The Girl Who Knew Too Much Part 2

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'Why are you even talking to me?' Ethan sighed. 'I helped kill your friend how do you know I'm not gonna kill another one.' He said. 'Is he looking at me?' Stiles asked raising his eyebrow. 'I live life on the edge.' I shrugged and I could see Stiles' jaw drop from the corner of my eye. 'Well thanks I'll remember that!' He exclaimed throwing his hands up. He let out a groan. 'Are you threatening me?' He then asked Ethan. 'You know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfs bane, roll it in mistletoe and shove it up your freaking...' I quickly put my hand over his mouth and smiled sweetly at Ethan. 'He means no harm, really.' I said. 'We're talking to you.' Scott began eyeing Stiles. 'Because I know that you didn't wanna kill Boyd. And I think that if something like that happened now, you wouldn't do it again.' He said. 'You don't know what we owe them.' Ethan said with a shake of his head. 'Especially Deucalion. We weren't like Kali and Ennis when we met him, we weren't alphas.' He said. 'What were you?' Scott asked. 'Ten bucks he's gonna say omega's...' I muttered. Ethan nodded. 'In actual wolf packs omegas are the scapegoat, the last to eat, the ones who have to take the abuse from the rest of the pack.' Ethan explained. 'So you and your brother were like the bitches of the pack?' Stiles said and rolled my eyes. 'Something like that.' Ethan replied. 'What happened?' I asked. 'They were killers. You know people talk about us as monsters but they were the ones who gave us the reputation. And our alpha was the worst of 'em.' He said. 'Why didn't you guys just fight back?' Stiles asked. 'You know form voltron wolf and kick everyone's asses.' He shrugged. 'We couldn't, we didn't know how to control it back then.' Ethan replied. 'But Deucalion taught you.' Scott said. 'And then we fought, we took down the whole pack one by one and by the time we got to our alpha he was begging for his life, and we tore him apart. Literally.' Ethan said. 'What about your emissary?' I asked. Ethan shook his head. 'They were all dead? Kali and Ennis' to?' Scott asked. 'All of them except for Deucalion's.' Ethan replied. 'You mean Morell?' Stiles asked. Suddenly Ethan cringed and his hand reached for his chest. 'What's wrong, are you hurt?' Scott asked. Ethan shook his head. 'Not me, my brother.' He said. 'Oh god let's go save his ass.' I sighed and started running down the stairs. We ended up in the locker room, why do the fights always happen in the locker room? It took three werewolves to stop Aiden from throwing some massive lifting weights on Cora's head. 'Aiden! You can't do this!' Ethan yelled at his brother. 'She came at me!' Aiden shot back. 'Guess what, I don't care.' I sighed. 'Kali gave Derek till the next full moon you can't touch him or her.' Ethan said. He then took Aiden out of the room. 'Hey guys I think she's pretty hurt.' Stiles said from behind me. I turned around and saw Cora laying on the floor. 'Of course she is what were you thinking! He's still an alpha!' I groaned as I helped her get up. 'Here.' I said handing her a tissue I grabbed from my bag, she smiled and stood in front of the mirror where she started cleaning the blood from her head. 'Are you okay?' Scott asked her. 'She doesn't look okay...' Lydia muttered and I heard Cora sigh. 'I'll heal.' She said. She stepped back but looked like she was about the faint so we all stepped forward. 'I said, I'm fine.' She said stepping away from and holding onto the sink. 'Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was?' Stiles asked her. I nodded in approval. 'What were you thinking going after him?' I sighed. 'I did it for Boyd!' She snapped. 'Neither of you were doing anything.' She said looking at Scott who looked quite upset. 'We're trying.' He said. 'And you're failing. You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers running around thinking that you can stop people from getting killed, but all you really do is find the bodies.' She said and turned around and left the room. Stiles sighed. 'Well, she's definitely a Hale. I'll make sure she gets home.' He said before jogging after her. 'And come right back!' I yelled after him. 'So, now what?' I sighed. Scott smiled a little. 'You and me are gonna pay a little visit to our school counsellor.' He said.


We walked into her office without knocking. She didn't look up as she spoke. 'I'm sorry I don't think I remember having any more appointments.' Her smile faded when she saw it was us. 'Are you sure?' Scott asked. 'Cause we could use a little guidance right now.' I shrugged. She sat down on her chair and motioned for us to sit down as well. 'Why are you bothering with me? When you know the clock is ticking and you know someone else if about to be taking?' She asked us. 'By you I bet?' I asked raising an eyebrow. She smiled a little. 'Come on Sam, shouldn't you leave the interrogation to someone like Stilinski?' She asked with a role of her eyes. I growled and Scott placed his hand on mine. 'Are you the one killing people?' He asked sternly. 'Are you listening to my heart beat?' Her question made me focus on her heart beat and it was steady the whole time. 'No, I'm not the one killing people.' She said calmly. I groaned. God I kind of hoped it was her. 'Truth is.' She continued, leaning back in her chair. 'I'm all that stands between Deucalion and the lives of your friends. I've been the one pulling the leash taut when they're salivating for a bite.' She spoke. 'What do you mean?' I asked confused. One moment she's evil one moment she's not, damn pick a side woman. 'He wants a true alpha in his pack, he thinks it's you, Scott. A little distraction like a few human sacrifices isn't gonna dissuade him from the price.' She replied. 'I'm not an alpha.' Scott said. 'But you're well on your way aren't you?' She asked him. Well, Deaton did say he saw Scott's eyes turn red for a moment when he was saving him back when he was hanging in the vault. 'Then what is he waiting for? What does he want me to do?' Scott yelled standing up and smashing his hands on the desk. She copied his actions. 'He wants to make a killer out of you, that's what he does.' She said. 'But he can't be a true alpha if he kills someone.' I noticed. That's the whole point of being a true alpha right? 'Exactly. You want the psychologist's perspective? He's an obsessive. He both desires you and is threatened by you. If the obsessive can have the object of his desire, he'll choose to destroy instead, you'll either willingly become part of his pack or he'll make a killer out of you, destroying the potential of becoming a true alpha.' She told us. 'Neither of those is ever going to happen.' Scott said between gritted teeth. 'Don't be so sure.' She said as she sat back down. 'You're playing his game. And while you're trying to figure out what to do next, he's thinking ten moves ahead. With checkmate already in sight.' She said. 'Okay, thank you for your very useful information, but we'll have to go now. C'mon Scotty we've got other classes to get to.' I rambled as I stood up and pulled Scott out of the office by his arm. Just as I was about to say something, an ear piercing scream sounded through the school. A scream that could only come from person. Lydia.

School tomorrow.


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