Alpha Pact Part 3

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'You.' Lydia said again. Peter sighed a little and looked at the ground. 'Me.' He said. He then looked over his shoulder. 'Derek, we have visitors!' He called. I smiled. 'I know the way.' I said and walked past Peter inside the house. 'Still so profoundly polite.' Peter sighed. 'Yo, Hale! We need to know where this Nemeton thing is at.' I asked. He was sitting next to Cora's bed, holding her hand. She was not looking good. 'We don't know.' Peter said from behind me. 'What do you mean? You don't know where it is?' Lydia asked confused. 'Stiles told us you'd been there.' She said. 'We have, but after a few memorable experiences there, Thalia, Derek's mother and my older sister, decided that she never wanted us going back. She knew how dangerous it was, so she took the memory of the location from us.' Peter replied. 'Then how are we supposed to find it?' I asked throwing my hands up.


Although the sheriff and I had given up a long time ago, Chris was still trying to wiggle his way out of the ropes. 'I don't wanna kill your optimism or anything but, you know, the both of us have been trying to do the exact same thing for hours.' I told him. 'You been tied up before?' The sheriff asked him. 'Many times.' He replied, making it sound like breaking out of ropes was a normal daily task. Although for him it probably was. I wouldn't be surprised. 'What, is that part of being a werewolf hunter?' Chris looked up confused, he then looked at me and smiled innocently with a shrug. 'I tried to download him on as much as I could.' I said. 'Yeah, I was starting to feel a bit left out.' The sheriff added with a shrug. 'You knew.' Chris said and both the sheriff and I frowned. He continued. 'I remember meeting you once before you were sheriff, you questioned me about a body. You knew something was up, you just weren't ready to believe it.' He said. 'You're right.' The sheriff said and I turned my head towards him. 'There was a night, eight years ago, the night my wife died. It was the end of a shift and a call came in, there had been a pile up and a young woman she was uh, a teenager actually, she was trapped under another car. We had to wait for the paramedics. We were never getting her out. But I was able to hold her hand. She knew she was gonna die. And I just kept telling her "no, no, listen, the paramedics or on their way" and I remember, her hand suddenly grabbed mine so tightly that I thought she was gonna break the bones. And she looked me in the eye and she said "If you wanna be with her, go, now" and I knew she was talking about my wife. But then that other part of my brain, the part that looks for clues, for fingerprints, for logical connections that part told me that there is no way that that girl could possibly know about Claudia. And so I stayed. I stayed until the paramedics pulled her out, until her heart stopped beating. And they declared her dead.' He stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. 'When I finally got to the hospital, I saw Stiles sitting in the waiting room. With your little girl.' He said looking at me. 'With little Samantha crouched down in front of him holding his hands. He was with Claudia when she died. But I wasn't. I wasn't with her cause I didn't believe. I just, did not believe.'


I stepped inside the animal clinic, I told Lydia I wanted to run here, to clear my head. My hair was wet because it had rained, I closed the door behind me and ran a hand through my damp hair. 'Then how do we find this place?' I heard Isaac ask. Obviously they were talking about the Nemeton. 'There might be a way.' Deaton replied. 'But it's dangerous, we're gonna need Scott.' He said. I stepped inside the room and suddenly all eyes were on me. 'I'll make sure he helps us.' I told them. 'Great, Stiles, you'll drive.' Deaton said. Once in the car (backseat of course) I called Scott. And hallelujah he answered. 'Sammy, you know I can't talk...' He sighed. 'We know about the Nemeton, Scott. And we're gonna need you to find it.' I said. Half an hour later I was sitting on the hood of Stiles' jeep when Scott walked our way. 'How'd you guys find out?' He asked us. 'Lydia, you?' Stiles said. 'Morell. None of the other alphas know where it is either.' He sighed. 'So if this works, you gonna tell 'em?' I asked with raised eyebrows. 'I can't stop Jennifer without them.' He said with a nod. 'How about we concentrate on finding your parents first.' Deaton said. 'What's the plan?' Scott asked. 'Essentially you, Allison and Stiles need to be surrogate sacrifices for your parents.' Deaton said. 'We die for them?' Scott asked with wide eyes. 'But he can bring us back.' Stiles quickly added. He then frowned and looked at Deaton. 'You can bring us back, right?' He asked. 'You remember the part where I said it was dangerous? If it goes right, the three of you will be dead for a few seconds, but there is something else you need to think about, this is a dangerous thing to do for more reasons than one. You'll be giving power back to the Nemeton, a place that hasn't had power for a long time. This kind of power is like a magnet. It attracts the supernatural, the kind of things that a family like the Argents can fill the pages of a beastiary with. It will draw them here, like a beacon.' Deaton told us. 'It doesn't sound any worse like anything we've already seen.' Stiles noticed. Deaton looked at him. 'You'd be surprised of what you have yet to see.' He said. 'What about Sammy? Where is she in all of this?' Scott asked. Deaton smiled a little. 'I have a differently task for her. The original plan was for her to join the three of you, but Stiles threatened to cut out my intestines with a butter knife and feed them to me.' He chuckled and Scott raised his eyebrows. 'And I figured you wouldn't be jumping about that idea either.' He said and Scott shook his said. 'No, not really.' He said with a small smile. 'Sam will be next to you the whole time, using your now stronger twin band to keep an eye on you, if something goes wrong, she will know. Basically your life is kinda in her hands.' Deaton said. 'Thanks, I feel great now.' I sighed. 'At least you don't have to die.' Stiles shrugged. 'Was that it?' I asked Deaton. 'No. It will also have an effect on the three of you, you won't be able to see it, but you'll feel it. Everyday. For the rest of your lives. It will be kind of a darkness around your heart, and permanent. Like a scar.' He replied. 'Like a tattoo.' I whispered touching the permanent ink on my wrist.


