Currents Part 3

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'Whoa whoa, but isn't Danny still in the hospital?' Cora asked as we all left the classroom. 'Yeah, so that's where we're going right now.' Stiles replied. 'I'll meet you there.' Scott said. 'Why?' I asked. He turned around and showed us a text message from Allison saying she might've found something. 'Well, then I guess it's you and me buddy, let's go.' I said grabbing Stiles hand. Once inside the hospital we tried our best to not be seen by anyone. Which went pretty well if you ask me. I looked through the window to see if there was a nurse in Danny's room, when I saw it was clear I nodded at Stiles and he carefully opened the door sneaking inside. I followed him and quietly closed the door behind me. We stood next to Danny's bed and he seemed to be asleep. 'Danny?' Stiles whispered. 'You awake?' I poked his shoulder and there was no reaction. 'I think he's out.' I whispered to Stiles. He didn't seem convinced. He reached out his hand and gave Danny's cheek a soft slap. 'Stiles, he's out. Don't worry.' I whispered. He did it again, with the back of his hand. Danny moved and muttered something, we both jumped back. 'You believe me now?' I hissed from across the room. Stiles rolled his eyes and reached for Danny's bag which was next to his bed. 'What are you doing?' I suddenly heard Danny mumble. My eyes widened and Stiles, who was crouching down in front of the now open bag, froze. He stood up a bit so his head appeared from above the bed. 'I, uh... I'm not doing anything, Danny, this is just a dream, that you're having.' He said quietly and then went back to searching Danny's bag. 'Why are you going through my stuff?' Danny mumbled again. Stiles popped his head above the bed again. 'Right, but only in the dream, remember?' He slowly lowered his head again. 'Right? Dream, dreaming...' He whispered. 'Why would I dream about you going through my stuff?' Danny asked and I rolled my eyes with a groan. Stiles looked up again. 'I don't know that Danny, okay? It's your dream. Take responsibility for it. Now shut up and go back to sleep.' He said. I shook my head smiling and walked over to him, just then Stiles pulled out some kind of document out of Danny's bag. 'Would he mind if I borrowed this?' He asked me with raised eyebrows. 'It's his dream, he has to take responsibility for it.' I winked and grabbed his hand dragging him out of the room. We left the hospital walking into the cold night air, it was now dark outside. Stiles pulled out his phone and called Scott. 'Me and Allison found this map from her dad, he marked all kind of things. Deaton can be in six locations but they're all over town. I don't know how we can get to all of them fast enough.' My brother explained. I yanked Stiles' hand towards my face and sighed. 'Allison and I, Scott. Allison and I.' I told him. I practically heard him roll his eyes. So did Stiles. 'We might not have to Scott, Danny was doing a project, something for Mr. Harris' physics class. I think it actually means something.' Stiles said. 'What project?' Scott asked. 'Something on telluric currents.' Stiles replied. 'Did you say currents?' My brother asked. 'Yep.' I yanked the phone towards me again. 'Go to the animal clinic, Stiles will meet you there.' I told him. 'Where are you going?' Scott asked confused. I broke the connection and handed Stiles' his phone back. 'Yeah, where exactly are you going?' Stiles asked. 'Derek.' I replied already walking away from him. 'Samantha I won't let you go there alone! You could get killed!' Stiles yelled after me. 'Kali is going to kill him, Stiles. I owe him.' I said not looking back at him and walking away.


