Echo House Part 2

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'So what are you gonna do now?' Oliver asked me. 'I'm gonna get out of this nuthouse.' I sighed as I walked away from the phone. 'That's not really the appropriate way to describe a facility like this.' Oliver said. I frowned when I kind of recognized a girl who was standing with her back towards us. 'Malia?' I asked and she turned around, it was indeed Malia. 'Hey, I'm Stiles. I'm friends with Scott and Sam, remember we're the ones who helped you out...' I was cut off by her fist meeting my face. I fell down to my knees and some guys immediately grabbed her arms. But for some reason they also decided to hold me down. 'What? She hit me! Wait, stop, I didn't do anything!' My eyes widened as I suddenly recognized the holes in the floor. Down here was the basement. I've been there before. 'Enough! Enough!' I familiar voice yelled. It was Morell, our guidance counsellor. She crouched down in front of me. 'Stiles, you saw something didn't you?' She asked me. I nodded. 'Basement. Been down there before.'


Group therapy. Of course. Fun, not. 'I wanna go back to the topic of guilt today.' Miss Morell said. 'It might surprise you to hear me say that guilt is a good thing, it's a rather mature emotion. Malia, you said something about guilt the other day. You said it came with a visceral reaction.' She said turned to the brown haired girl who gave me a headache for the rest of the day. 'I said it made me feel sick to my stomach.' Malia replied. 'Guilt often becomes physical, you feel it in your gut. It's not just psychological.' Miss Morel said. I looked over my shoulder and my breathing fastened when I saw him. The other guy, as I like to call him. The one who appears in my dreams, tells me riddles... He looked at me and I quickly turned away. 'How does guilt make you feel Stiles?' I faintly heard Miss Morell ask. 'I'm sorry, what?' I said. 'Guilt, what does it make you feel?' Miss Morel asked again. 'Nervous.' I replied not really having to think about my answer. 'Like a sense of emergency?' She asked me I nodded. 'You feel an urgent need to make up for something you've done, to apologize.' She said. I could see the other guy from the corner of my eye. I tried my best to ignore him. 'These are healthy responses.' Miss Morel said. 'Does anyone know how we call someone who doesn't experience guilt?' She asked and Oliver raised his hand. 'A sociopath?' He tried and she nodded with a smile. 'That's right Oliver. I'm sorry everyone but we're gonna need to take a break.' She said and everyone looked up confused. She stood up and looked at me. 'Come with me Stiles, I'd like to talk to you for a minute.' I stood up and followed her into her office. 'Turn around, lift you shirt.' She told me and I frowned a little yet did what she asked me. 'Did you know about these marks, Stiles?' She asked me. 'Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about.' I admitted honestly. She grabbed a small mirror and showed me the red line marks on my left shoulder and neck. 'It's called a Lichtenberg Figure.' She said. 'It appears on lightning strike victims. That appearing on you after a shot of wolf lichen is both significant and strange.' She said. 'By significant and strange you mean hopeful and optimistic?' I asked with a sigh. She walked over to a cupboard and grabbed a small bottle. 'When the marks fade, the Nogitsune's grip over you will return.' She said as she handed me the bottle. 'What are these? Sleeping pills?' I asked her. 'Amphetamines. Sleeping is exactly what you don't want to do. You're vulnerable when you're asleep.' She told me. 'So all I have to do is stay awake?' I asked and she nodded. 'For now, if your friends haven't figured anything out by the time those marks are gone, I'll come find you.' She said. 'To tell me what to do?' I asked. 'To give you an injection.' She replied. 'Pancuronium bromide. It causes respiratory paralysis.' She told me and I raised my eyebrows. 'That sounds a lot like death.' I noticed. 'It's used for lethal injection yes.' She confirmed. 'So when the Nogitsune takes over you're gonna kill me?' I asked. Because, let's face it, that's kind what she's saying here. 'I'm gonna do what I always do, maintain the balance.' She replied calmly. 'Okay then, I've missed our talks. Thanks for the illicit drugs!' I said as I walked out of the room. 'Stiles.' she called and I stopped walking. 'Stay awake.' She said. I was walking in an empty hallway and found the door that lead to the basement. If I could get down there I could see if it was really that basement. I tried to open the door and it's fair to say that I wasn't really surprised when I found out it was locked. 'What are you doing?' A voice asked behind me and I jumped. Thank god it was just Oliver. 'I need to get through here, to the basement.' I said. 'Doctors don't even have a key to this door.' Oliver replied. 'Only Brunski.' He shrugged. 'Is that the head orderly?' I asked. 'Yeah he has keys to everything in here.' Oliver told me. 'Does he keep them on him all the time?' I asked. 'I you want 'em, you're probably gonna have to find a way to trick him.' Oliver said. 'Well part of me is getting very good at playing tricks.' I replied as I walked past him.


