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It was just an average Saturday night. I was out with my brother and my boyfriend, at a tattoo shop. Okay so maybe not an average Saturday night. But hey, we're the three musketeers, nothing is average for us. But yes, if you are wondering, my twin brother and I are indeed getting tattoos. I'm not sure about Scott's reason for getting one but I've just always wanted one. And I think they're awesome and it would make me look cool. Not that I'm not already cool, just... cooler. Stiles was just here for moral support. He wasn't getting anywhere near a needle. I turned my head to look at my brother who was in the chair next to me, I sent him a cheesy grin. 'We're getting tattoos.' I squeaked. Scott was getting two stripes on his upper arm, a bigger top one, and a small one below that one. Not sure why, but hey, whatever floats his boat. I was getting a heart with two small stripes in it on my wrist. The heart representing my relationship with Stiles (which he didn't know) and the two lines representing me and Scott as twins. 'Yo guys, you sure you don't want something like this?' Stiles asked holding up a book with a picture of a dragon. Scott rolled his eyes. I giggled as I watched my boyfriend, I told him he should grow out his hair because I wanted to know what it looked like, and so he did. And hallelujah I can sure tell you he ain't never cutting it off again. He looked amazing. It made his cheekbones stand out and his hazel eyes sparkle. 'Too soon? Okay...' He sighed and pulled an adorable face. 'Are you guys sure about this? These things are pretty permanent you know...' He said as he put the book back down. 'I'm not changing my mind.' Scott shrugged, he then turned his head to me. 'Na-ah, I ain't no quitter.' I chuckled. 'Tough girl you are.' The lady who was going to give me my tattoo smiled. 'Okay but why two bands..?' Stiles asked my brother, also not getting the meaning of it. 'I don't know, I just like it.' Scott shrugged in response. 'But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning you know? Like Sammy's.' Stiles said. I raised an eyebrow. 'How do you know what this tattoo means to me?' I chuckled. Stiles' eyes widened a little, he wasn't expecting me to ask him that question. 'Eh... Well...' he stuttered. 'I mean... the two lines obviously stand for your weird twin band with Scott and the heart... I don't know because you're a girl and girls like hearts?' He tried and I giggled. I then looked at Scott, waiting for his response. 'Getting a tattoo means something.' He tried and I rolled my eyes. What an answer. 'He's right.' The guy who was giving Scott his tattoo said. 'Tattooing goes back thousands of years, the Tahitian word "tatua" actually means to leave a mark. Like a rite of passage.' He told us. 'Yeah, you see. He gets it.' Scott said looking back at his best friend. 'He's covered in tattoos, Scott. Literally.' Stiles said crossing his arms over his chest and leaning forward on his feet. 'Aye, are you guys ready?' The guy asked us. 'Yep.' we replied in unison. 'Ain't got no problem with needles right?' The lady asked us. 'Nope.' We replied again in harmony. We smiled at each other and held each other's free hand. Stiles leaned forward a little. 'Meh I tend to get a little squeamish...' he muttered and next there was a thumb. I rolled my eyes and the lady looked stopped for a moment to look at my boyfriend who was now on the floor. 'He yours?' She asked raising an eyebrows. 'Yep.' I admitted popping the "p". 'I hope he has other talents which get him to deserve this heart.' She winked knowing the heart she was giving me represented him. My cheeks flushed at her words.


I happily skipped out of the tattoo shop and hopped into the backseat of Stiles' jeep. Both Scott and I had a bandage around our arm and Stiles had an ice sack pressed to the back of his head. 'You okay?' Stiles asked looking between me and my brother. 'It burns.' Scott said looking down at the bandage and then at me. 'Same with you?' He asked me. I shrugged. 'A little, yours was bigger though.' I replied and he nodded. 'Yes.' Stiles let out. 'You guys just had your skin stabbed about a 100,000 times with... a needle.' He sighed. 'Yeah but I don't think it's supposed to feel like this.' Scott said getting a little worried. 'Wait, it's not supposed to burn?' I asked popping my head between their seats. Scott suddenly jumped up in his seat, clearly in pain. My wrist also started to hurt more. 'Okay I actually don't think it's supposed to feel like this.' I said holding my wrist in my free hand. 'I gotta get this thing off.' Scott groaned. 'Oh god no, no Scott please...' Stiles cried out as he turned his head away. Scott removed the bandage and I was shocked to see that the tattoo was fading away. 'WHAT!' I screeched. I quickly removed my own bandage and saw the same thing happening. 'It healed...' Scott sighed disappointedly. 'I spent a hundred bucks on this!' I exclaimed and fell back against my seat. 'Thank god I hated those things...' Stiles muttered and Scott and I glared at him. 'Sorry.' he said quickly and started the car driving us home. Halfway through the ride we stopped for a red light. Scott was talking about Allison, she spent a few months in France. He had quite a hard time dealing with the break up. I mean, he said he was okay with it and that he'd wait for her, but I know he's said. I can see it. 'Nah we agreed to give each other the summer, no texts, no calls...' He told us. 'So how do you know she won't be back at school then?' I asked confused. I noticed Stiles frowning as he looked outside the window on Scott's side. 'After everything that happened I'm not sure if she's coming back at all.' Scott said. I wiggled my way between their seats again and followed Stiles' gaze. 'I think she is.' I shrugged. 'Yeah, I'd say pretty definite, you know.' Stiles said agreeing with me. 'Like 100 %' I said and Scott frowned at our weirdness. Stiles nodded outside the window, Scott turned his head and I could feel his mixed feeling run through my body as he saw her in the car with Lydia. Excitement, doubt, hurt, love... She was smiling, until she saw him and it faded. Scott quickly slid down in his seat. Stiles and I waved at the two girls. 'Oh my god, no, no...' Scott rambled. 'Can we just drive please?' He pleaded. 'Scott, it's a red light.' Stiles replied. I nodded. 'His dad's the sheriff, I don't think he'd appreciate his son driving through a red light.' I shrugged with a smirk. 'I think we should talk to them, like we should say something.' Stiles said with a shrug and he then reached his hand out to Scott's window and rolled it down. 'Hey!' Me and my boyfriend yelled but suddenly Lydia's car drove off, through the red light. Stiles pouted. 'Hm, they probably didn't see us.' He said. The light turned green and Stiles continued to drive. 'What are you doing?' Scott asked panicking. 'He's making me a sandwich what does it look like you doorknob?' I said rolling my eyes. 'We're right behind them!' Scott said. 'Well do you see any turns?' Stiles said looking at the road without any turns. 'I don't want it to look like we're following them.' Scott replied. 'Well what do you want me to do?' Stiles asked. 'I don't know, anything!' My brother replied. Stiles then suddenly hit the brakes and we stood still on the road. Suddenly their car also stopped. The three of us looked at each other oddly before looking back at the blue car in front of us. Something happened, they got out of the car and I could hear screaming. We climbed out of the car and ran towards them. 'You okay?' Scott quickly asked Allison. 'It came out of nowhere... it just ran into us...' Lydia told me and Stiles. 'You okay?' Scott asked Allison again. 'Well I'm not okay!' Lydia exclaimed. 'I am totally freaking out I can't help it why can it just run into us?' She rambled.

Scott and I made our way to the front of the car, I covered my mouth with my hand as I looked at the deer that was hanging through their window. 'It was like it was... it was like it was crazy.' Lydia said. 'Maybe it was scared...' I muttered looking at my brother. He reached out his hand and placed it on the animal's fur. He nodded confirming my thought. 'It was terrified.' He said and we both turned our heads to look at the empty dark road in front of us.

First chapter, I hope you guys like it!

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