Choas Rising Part 3

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I was sitting quietly in the corner of the room. Deaton said only he could talk to Isaac while he was in his trans state thingy, too many voices would confuse him. So I sat in the corner of the room and watched. It was weird to watch, Isaac answered to Deaton's questions, but his eyes were closed. It was working. Doctor D asked him about to night he found Erica and Boyd. And that's when things started to go wrong. The lights started flickering and Isaac kept repeating that he didn't wanna do that. Derek and Scott kept his body under water as Deaton tried to comfort him by saying it were only memories and that they couldn't hurt him. Finally he calmed down again. I released my breath and slid back down against the wall as I was halfway up my feet. 'Now let's go back to that night.' Deaton began talking again. 'To the place you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see? Is there some kind of building? A house?' He asked. 'N-No, it's not a house. It's stone. I-I think it's marble.' Isaac said. 'That's perfect. Can you give me any other descriptors?' Deaton asked. 'It's dusty, it's empty.' Isaac said. 'Like an abandon building?' Deaton asked. 'Isaac?' He said as the curly haired boy didn't reply. The lights started flickering again. Isaac grabbed a firm hold of my brother's arm saying something about someone seeing him. This could not be good. I slowly got up to my feet as Deaton was trying to calm him down again. 'Good, now tell me what you see.' He continued once Isaac had calmed down again. 'I hear him.' Isaac said as he opened his eyes. 'He's talking about the full moon, about being out of control when the moon rises.' He said. 'Is he talking to Erica?' Doctor D asked. 'I think so, I-I can't see her, I-I can't see either of them.' Isaac replied. 'Can you hear anything else?' Deaton asked him. 'They're worried. Worried what they'll do during the moon. They're worried that they're gonna hurt each other.' Isaac said. I noticed Derek shaking his head slightly. 'If they're locked up together during the full moon they're gonna tear each other apart.' He said quietly. Deaton clenched his jaw. 'Isaac, we need to find them right now. Can you see them? Do you know what kind of a room it is? Is there any kind of a marker? A number on a door? A sign?' He asked. Suddenly, the words had barely left the Doctors mouth, Isaac jumped up. He sat up straight in the freezing water and stared into the distance. 'They're here.' He whispered. He kept repeating those words as he slid back down into the water. 'They see me! They found me!' He rambled. 'This isn't working! Isaac where are they?' Derek said. There's always one rule breaker. 'I can't see them it's too dark!' Isaac exclaimed. 'Hale, Doctor D said not to talk to him...' I sighed. 'Isaac where are you?' Derek said completely ignoring me. 'His heart rate he could go into shock...' Deaton said. I groaned and grabbed Derek's arm. 'Derek let him go!' He didn't listen. He just kept yelling at Isaac to tell us what he saw. 'It's a vault it's a black vault!' Isaac yelled as he struggled around in the water. He then suddenly jumped up again. 'I saw the name.' He said. His voice was different, he was out of his trance. He climbed out of the water and I quickly handed him a towel. 'It's uh, Beacon Hills First National bank, it's an abandon bank and they're keeping them locked inside the vault.' He said. We were all quiet and Isaac looked around confused. 'What?' He asked. 'You don't remember what you said right before came out of it do you?' My boyfriend asked him. Isaac shook his head. 'No.' He said confused. 'You said that when they captured you, they dragged you into a room and that there was a body in it.' I said quietly. Isaac looked down at me confused. 'What body?' He asked. I opened my mouth but the words didn't come out. 'Erica. You said it was Erica.' Stiles then said. 'But that can't be true.' Derek said with a shrug. I sighed. 'Hale, he said he saw her...' I said quietly. 'Don't Hale me McCall.' Derek said making me frown. 'Look she's not dead!' He exclaimed. 'He said "there's a dead body, its Erica", doesn't leave much room for interpretation.' Stiles said. 'Then who was in the vault with Boyd?' Derek shot back. 'Someone else obviously.' Stiles shrugged. 'Maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle, the one that saved you?' Scott asked looking at Isaac. 'No she wasn't like us.' He said shaking his head. 'And whoever was in the volt with Boyd was.' He said. 'What's if that like how Erica died? They pit them against each other during the full moons and see which ones survive?' Stiles said. 'Then we get them out tonight.' Derek replied. 'Be smart about this, Derek.' Doctor D said, calm as always. 'We can't just go storming in.' He said. 'If Isaac got in then so can we.' He shot back. 'But he didn't get through a vault now did he?' I asked crossing my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow. 'We need a plan.' Scott said and I nodded in agreement. 'How are we gonna come up with a plan to break into a bank vault in less them 24 hours?' Derek asked. 'Uh I think someone already did.' Stiles said and I turned around to see him with his phone in his hand. 'Beacon Hill's first national closes its doors three months after vault robbery.' He said reading off his phone. 'Doesn't say here how it was robbed but it probably won't take long to find out.' He shrugged. 'How long?' Derek asked. 'It's the internet, Derek.' Stiles chuckled causing Derek to raise his eyebrows at my boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Stiles. 'Mr. Hale over here is a little old fashioned Stilinski.' I giggled and kissed his cheek. 'Give him a few minutes.' I then told Derek.

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