I arrived at the animal clinic where Scott, Cora and Lydia were. 'Where'd Sammy go?' Scott asked me. I sighed. 'Derek.' I replied. His eyes widened. 'You let her go there? Are you out of your mind?!' He rambled, panic raising in his voice. 'What was I supposed to do? She can kick my ass with just her pinky finger. I told her she shouldn't go and that she could get killed but she said that Kali will kill him that she owed him.' I explained and Scott face softened a bit. 'Derek's whole plan on electrocuting better work. Or I'll be the one killing him.' He sighed. I nodded. I wasn't happy with her going there, but it was what she wanted. And I'm not gonna be the boyfriend who makes all his girlfriend's decisions. 'Now, look this is Danny's project.' I said placing it on the table. 'Okay but what does this kids homework have to do with finding Deaton?' Cora asked. 'Because it's not just homework. It's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the earth. They can even be affected by a lunar fazes.' I told them. 'Alright, now look at this.' I said flipping the page. 'This is a note from Harris on Danny's proposal.' I said. We all leaned over it and Lydia started reading the note. 'I strongly advise you choose another subject. The idea's here, while, innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudo-science. Not suitable for class.' She read. 'Harris wasn't just a sacrifice he knew something.' Scott said. 'Yep and check this out, Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map, Danny had one too.' I said pulling out the map and opening it. Scott placed the pictured that he took at Allison's on top of it. 'Okay now the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it's actually a beacon. You wouldn't believe how much energy flowing around the earth is around this town.' I told them. 'Stiles, look they match!' Scott said comparing Danny's map with Argent's. 'Alright there's three places right, where they were kidnapped, and where there body was found. So maybe where he was sacrificed is somewhere in between.' Scot said. 'Let me see.' I said grabbing the pen from Scott's hand. 'You said there's six more bodies to be found. Deaton's one of 'em. It's gotta be somewhere in between.' I said and started marking all the possible places. 'Stop.' Cora suddenly said placing her hand on top of mine. She moved my hand until the pen was resting right above Beacon Hill's first national. 'He's in the vault. He's in the same vault.' She said. We all grabbed our stuff and went for the door when Lydia stopped us. 'Lydia, we don't have time.' Scott said. 'It's Boyd.' Cora said looking up from her phone. 'The plan didn't work. They cut the power.' She said. I slowly turned my head to look at Scott. We didn't say anything but we both thought the same thing. Sammy. Scott looked at the ground, he clearly didn't know what to do, we had to save Deaton, but his sister could be in trouble. He finally looked up again, his eyes met mine. 'Go, I can save Deaton myself.' He said. 'Whoa, hey Scott what about us?' I asked. 'Cora can't get there fast enough without you. Go. We can save both of 'em.' He said. I nodded and turned back to see if Cora and Lydia agreed. 'Cora?' Scott asked, a sad tone in his voice. 'I know Derek's your brother and all, but Sammy's also my sister.' He didn't need to say anything else. Cora nodded saying she understood what he meant.


Kali buried her claws in my back making me scream. I've been trying to get to the twins, for some reason they had Miss Blake. Did she know Derek? Is there something Derek should tell me? Me and him are gonna have a word if we make it out of this alive. So as I was saying, I've been trying to get to the twins so Miss Blake could get out, but Kali keeps pulling me back. She climbed on walls and jumped on tables. She was pissed off. She wanted Derek and her to fight one on one. That's why Boyd and Isaac were standing against the wall. But I wasn't scared of her. But I must admit, she was a great fighter. Although, I think every woman with claws for toenails has a bit of an advantage. After she smacked my head against the wall a few times I had to sit still for a bit. How could I punch her in the face when I saw five of her? She jumped on the table again and kicked Derek in the back so he fell down on all fours. Isaac stepped forward to help but Derek told him not to. There was still water everywhere and they could easily turn the power back on frying whoever was in the water. The fight continued and I tried standing up using the wall for support but my head was spinning and I felt like throwing up. One thing I saw clearly though, was Isaac's shocked face when he ran into the water. 'SAM! GET OUT OF THE WATER!' He yelled. I was dizzy and confused, he grabbed my jacked pulling me with him. We rammed into the twins and pushed Miss Blake out of the water, just in time before fireworks started erupting from the water. I didn't really seem to hurt them though. Kali was really pissed off right now. She told the twins to hold Derek, whilst she lifted Boyd from the ground. The twins held up Derek's clawed hand and Kali threw Boyd into the claws. Some mumbling painful noises left Boyd's mouth before he slid down into the water. Kali smirked and walked away. 'Giving you till the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack. Or next time I'm killing all of you.' She said. As she walked past us she yanked me towards her by my hair. 'Next time you pull a stunt like that, your brains will be stuck to these walls.' She said. I stuck my tongue after her as she walked away. 'I got my eyes on you!' I warned the twins as they walked past us. I watched Derek telling Boyd how sorry he was and Boyd telling Derek that it was alright. Cora, Lydia and Stiles came in right after Boyd died. They stood there in shock for a while. I got up and crawled through the water until I was sitting on my knees next to Derek, silent tears running down my cheeks. I heard footsteps behind me and I didn't have to look to know it was Stiles. Derek looked up at me. 'Why did you come? She easily could've killed you.' He said quietly. 'I owe you my life Derek Hale.' I whispered. 'I'm so sorry.' I said and pulled him into a hug. I looked up at Stiles. He reached out his hand and I took it. I don't know how long I sat there holding Stiles' hand with a crying Derek in my arms.

Oh god I'm so dumb

I started writing the next episode but I noticed I missed a few things, first I thought the mixed the episodes up but It turned out I hadn't finished writing this one

Good thing I found out because this is some emotional shit god damn

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