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'You're sure she asked for Chinese, right?' I asked as Scott parked his bike in front of the hospital. 'Yes, I'm sure. Why do you keep asking?' He chuckled. I shrugged. 'Just... I kinda want Chinese so I figured, if she didn't want Chinese I could have this and you'd go get her something else.' I said. Scott rolled his eyes but still laughed, probably at how weird I am. We walked into the hospital which was very crowned at the moment, mom smiled when she saw us and happily accepted the bag I handed her without saying anything to us. Scott and I looked at each other oddly. As if she noticed she turned around. 'I'm sorry, thank you for bringing me diner.' She said and hugged us both. 'You're sure you wanted Chinese right?' I asked and Scott elbowed my side. 'Is everything okay?' He quickly asked not giving her any time to respond to my question. 'Except for half the accident victims in a ten car pile-up being rerouted here from downtown and the E.R. attending not answering any of his pages? Yeah I'm okay.' She rambled. 'What does not answering his pages mean?' Scott asked and I was once again left questioning how we are related. 'It means that no one can find him so now we have to wait for the person on call to get here.' Mom explained. Scott was about to ask something else (I hope to god it wasn't what 'on-call- means) but I'd never know because he was cut off by a lady who needed my mom's attention. 'Miss, can I kind of please have something for the pain?' She asked my mother. 'Yes, I know, I'm sorry but actually giving you something could complicate things so...' She walked off to help the lay sit down on a chair and then asked the lady behind the desk about this doctor again. 'Yo, Scott, we good? I got a new Supernatural episode that I need to w- watch.' I finished my sentence with a sigh when I realized I was talking to myself and Scott was no longer standing next to me. I pushed myself through a crowd of people and found him sitting next to the same lady we saw earlier. He was holding her hand and I saw her face turning into shock at first, but then relief. He'd taken some of her pain away. He looked at me and I smiled. He was an idiot, and a bit stupid sometimes, but he truly has the biggest heart a person could possibly get. 'Someone! Help me!' I heard someone yell behind me and I quickly turned my head to see Ethan stumbling inside the hospital with Danny leaning on his shoulder. 'Shit! Danny!' I yelled and ran over to them throwing Danny's other arm over my shoulder. Mom came over to us and we moved walked towards a row of chairs so Danny could sit down. Scott yanked Ethan away by his shirt. 'What did you do to him?' He whispered shouted. 'Nothing!' Ethan hissed. 'He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing but it just kept getting worse...' He told us. 'His larynx has shifted to the side, I think it's a tension pneumothorax...' Mom rambled but she was cut off when Danny suddenly vomited all over the floor. I was only just stepped back fast enough or it would've been all over my shoes. 'Mistletoe...' Ethan mumbled next to us. I looked up at him with raised eyebrows. 'I don't know about you, but my experiences with mistletoe are slightly different...' I told him. A nurse appeared with a gurney, they laid Danny on it and rolled him out of the room, of course we followed. They pushed him through some double doors. 'Can you three please go back to the waiting room?' Mom asked us, buuuut we didn't listen. 'Where are the nurses and the doctors, where is everyone?' Ethan asked. 'It's a full house tonight they're tending to other patients.' Mom replied. 'Okay well fine we'll help.' I shrugged already rolling up my sleeves. 'Honey, you can't. His lung is collapsed his heart is being pushed against his chest cavity.' She told me and I gulped now knowing it was slightly worse than I thought. 'He's gonna die isn't he...' Scott sighed and Ethan looked at him with wide eyes. Mom looked around us and then shook her head. 'No, no he's not. Scott, you grab the tape. You, grab some scissors and cut his shirt open.' She told Ethan and whilst they did that, mom opened a drawer and grabbed a very big needle that made me gulp again. Yikes. 'Mom, he's not breathing!' I noticed. 'I know honey...' She muttered as she traced his chest with her finger looking for the right spot before plugging the needle in. My mom is awesome. Not half a minute later, Danny could breathe again. 