Riddled Part 3

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'Morning mom, Papa Stilinski.' I smiled as I found them outside Stiles' door. 'You actually did it, what time did you get up?' Mom asked me with a raised eyebrow. '10 minutes ago, I don't need much time getting ready.' I shrugged. 'Is he awake yet? I brought him some muffins, he likes those in the morning.' I said holding up the paper bag. 'He's still asleep.' Mom said with a shake of her head. 'Sweetie, before you go inside. I uh... I was just about to tell the sheriff something but I think this concerns you as well.' She said and the sheriff and I shared a confused look. 'It was the other day, I asked him some questions, just symptoms, remember? You were there?' She asked looking at me and I nodded. 'And uh... He uh...' The sheriff shook his head saying it was alright. 'It's okay.' He said as he grabbed a small notebook from his pocket. 'I think I know what you're talking about. I've been writing these down for the past two weeks.' He said handing the notebook to my mother. 'I think we need to do some tests.' He said quietly. I frowned. 'Tests? What for?' I asked confused. 'Samantha.' The sheriff began. 'All his symptoms match with Claudia's.' The sheriff said and my knees went weak again. The bag with muffins fell to the ground and the sheriff quickly reached forward to keep me from falling. 'Sam? Honey? Do you want to sit down?' Mom said as she placed her hands on my shoulders in a concerned matter. 'No...it can't be...he can't...My Stiles...' I was muttering words, not able to make sentences with them. All the memories of when Stiles' mother was sick were floating back into my mind. I wouldn't be able to watch Stiles go through that. 'It's okay Sammy. It's gonna be okay...' The sheriff said as he pulled me against his chest.


