The Overlooked

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'Scott what are we doing here? Shouldn't we be looking for the sheriff?' I sighed as we walked towards the front door of Derek's crib. 'Yeah, I agree.' Stiles muttered quietly. He really wasn't happy that we were here, we wanted to be out there looking for his father, but I think he knows that there isn't much we can do right now. 'Trust me, we need to do this first.' Scott said as he opened the door. 'You first.' He told me. I frowned and tilted my head to the side. 'Why?' I asked. He smiled a little. 'Trust me, you go first.' He said. I sighed and stepped inside. 'If there is a mountain lion in here waiting to bite my head off I will have you de-balled Scott M...' The rest of my sentence flew away into thin air. He was standing right in front of me. Derek Hale. 'Holy hell...' I muttered as I started running towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Derek! You're Derek! You're Derek freaking Hale!' I exclaimed between laughter. He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my neck. 'Hey Sammy, I've missed you too.' He said. 'But... How... Why?' I whispered. 'I needed time. To heal, to think...' He replied. 'We came to tell you about Miss Blake.' Scott said as he locked the door behind him. Derek looked confused. 'Jennifer, the teacher you've been screwing.' I sighed with a role of my eyes. 'Yeah, I know everything.' I shrugged when I saw his shocked expression. 'What about her?' He asked calmly. 'She's the Darach, and she kidnapped my father.' Stiles said. A smile appeared on Derek's face and he laughed. 'That's a good one Stilinski, no seriously, what about Jennifer?' He asked. 'It's true, Derek.' I said. 'I saw it with my own eyes. She tried to strangle Lydia. She could throw Scott and I across the room with one bare hand, and I'm not even gonna start on her real face ugh... It's still giving me shivers.' Throughout my sentence Derek's face seemed to have gotten more serious with each word. 'So... She's the one who's been sacrificing people?' He asked with wide eyes and I nodded. 'And we think she's coming here, so we need your help.' Scott said. Just at that moment I could hear someone at the door. I quickly grabbed Stiles' and Scott's hands and pulled them with me behind a corner. The door opened and a pair of heels walked inside. 'Derek? Derek where are you?' Miss Blake asked. 'Right here.' Derek replied. 'Thank God, something happened, at the recital.' She told him and I rolled my eyes. Hell yeah something happened. 'Okay I need to tell you before you hear any of it from them.' She said. 'From who?' Derek asked sounding confused and sticking with the plan. 'Scott, Sam, Stiles... They're gonna tell you things. Things you can't believe you have to trust me okay?' Just as we thought. We knew she would come here to try and get Derek on her side. 'What is it?' Derek asked. 'Promise you'll listen to me?' She asked. 'Promise.' There was a long silence. 'They're already here aren't they?' She sighed. Scott and I shot each other a look. I stepped around the corner and leaned against the wall. 'Took you long enough sunshine.' I smiled. 'So, they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?' She said turning to Derek. 'Correction.' I began. 'We told him you're the one killing people.' Scott said. She grinned. 'Oh, that's right. Committing human sacrifices, cutting their throats? Yeah I probably do it on my lunch hour that way I can get back to teach high school English for the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense.' She said. 'Where's my dad?' Stiles asked darkly. 'How should I know?' Miss Blake asked. 'Cause you took him you crazy bitch!' I growled and stepped forward but Scott grabbed my arm holding me back. She looked at Derek with big eyes. 'Derek, tell me you don't believe this.' She pleaded. 'Derek knows exactly what to believe.' I muttered. Derek remained quiet as he looked at us, and her. 'Do you know what happened to Stiles' father?' He then asked her. 'No.' She replied. 'Ask her why she almost killed Lydia.' Scott said. 'Lydia Martin?' Miss Blake exclaimed. Yeah right, you act like you know nothing. 'No, Lydia Furgerson.' I sighed and rolled my eyes. 'I don't know anything about that.' She said. 'Than what do you know?' Derek asked. 'That these kids, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story they can't prove by the way!' She replied. Scott then held up the bottle we picked up on the way here. 'What if we can?' He asked. 'What is that?' Miss Blake asked carefully. 'My boss told me it's a poison and a cure. Which means you can use it, and it can be used against you.' My brother said. 'Mistletoe?' She asked and Scott responded by throwing the white-yellowish powder that was inside the bottle on her. For a moment she was surrounded by this dust and for a second her true face was shown. And there is your prove. She tried to run for the door but Derek grabbed her by her throat. 'Derek, wait! Wait! You need me!' She said. 'What are you?' He asked her, his claws ready to attack. 'The only person that can save your sister!' She breathed out and I growled. 'Call Peter, call him!' She exclaimed. Derek doubted for a moment but then yet reached into his pocket and took out his phone without loosening his grip on her. 'Peter, how's Cora?' He asked. 'It's not good. She's in an out of consciousness, she's vomiting black blood with some other alarming substance.' Peter replied with a sigh. 'Mistletoe.' Derek said knowing it was right. 'How'd you know that?' Peter asked confused. Derek didn't reply and hung up. He squeezed her throat so she was now really struggling to breath. 'Derek.' Scott said. 'Derek what are you doing?' He asked, starting to panic a little. 'Her life! It's in my hands!' Miss Blake choked out. Derek replied by lifting her off the ground by her throat. Stiles stepped forward. 'Derek, stop.' He said. Derek was killing the only link to his father. 'Stilinski, you'll never find him.' She said and Stiles face dropped. 'Derek, please! We have to find Stiles' father!' I cried out. 'Derek!' I yelled. He spun his head around in my direction. His face softened and he lost grip on her. She fell to the ground. 'That's right, you need me, all of you.' She smirked as she looked at us. 'Yep, but that doesn't mean I can't do this.' I sighed stepping forward and kicking her right in the face.







"All good things must come to an end"

Have fun breaking your lil' brains over that one

Don't expect the obvious lolll

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