The Overlooked Part 2

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'We're going to the hospital, get up.' Derek spoke and Jennifer did as she was asked. (Since we just found out she's actually a dark druid killing people, and probably not a real teacher, I'm calling her Jennifer. Whether she likes it or not.) She didn't even try to run, good choice. 'We'll follow in my jeep.' Stiles said with a nod. 'Great, I'm riding with Derek and the evil witch.' and Stiles' jaw dropped. 'No you're not! I'm not leaving you in a small car with her.' He said. Derek sighed. 'If she even tries to make the smallest move at your girlfriend, I'll rip her throat out, with my teeth.' He said and I giggled as it reminded me of the time he threatened to rip Stiles' throat out with his teeth. And you might not believe it, but even in Derek's car, I go back seat. It's like it's written on my forehead. And also the evil witch wouldn't shut up which wasn't really helping for the nap I was trying to take. 'You should know I'm not doing this because I have to.' She spoke but Derek kept his eyes on the road. 'I want to. I could still run, and you wouldn't have an easy time stopping me. But I don't want your sister to die. I'm only doing what I had to do.' She said. 'Shut up.' Derek said not taking his eyes of the road. I mentally thanked him. 'You need to know the whole story Derek! You need to know just how connected we really are.' Jennifer said, she was really starting to get on my nerves right now. I groaned. 'Gosh please just stop talking already!' I sighed. I got out my phone and saw I'd received a text from Stiles.

From Idiotic Boyfriend: Don't you think something's wrong here?

To Idiotic Boyfriend: Babe, keep your eyes on the road please I don't want you crashing into Derek's car he would not like that... PS it's a really nice car I plan on stealing it.

From Idiotic Boyfriend: I'm serious love, it's almost like everything is still going as planned...And you're right, I wouldn't want to crash into your future car.

To Idiotic Boyfriend: We'll find out soon, we're nearly there. And since when are in England?

From Idiotic Boyfriend: Well they probably don't have evil witches there who sacrifice people so...

To Idiotic Boyfriend: Idk let me ask Prince Harry, I'll let you know.

Instead of receiving another text, he called me. Why didn't he just text me? 'Are you calling whilst driving?' I chuckled as I laid down across the back seat. 'Maybe... Look I just wanted to tell you something.' Stiles replied. I frowned and sat back up, Derek noticed and shot me a questioning look through his rear-view mirror. I didn't like the tone in Stiles' voice, it was too serious. 'Tell me?' I said and I noticed I had started whispering, maybe I didn't want Derek or Jennifer to hear, or maybe I was just afraid of what was about to come. 'I just wanted to tell you that I love you, okay? I always have and I always will. I love you so, so much.' He said. My heart started racing. 'Stiles, what are you on about?' I whispered, my voice cracked. 'We don't know what could happen tonight, and I just wanted you to know that I love you.' He replied. I took a deep breath and tried to stop my tears from falling. 'I love you too Stiles, I love you too...' I whispered. 'That's all I needed to say...' He said. 'Okay.' I said. 'Okay.' He replied quietly. 'Sammy?' It was Derek, he was looking at me through the rear-view mirror, I looked up. 'We're here.' He told me. I hung up and got out of the car. As I closed my door Stiles and Scott climbed out of the jeep. I ran towards my boyfriend and jumped into his arms pressing my lips to his, kissing him as if it was the last kiss we'd share together. I pulled away for air and rested my forehead against his. They predicted a slight rain fall tonight but somehow it turned into a full on storm. It was raining really heavily and the wind was blowing so hard it could knock me off my feet, but my wet hair was the least of my worries right now. 'Nothing will happen tonight.' I told him. 'She dies and we walk out of here, with Cora.' I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead before putting me down. I walked over to Scott and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 'It should be good that I have one human less to worry about now that you're a werewolf, but you fighting is somehow even worse.' He sighed with a sight chuckle. I smiled half a smile. 'Whatever happens within the next few days, I won't let him die. Even if that means I have to give my life. He will live.' I said. Scott's look was full of doubt, of course he didn't want Stiles to get hurt, but he wouldn't be happy with me fighting for Stiles to the death. Stiles joined us again and we started walking towards the hospital. 'What's that?' I asked noticed the object in my boyfriend's hand. 'What? You get claws I get a bat.' He shrugged and I rolled my eyes. Inside the hospital it was total chaos. Nurses and doctors were running around like chickens who had their heads chopped off. And one of 'em was our mother. 'Scott! Sammy!' She called after us, we stopped and turned around. 'What are you doing here? The hospital's evacuating.' She asked us. 'We're here for Cora.' Scott told her. 'All of you?' She asked with raised eyebrows. 'Why does Stiles have my bat?' She then asked noticing the bat in Stiles' hand. 'Mom.' I began placing my hands on her shoulders. 'You have to trust us on this. You need to get out of here, right now.' I said. She looked around with wide eyes, she knew it was werewolf stuff. 'The building is supposed to be clear in thirty minutes, we got two ambulances that are coming back one's ten minutes out the other twenty, Cora needs to be on one of those, they'll be picking up in the basement garage.' She told us. I nodded. 'Got it.' As we were walking down the hallway I turned back around. 'We probably won't make it to dinner!' I yelled and I saw her shake her head grinning. We stepped into an elevator, Derek keeping a tight grip on Jennifer's arm. She sighed. 'You don't have to keep me on a leash Derek, I'm going to help.' She spoke. She turned her head to the corner where Scott was standing looking at her darkly, she looked behind her where Stiles was standing holding the bat. She then looked in front of her, where I was standing. I smiled and waved. Derek rolled his eyes but I could see a glimpse of a smile. The elevator doors opened and we stepped out. The hallway was empty, except for some stretchers, a puddle of black blood, medication boxes on the fl- hold up. A puddle of black blood? That's out of place. I followed the trace of black blood with my eyes which lead to a wooden double door. I frowned and cocked my head to the side, I could hear a fight going on in that room. Suddenly the door burst open and Peter slid across the hallway on his back, stopping right before my feet. 'Hiya Peter, had a little accident?' I grinned looking down at him. He glared. 'We got a problem, a big problem.' He said. I looked up through the now open doors. 'Oh god no, not them.' I groaned. It were the twins. 'Okay, who's going first?' I sighed. I heard a growl coming from Derek's mouth. I shrugged and stepped aside. 'All yours.' He ran towards them and they collapsed onto the each other. The big boy elbowed Derek in the back and Derek returned the favour by punching him in the face a couple of times. Derek got slammed against the wall and Scott joined in. He jumped against the wall over the twins. Stiles nudged my side. I looked at him and he nodded across the hallway, into the room, Cora was laying on the floor. But in order to get to her, we had to get past this fight.


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