We were now around six in the afternoon and they were still doing tests on Stiles. Mom actually allowed me to stay at the hospital, she knew that with this new information I wouldn't leave his side. Scott arrived just as they were about to do an MRI. 'I'm not sure I know how to pronounce this, or if it's just a misspelling.' The doctor said looking at the sheriff. 'Just call him Stiles.' He shrugged. 'Okay, Stiles, just to warn you. You're going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI. It's due to pulses of electricity going through the metal coils inside the machine. If you want we can get some ear plugs or headphones.' He said. 'Ah, no, I don't need anything.' Stiles shrugged. 'Hey, we're just on the other side of that window, kay buddy?' The sheriff said. He, the doctor and my mom left leaving the three of us alone. 'You know what they're looking for right?' Stiles asked us. I bit my lower lip and sighed. 'Yeah.' Scott replied quietly. 'It's called frontotemporal dementia.' Stiles said. 'Areas of your brain start to shrink, it's what my mother had. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers, there's no cure.' He told us. Scott shut his eyes for a second. 'Stiles if you have it, we'll do something. I'll do something.' Scott said and I looked up confused. Stiles nodded and hugged his best friend. Scott smiled a little before he walked out of the room. Stiles sighed and reached out his hand to take, it was weird knowing my mom and his dad were watching and probably listening. I clenched my jaw trying my best not to cry. 'You know, there is a chance you don't have it.' I said. Stiles smiled. 'You were always the optimistic one.' He said. 'Do you remember the day she died?' He said cupping one of my cheeks with his hand. I nodded. 'I remember it like it was just yesterday.' I whispered. 'I had my first panic attack that day, and you, out of all people, managed to calm me down. You had no idea what you were doing, but you did. And that was the moment I realized I loved you. But yet it took me so long to tell you...' He said as he tucked of loose strand of hair behind my ear. 'And I still have no idea how I ever got you to say yes.' He said and I chuckled. 'You're just different than all the other guys.' I shrugged. 'What? Because I'm not trying to get in your pants? At least not as obvious as them.' He shrugged and I rolled my eyes. 'Our parents are watching and probably listening you idiot.' I said looking down. 'Yes we are.' Two voices sounded and I looked at the window awkwardly. Well, it was a mirror on our side. 'I should go, the doctor has to do his tests...' I muttered and turned around. 'Wait.' Stiles called. He grabbed my hand, spun me back around and crashed his lips onto mine. 'You're different than all the other girls. I love you, don't forget that.' He whispered. He wiped a single tear from my cheek. 'Come here.' He muttered and pulled me into a hug. 'We'll find a way, we always do.' I said between my tears. 'I love you so much.' I kissed his cheek and stepped into the other room, mom smiled a little me and pulled me into a hug. 'Okay, Stiles.' The doctor said through the mic. 'This is gonna take about 45 minutes to an hour. And remember, try not to move, even just a little bit.' He said and Stiles, who was still trying to lay comfortable, froze and I smiled. 'Okay Stiles you're going to hear that noise now. It's going to be a loud clanging. Kind of like a hammer hitting an anvil.' He said. There was a knock on the door and it was Derek wanting to talk to Scott. It was a short conversation because 5 minutes later Scott was back. 'Sammy.' He whispered, and turned around and shot him a questioning look. He nodded motioning for me to follow him. 'I'll be right back.' I told my mom and the sheriff. 'Call me if anything... I don't know just call or text me.' I said. She nodded and I followed Scott outside. Him and Derek for some reason went to the roof. 'What are we looking for?' Derek asked as we ran up the roof. 'Yeah, I'd like to know that as well.' I said. 'I'm not sure, but I don't think Stiles was just up here struggling with himself I think he was struggling not to do something.' Scott said. Scott jumped on some kind of box and grabbed a bag from the top of some kind of electricity generator thingy. The bag was filled with cables and all kinds of other stuff. We looked at the bag confused and then up from where it came from to see one important looking cable had a cut In it. 'Oh shit.' I ran back downstairs back the MRI room. I ran inside the room and frowned when I saw the look on my mothers and Papa Stilinski's face. 'I'm sorry.' The doctor said and I knew what it meant. 'No, no, no, no, no.' I whispered and walked over to the sheriff wrapping my arms around his neck. 'No, no, no oh god no...' I squeezed my eyes together. This is not happening. It's just a bad dream. This can't be happening. I slowly re-opened my eyes when I noticed something else. 'What is it?' The sheriff asked when he noticed I froze. 'His heartbeat, it's racing.' I whispered so the doctor couldn't hear, it would be kinda strange that a little girl could hear a heartbeat from that distance. 'Wait, now it's back to normal.' I whispered and then the light started flickering. 'What was that?' Mom asked. 'It sounded like a power surge.' The doctor replied. 'Where is my son?' I heard the sheriff ask and I spun around. 'What?' I placed my hands on the window and indeed saw that the MRI scanner was empty. Stiles was gone. I turned towards the doctor. 'How is this possible?' I asked. He only shook his head, looking just as confused as us. 'Where is he? He couldn't have just gotten up and left now could he? So why don't you get up and go find him! Do something!' I screamed. Scott and Derek entered the room where I was freaking out to the doctor yelling at him how this was possible and that he should do something, although I kind of knew there was nothing he could do and that this wasn't his fault. Derek grabbed my shoulders pulling me back. 'C'mon Sam, we need your help outside.' He said. 'No!' I yelled trying to break free from his grip. 'I have to find him! I have... I need to find him...' I burst out into tears again and Derek wrapped one arm around my waist lifting my feet off the ground and running out of the room. 'No! Derek he could be in trouble!' I sobbed. 'He's been in trouble for a long time Sammy, we'll find him but now we need you to focus, okay?' He said. I nodded, wiped my tears away and took a few deep breaths. We ran outside the hospital where there was total chaos. A giant electric wire had come loose and was flying around the parking lot, the parking lot was also covered in water which didn't do any good. Lydia, Isaac, and an ambulance driver where down in the water. I watched Kira run onto to a car, do a front flip and land into the water. But she didn't get electrocuted. What the hell? She grabbed the wire and placed her hand on top of it. Her eyes turned an orange color and the wire stopped spitting out fireworks. Derek ran over to Isaac and yelled to us that he wasn't breathing. Everything that happened next past me by like I was watching a movie from inside of it. They brought Isaac inside the hospital, Deputy Parrish said two people saw Stiles' jeep leave the hospital and the wire that caused Isaac to be in the hospital seems to be cut. Scott took me home and we didn't sleep that night. We just laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. I knew we were both thinking the same thing. Derek told us we should tell the sheriff what's really wrong with his son. But how do we tell a father his son is possessed by an evil spirit who kicks on chaos, strife and pain? We laid there until it was time for school. We couldn't feel how tired we were.


Only I have to prepare two more oral exercises ew

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