Allison opened the door Scott, the twins and I and immediately came to business. 'My father said all the Katashi evidence is moved to a federal lock up by an armoured car tonight. Probably within the next few hours.' Allison told us. 'We're going to rob an armoured car?' Ethan asked with raised eyebrows. Lydia, who was already with Allison, shrugged. 'We're gonna try.' She said. 'This is a really bad plan.' Scott said after we went through the whole plan. 'Meh, I've seen worse.' I shrugged. 'See, Sammy gets it. It's not that bad.' Lydia said. 'It's not that good.' Ethan said. Lydia sighed and stood up. 'None of us know which route they're going to take, if Allison can get one of her dad's gps trackers on the armoured car, then we can follow it.' She said. 'So when it gets there.' Allison said pointing on a spot on the map. 'We attack 'em.' Aiden said and Lydia eyed him. 'No, your bikes will be in the middle of road looking like you had an accident, and when the driver gets out to help...' She said. 'Then we attack?' I asked and the room chorused with "No's." 'You will distract him.' Lydia told Aiden. 'And Scott will break open the back door.' She said. 'I hope.' Scott added. 'And you will look at Katashi's finger.' Lydia told Ethan. 'It's not his actual finger is it?' He asked and I smirked. 'Hell yeah it is.' I said making his eyes widen. 'Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?' He asked with a sigh. 'Because.' I began. 'If he gets caught then it's the sheriff tempering the federal evidence, and we don't want that because then my asshole father will steal his job.' I said. 'Guys this will work.' Allison said. 'We can do this. We're losing Stiles, my dad is in jail for murder, we need to do this.' She said.


After finding Malia in the boys room, showering, naked, we agreed that she would help me get into the basement in exchange for me helping her to find a way to turn back into a coyote. For some reason she prefers living as an animal in the woods, with fur, and raw meat. With no bed, pillow or pizza. I have no idea. I was outside standing behind a pillar as I watched Malia and Oliver work out the first stages of the plan. Which was them fighting. Two men came to pull Oliver off her, I helped her get up and in the process she handed me the keys which she got off the man. I went back inside to the same door I was at earlier and tried to find the right key. 'This guy's supposed to have keys to everything here...' I muttered and suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I had this feeling it wasn't Oliver this time. 'I do.' A voice said and snatched the keys from my hand. 'But nobody has the key to that room.' He said as he dragged me away. Some other guys appeared and they opened a door and walked me inside. 'Into the quiet room little man.' He held up the bottle I got from Miss Morel and raised his eyebrows. 'Why don't you tell us where you got these?' He asked. 'Vending machine.' I replied and he smiled. 'I always love the sarcastic ones.' He sighed. 'Give him five of Haldol.' He said handing a bottle to one of the other guys. Oh god no. 'Okay wait, is that a sedative? No wait, I can't go to sleep. Okay look I'm sorry! I'm sorry!' I rambled. They plugged the syringe into my arm. I immediately felt weaker and fell down to my knees. 'You don't get it... I can't... I gotta stay awake...'

So I tried to break a record and watch season four in one night but I failed :'( I only reached episode 8 :/

Let me know if you love, like, hate, idrc actually I do idk

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