We were back at the animal clinic and instead of an operating table, there were now three containers which we were filling up with ice cold water and to make it even better, ice cubes. A shit load of ice cubes. Damn was I happy I didn't have to go in there. 'Alright, what did you bring?' Deaton asked when we were ready. 'Uh, I got my dad's badge.' Stiles raising the star-formed badge. 'Jennifer kinda crushed it in her hand, I tried hammering it out a bit.. It still doesn't look that great.' He shrugged. Deaton smiled. 'It doesn't have to look great if it has meaning.' He said. 'Is that an actual silver bullet?' Isaac noticed the object in Allison's hand. 'Yeah, my dad made it. It's kind of a ceremonial thing. When one of us finishes learning all the skills of being a hunter we forge ourselves a silver bullet as a testament to the code.' She said. 'Scott?' Deaton asked looking at my brother. He opened his hand and revealed an object that I knew very well. 'My dad got my mom this watch when she was first hired at the hospital.' He said and I cringed, Stiles noticed. 'Although Sam always used to steal it.' Scott added with a smile and I returned it. 'Okay, the three of you will get in and each of us will hold you down until you're essentially... dead. But it's not just someone to hold you under, it needs to be someone who can pull you back, someone who has a strong connection to you. A kind of emotional tether.' Deaton spoke. 'Lydia, you go with Stiles.' Deaton said and both Lydia and Stiles looked confused, as Lydia was looking at Allison, and Stiles was looking at me. 'W-Are you sure?' Stiles asked Deaton. 'She asked me to.' Deaton replied looking in my direction. I felt all eyes on me. 'I can't do it...Not with you, not with Scott.' I whispered. It was too much pressure and if it didn't work, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Lydia looked at me with wide eyes. 'You can do it Lydia, I trust you.' I smiled at her. 'But... Scott and I both have to go under?' Allison asked confused. She and Isaac then shared an awkward look, which Scott also noticed. 'It's okay.' He said. The three of them then stepped in front of the containers. 'Wait.' I said and jumped up from the chair I was sitting on. I ran towards my brother and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Don't you dare stay dead, okay?' I whispered. 'You keep an eye out for me, okay?' He whispered back. I pulled back and he wiped a single tear from my cheek with his thumb. I smiled and walked over to Stiles. He cupped my face in his hands and sighed. 'I love you baby girl.' He said and I smiled. 'I love you too.' He kissed me and I tasted the salt of my own tears. I quickly stepped aside and wiped them away with the back of my hand. I nodded. 'Okay.' I walked over to Deaton and stood next to him. The three of them stepped into the water till neck down. I could almost feel the cold. 'By the way.' Stiles began looking at my brother. 'If I don't make it back and you do, you should probably know something, your dads in town.' Stiles told him and Scot immediately looked at me. 'Yeah, and the first sentence I told him included the alphabet and the letters F and U.' I sighed with a slight chuckle. 'Okay, then.' Scott muttered. Deaton, Isaac and Lydia took their places and placed their hands on Scott, Allison and Stiles' shoulders. The three of 'em looked at each other one last time before they were pushed under.

I started writing part two of season 3 last night aaaagghnnnn!!!!


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