora said grinning and I groaned. 'I'm just gonna drop it. Never mind. What happened to Derek and the cello girl?' I asked and Sammy's eyes widened. 'Wait what? Derek and a girl? What girl?' She grinned. 'What do you think happened?' Peter sighed. ' They're teenagers, one minute it's "I hate you, don't talk to me" and the next it's frantic groping in any dark corner they can manage to find themselves alone in for five minutes.' He said and I noticed Sam raising her eyebrows. 'Their favourite dark corner was an abandoned distillery outside of Beacon Hills.' Peter said. 'Alright, hold up.' I said. 'How do you know all this?' I asked. 'Yeah, you just said they were alone.' Sammy said agreeing with me. 'Back then I wasn't just Derek's uncle, I was his best friend, his closest confidant, that's how I know.' Peter replied. 'Wow, things sure have changed then.' Sammy muttered with a slight chuckle.


'Okay so let me get this straight.' Sammy began. 'Ennis, Deucalion, Kali... they all had their own pack back then? And then later they decided to kill them and form a little mighty alpha pack?' She asked with wide eyes. Peter nodded, he stood up and walked over to the window, where he drew a spiral on the glass. 'Our mark for a vendetta.' He said. 'And you guys really take that whole revenge thing to a whole new level, don't you?' I noticed. 'It's not just revenge.' Cora said between her teeth. 'Losing a member of your pack isn't like losing family, it's like you lose a limb.' She said quietly and she looked at Peter who was staring out of the window. 'They wouldn't even let Ennis see the body.' He said. 'I don't get it.' Cora said. 'What does this have to do with Derek?' She asked. 'Everything.' Peter said as he turned back to us. 'It's never just a single moment to confluence of events, personally, I looked at Ennis' circumstances and I saw profound loss. Derek, he saw something different he saw... an opportunity.' He said. I frowned. 'Opportunity for what?' I asked confused. 'To always be with her.' Peter replied calmly. 'The thing was he had this constant fear. He was obsessing over it, thinking about it all day, all night, always on his mind.' He continued. 'That she'd find out.' I spoke quietly and Peter nodded. 'The only way for them to be together forever was for her to turn. I kept telling him not to do it. Every day the more he thought about it the more convinced he became. But you know teenagers, I bet he even blames me. He's probably convinced himself the whole thing was my idea.'


Whilst Sammy went to check on Stiles who was with Cora and Peter, Allison and I went to Gerard to hear his side of the story, yep, that bastard is still alive and kicking. I had to take some of his pain away in order from him to talk, it better be worth it. He told us about him and Allison's father hunting down Derek and Peter back when they were in high school. He spoke about some underground basement they found in the woods, which had some kind of old tree inside with old Celtic druid symbols painted all over it. 'How does my father know all about Celtic symbols and druids?' Allison asked. 'Know thy enemy, Allison.' Gerard replied. 'The older wolves had a relationship with the druids. They called them emissaries.' He said. 'Like my boss? Deaton?' I asked leaning forward a bit. Gerard stood up from his wheelchair. 'Do you know the myth of Lycaon?' He asked us as he grabbed a book. Allison and I stood up and walked over to him. 'I know it's where the word Lycanthropy comes from.' I said. 'According to myths some Greek citizens believed they owed their lives more to Prometheus than to the Gods of Olympus. And some followers even took names to honour the titans instead of the Gods.' Gerard said. 'Like Deucalion.' I said. 'The son of Prometheus, Lycaon didn't just refuse to honour the Gods he challenged them. He tried to serve Zeus the flesh of a human being. Angered, Zeus destroyed the place with lightning bolts and then punished Lycaon and his sons by turning them into wolves. The part that's less known is how Lycaon found the druids the help him turn back to human.' Gerard told us. 'Why druids?' I asked.

'The believe was that the ancient druids knew how to shape shift. They couldn't make Lycaon and his sons human again but they did teach them how to shift back and forth.' Gerard told us. 'And so the druids became important advisors to the packs.'

Something About Me // Teen Wolf [BOOK 3] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now