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'I can't believe I'm going in there again...' I muttered as I walked through the halls of Beacon Hill's high school. I stopped in front of the door that said "Boys Locker Room." and took a deep breath before stepping inside. The guys didn't even look surprised anymore, as I've walked in and out this room multiple times. I stopped right before I was about to walk around the corner where Scott and Stiles' lockers were. 'Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott!' I heard Stiles say. They're probably talking about this guy that was at the animal clinic last night, Scott told me about him. 'And you know who else is a virgin?' Stiles continued. 'Me! I'm a virgin! And do you know what that means? That means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life! Okay I need to have sex, like right now. Someone needs to have sex with me, like today! Like someone needs to sex me right now!' Stiles rambled followed by the sound of a locker being thrown, shut. 'Alright I'll do it.' I then heard Danny say followed by a scream from Stiles, which in every other situation, would've made me laugh. But not now. 'Come around my place at 9, plan to stay the night. I like to cuddle. And I won't tell Sammy if you won't.' Danny said and I could see Stiles' shocked face in my head. 'That was so sweet, were you kidding?' Stiles asked. 'Yes! I'm kidding!' Danny said. He then suddenly appeared in front of me. 'Someone's getting desperate.' He chuckled as he walked past me. Okay, fuck it. I'll give Scott his phone later. I turned around and practically ran out of the room. Stiles was clearly panicking. But the killer wouldn't go after him, right? I mean, yeah he's a virgin... but still. I decided not to think about it right now and to get ready for some running. Apparently coach didn't want his lacrosse players to get fat now that they didn't have to play for a while (although there are still many abs walking around in that locker room) so he decided to let them run today. And because he's such a wonderful teacher, he decided to let the whole class run while he's at it. Which includes me... Yay! Not much later we were outside the school in the woods, I really wasn't looking forward to this. I hate running. I hate P.E. I hate sports. I hate anything that includes any physical needs of me. I should basically be in bed all day. But there had to be some idiot who decided students need some hours of useless physical education. Stupid. I groaned when I than also noticed my shoe laces were undone. So stupid. Luckily Isaac walked past. I grabbed his arm to stop him and he sent me a questioning look. I simply pointed a finger at my undone shoe laces. 'Really?' He sighed. 'Hey! I'm about to run my freaking legs off the least someone can do is tie my shoe laces.' I said crossing my arms over my chest. He rolled his eyes but nevertheless he crouched down. I noticed Scott a bit further ahead and waved at him with a big smile. He sent me this look and I could almost hear his voice in my head saying 'If there was an award for laziest person, you'd win it. Every year.' I chuckled but my smile faded when the other twins walked past us. Isaac looked kinda shocked when he saw them. 'Isaac? My left shoe?' I asked him. 'It's them!' He said before running off. 'Them? Who's them? Isaac my shoe!' I yelled after him. 'Stop whining and start running!' Scott said who was suddenly standing next to me. He grabbed my arm and we started to run. Of course we were in front of the group within a few seconds. Because we're awesome. Not because we're werewolves or anything... Okay, maybe. Isaac and the twins were way ahead of us. I don't even know why nobody's questioning how fast we are. I mean, even coach must've noticed that I'm running at front. That never happens. Normally I'm at the back and coach is running behind me threatening me. We were running further away from the group and closer to Isaac and the twins. I could see and hear them from here. They had Isaac on his knees and his arms behind his back. They were planning on counting, and breaking, every bone in his body. Scott and I shot each other one last look before we did on last sprint. Scott's fist met one of the twin's jaws, and my knee hit the other. 'That's two.' I shrugged. They both quickly got up, so did Isaac who quickly stood between me and my brother. Their red eyes didn't scare me off, okay maybe a little. I've seen, and felt, what an alpha is capable of. Let along two. I was about to attack but an ear piercing scream cut me off. We quickly ran to where the scream came from, the whole group was stood around a tree, with a guy tied to it with a rope. 'It's him isn't it?' Stiles, who had joined us, asked. 'Tell me it's not him.' I said quietly. 'It's the guy from the animal clinic.' Scott said. Soon cars pulled up and the sheriff and other cops started telling us to back up. Stiles grabbed his dad's arm and pulled him closer to the body. 'Dad, look, the same as the others.' He said. 'Yeah, I see.' the sheriff replied. 'Now, do me a favor, go back to school.' He then turned to coach and asked him for a favor. 'You heard the man, kids! Nothing to see here! Probably just some... homeless kid.' Coach called. 'Coach, he was a senior.' Scott said and coach sighed. 'He wasn't on the team was he?' He asked as if that were the most important thing. Suddenly a blonde haired girl ran forward crying. 'Oops, must be the girlfriend...' I muttered. Papa Stilinski shot me a glare and told us once again to leave. So the 'gang', as I like to call us now, and I started walking away from the crime scene. 'Did you see the way the twins looked at him?' Isaac asked. 'Yeah you mean like they had no idea what happened?' Stiles said. 'Nah, nah, they knew.' Isaac replied. 'Okay the kid was strangled with his own dog's leash! Am I the only recognizing the lack of werewolfitude in these murders?' Stiles exclaimed. 'Oh you think it's a coincidence? They turn up and people start dying?' Isaac shot back. I rolled my eyes. 'You're such girls.' I muttered and Stiles glared at me before turning back to Isaac. 'No, but I still don't think it's them.' He said. 'What do you think?' I asked elbowing my brother in his side. He looked at me confused for a second, his mind was clearly somewhere else. 'Uh, I don't know yet.' He replied. 'You don't know yet?' Stiles asked with his arms crossed over his chest. 'Well, he's got a point.' Scott said pointing at Isaac. Stiles' jaw dropped and Scott sighed. 'Seriously, dude? Human sacrifices?' Scott asked. 'Scott.' Stiles began. 'Your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, hair literally grows from your cheeks and will then immediately disappear. And if I were to stab you right now it would just magically heal and you're telling me you're having trouble considering human sacrifices?' Stiles rambled. Scott sighed and turned to Isaac. 'That's a good point too.' He shrugged. 'I don't care.' Isaac sighed. 'They killed that kid, they killed the girl that saved me, and I'm gonna kill them too.' Isaac said and walked away from us.

Monday can already piss the fuck off.

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