Echo House

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I woke up with the biggest headache in the history of headaches. I slowly opened my eyes and recognized the Stilinski's living room. Across the room was Stiles sitting on a chair. I jumped up and crawled into the corner of the sofa. Stiles looked at my sadly before turning his gaze away from me. I frowned, was this my Stiles? The sheriff entered the room. 'Some ice, for your head.' He said and I smiled a little as he handed it to me, I held it to the sore spot on my head and sighed with relief. 'Can we go now?' Stiles asked his father and the sheriff nodded. I guess Stiles was Stiles again, well, last time I thought that I ended up with my own boyfriend knocking me out. 'Go where?' I asked confused. 'You'll see, I just want you to come.' Stiles said as he stood up. I nodded and stood up. He looked at me like he wanted something from me, maybe to take his hand like I normally would. 'Deaton poisoned it, I'm me I swear to god.' He said. The sheriff sighed and looked down at the ground. I reached out my hand. Stiles smiled a little and took my hand. We walked outside into the sheriff's car, instead of getting into the passenger's seat like I thought he would, Stiles got in the backseat with me. I held his hand the whole time, but still couldn't help but feel a little scared. How could we know for sure this was my Stiles? There was absolute silence in the car, not that there really was anything we could talk about...When we arrived the sheriff let out a sigh. Sometimes I forget how hard this must be for the poor man. I looked outside and frowned. I recognized these gates. I've been here before. When Lydia thought she'd found Stiles, but it turned out she was wrong. Eichen House. 'Stiles...' I whispered. 'It's what I want Samantha.' He replied, and I knew he was dead serious as he used my full name. 'I don't want to hurt you again...' He whispered. 'Stiles I know that wasn't you, I'm not angry with you.' I said squeezing his hand a little. 'I don't care. The last thing I wanted was for you to get hurt and that's exactly what happened. This is me making sure that never happens again. Ever.' He said and got out of the car. The sheriff and I shared a look before we also exited the car. We stood in front of the gate and I heard a bike pull up behind us. Scott. 'Sammy, you're awake thank god!' He said and hugged me. 'Why didn't you tell me?' He then asked turning to Stiles. 'Because we wanted to avoid something like this.' The sheriff replied. 'It's only 72 hours.' Stiles shrugged. 'Is that supposed to make me feel better?' I asked. 'This is the place Barrow came from.' Scott said. 'The guy who had a tumour filled with flies. You don't know everything yet.' He told the sheriff. 'I know enough.' The sheriff replied. 'Nogitsunes, Kitsunes, Oni, or whatever they're called.' He said. 'Nah, that's actually all surprisingly correct.' Stiles muttered. 'Scott, I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's.' Papa Stilinski continued. 'And it terrifies me. I'm headed down to LA tomorrow to talk to a specialist.' He said. 'Then why are you putting him in here?' I asked with a sigh. 'He's not. I told you, it's what I want. It's my decision.' Stiles said. 'Stiles we can't help you if you're inhere.' Scott said. 'And I can't hurt you.' Stiles replied. 'Or you.' He said turning to me. I shook my head. 'Deaton's got some ideas, Argent's calling some people... We're gonna find something and if we can't...' I rambled but Stiles shook his head. 'And if you can't,' He began. 'Then you have to do something for me, okay? Make sure I never get out.' He said. I watched my brother's eyes widen, just like mine. 'Scott...I hurt her. I physically hurt her.' Stiles whispered. 'That wasn't you.' Scott replied. 'But it was, though. She's everything to me, Scott, you know that. I just can't...' He sighed and looked toward his father who nodded at the gate. 'Let's go.' He said. Stiles grabbed my hand again. 'Will you please come with me?' He asked. I nodded. I turned to my brother. 'I'll see you later, make sure Isaac doesn't eat my dinner.' I told him before walking through those gates with the Stilinski's. We walked inside the building and I was immediately creeped out. 'Mr. Stilinski, this way please.' A female voice called.