'Mom, you rock.' I smiled and she shrugged yet smiling. 'It wasn't you know... a big deal.' She said. 'Hey, you ready to go now?' Scott asked me. I nodded and told him to go ahead already. I grabbed Danny's hand and smiled. 'Your mom saved my life.' He chuckled. 'Yeah, well. She's awesome.' I grinned. 'I see who you got it from.' Danny replied and I smiled. 'Okay, well Imma go watch Supernatural now, don't you try to die on me whilst I'm gone!' I warned him before jogging out of the hospital. 'Sam, Scott, wait!' I frowned when I heard Ethan's voice behind me. Scott also turned around. Ethan walked over to us with his hands raised. 'I know you won't believe me, but I didn't do anything.' He said. 'We know.' I shrugged and Scott elbowed me again. 'No we don't.' He said quickly. 'All I know is that the minute you got here, you went for Danny, and your brother went for Lydia.' Scott said and I nodded knowing he had a point there. 'We're not gonna hurt him.' Ethan told us. 'Why should we believe you?' I asked crossing my arms over my chest. 'Because we knew one of them was gonna be important to you, and now we know its Lydia.' Ethan said. 'Hey! Danny's important!' I exclaimed and pulled an offended face. They both gave me that look. 'You know what I mean.' Ethan sighed. 'What if I don't? What if you make just as much sense as that drunk driver over there...?' I shrugged nodding at the car driving onto the parking lot. The two boys also looked at the car that was zigzagging across the parking lot, until it rode into another's car bumped and stopped. 'Should we help?' I asked but they were already running towards the car, so I jogged after them. I joined them and frowned at the sight of an empty car. 'Okay that's weird...' I muttered. Scott's hand reached into the car the grab something from the seat, it was a butterfly. 'They really should take his driver's license....' I said shaking my head. Scott glared at me. 'You're feeling very sarcastic tonight, I'm not too sure whether I should tell you to call Stiles or not.' He said. 'Well, we need the sheriff over here... and we both know Stiles will come as well so there's no point.' I smiled already taking out my phone. About ten minutes later the police arrived along with the familiar blue jeep. Stiles got out of his jeep and walked over to me sitting on Scott's bike. He grinned. 'You know I love the sight of that?' He told me. I rolled my eyes but yet giggled when he lifted me off the bike into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist. 'I'm glad there's a crime to solve, I haven't seen you in ages.' He chuckled as he carried me over to where Scott, mom and the sheriff were standing. 'You saw me like... this morning...' I said with a role of my eyes. 'Like I said, ages.' Stiles replied with a shrug. '... Two missing.' Was the last thing I heart Scott tell the sheriff. 'Hang on, hang on, they were both in the car?' Papa Stilinski asked. 'Nah, two separate kidnappings. Two doctors, both gone.' I explained. 'So whose car is this?' The sheriff asked. 'Doctor Hilliard, the on call doctor. The ER attending is the one that never made it in.' Mom explained. The sheriff nodded and wrote some stuff down. 'Boys, girl, give us a second. And Stiles for crying out loud put the girl down.' He then told us. Stiles rolled his eyes and walked off putting me down in the process, Scott was right behind us. 'These are definitely sacrifices, right?' He asked us. 'Yeah it's one Deaton mentioned, healers.' Stiles said. 'What about Danny?' I asked. 'Yeah, he threw up mistletoe, that's not a coincidence.' Scott added. 'And if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would've died.' I finished. 'But Danny's not a healer.' Scott noticed. Stiles shook his head saying he didn't know. He then frowned as he looked as his dad who was calling someone. 'Can you hear that?' He asked. Scott turned his head a little. 'They found a body.' He told us.

What is up my lil' lovelies????!!!!

I love easter, two weeks out of school, I'm in heaven. I really need those two weeks cos I need to figure out how to get my grades up.. Ah well.


My phone decided to stop working so yesterday I had to survive a whole day without it!!

But now its working again so that's fine


Something About Me // Teen Wolf [BOOK 3] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now