'The first 72 hours there's no phone calls, no emails, no visitors.' The woman told us and I gulped. '72 hours is a pretty long time...' I muttered and she smiled a little. 'We will be taking you from here, to a brief physical. In the morning you'll be assessed by a staff psychologist, speak to a social worker and attend group therapy.' She said. 'I feel like we're forgetting something.' The sheriff sighed. The lady ignored it and placed a pair of slippers on the desk. 'You will be wearing these, no laces aloud. You don't have a belt do you? And please empty your pockets inhere.' She said placing a white box on the desk. 'His pillow.' I whispered to the sheriff realizing what was missing. 'Your pillow! We forgot your pillow!' The sheriff exclaimed. 'Dad, it's okay.' Stiles said quietly. 'No, no it's not okay. You'll never be able to fall asleep. We gotta go back.' Papa Stilinski rambled. 'Its fine dad, I don't need it.' Stiles said. 'I can't believe I forgot it, every time we've stayed at a hotel the first thing you pack is your pillow!' Papa Stilinski said. 'You can bring it tomorrow.' Stiles said as he starting emptying his pockets and placing the object in the white box. His keys, some change, his phone, a picture of us... I reached out my hand and held it in my hand. The sheriff saw and stood up from his chair. 'Okay, no, wait, stop, stop!' He said. 'Stiles get your stuff, I'm not checking in here if you're not gonna get one good night sleep.' He said. 'Dad.' Stiles began standing up and grabbing his dad's shoulders. 'I haven't had a good night sleep in weeks.' He said and pulled him in for a hug. I stood up and the woman followed my lead. Stiles carefully stroked my cheek with his fingertips. I placed my hand on top of his and leaned into his touch. 'Everything will get better, I promise.' He whispered and kissed my cheek before walking away with the woman.


Scott, Allison and I were at the animal clinic where Allison's father was currently on loudspeaker. According to Deaton we had a few problems, first the poison he used on the Nogitsune is not a cure, it will wear off in a few days. Also, Eichen house apparently has an unusual history so it might not be safe there for the Oni as well, not that I really care about them, they wanna kill Stiles. The second problem was that apparently some kind of Shugendo scroll wasn't found. And that scroll was kind of important as I had information on it on how to exorcise a Nogitsune. And Kinkaid is the name of the man who last had it. 'He lives with Katashi.' Allison said. 'He's the guy that met with Isaac to buy the gun.' He said. 'Sounds like Katashi wanted the scroll for himself...' Deaton said. 'A paranoid like Katashi would keep it close... Probably on him at all times.' Mr. Argent said. 'What does the Shugendo scroll look like?' Allison asked. Deaton stood and grabbed something from a drawer. 'Something like this.' He said showing it to us. 'Do these come in different sizes?' Allison asked. 'Any size.' Deaton replied. 'Then I think I know where it may be.' Allison said.


'Have you been awake all night?' My roommate, Oliver who'd just woken up, asked me. I nodded. 'Yeah, I can't sleep without my pillow.' I shrugged. Oliver coughed and I raised my eyebrows. 'You okay?' I asked him. 'I swallowed a bug the other day. You ever do that? I keep coughing like it's still in my throat...' He replied. 'That's disgusting Oliver.' I sighed. 'You don't have any idea what time they unlock the door do you?' The words had barely left my mouth or I heard someone unlock our door. 'Now.' Oliver said. We went outside looking for a phone. 'Most people here are okay.' Oliver told me. 'The violent ones are in a closed unit. That's Hillary, she has OCD. That's Garry, he thinks he's Jesus Christ. Dan, also Jesus. That's Mary.' He said. 'Mary Magdalene?' I asked. 'No also Jesus, you'd be surprised how many Jesus's we get.' Oliver said. 'Not really...' I muttered. I found a phone but a girl was using it so we had to wait. 'Hey, how come you wanna use the phone already?' Oliver asked. 'Because after one night I changed my mind about this place being save for me, or anyone, ever.' I sighed. 'So, who are you calling then?' Oliver asked. 'My girlfriend, uh, Sammy.' I said with a small smile but I was then distracted by the girl using the phone. 'No, I think you're wrong. I really think I should tell them. They need to know the story, the whole story. I really think they should know. Yes. One of them is standing right behind me...' I frowned and turned my head towards her. Did she mean me? She hung up the phone and walked past us. 'Who was that?' I asked walking towards the phone. 'That's Meredith, she's a little weird.' Oliver replied. 'No, you're a little weird, she's a lot weird.' I said. I sighed when I noticed the phone was dead. 'It's dead.' I said. 'Yeah, of course.' Oliver shrugged. 'The turn off all the phones for 24 hours after a suicide.' He said. I looked over Oliver's shoulder to the girl, Meredith, walking away. If the phone's off then who was she talking to? Actually, I don't really wanna know. I turned back to Oliver with a sigh. 'Why didn't you tell me that before?' I asked him. 'Why didn't you ask?' He replied with a shrug. Can I kill him?

BOOM! Just finished the last episode!

Gonna start watching season four now (cos I got nothin else to do) but like I said I probably won't start writing it yet. Hell I still have quite some chapters to upload so you'll be fine ;)

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