Unleashed Part 2

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We were currently in chemistry, which I hate almost just as much as P.E. but that's not the problem. Isaac was still planning on killing those twins. Honestly I think he'd end up without his arms and legs but he seems to think he can take them on. Unfortunately Mr. Harris has come to the conclusion that it's better for everyone in class to separate me and my brother. Which means I was in the back of the classroom, alone. And Scott was somewhere in the middle sitting behind Isaac. 'They're here for a reason. Give me a chance to figure out what it is before you do anything.' I heard my brother say to Isaac. But as stubborn as Isaac is, he wouldn't listen. He suddenly asked Mr. Harris if he could use the bathroom, cutting Danny off who was answering Mr. Harris' question of what we know about momentum. Me? Noting. My brother jumped up from his seat saying he had to go to the bathroom as well. 'One at a time.' Harris replied making me roll my eyes at his stupid rule. 'But I really have to go.' Scott pleaded. 'Like medical emergency have to go.' He said. Harris smiled a little. 'Mr. McCall, if your bladder suddenly exploded and urine began pouring from every orifice, I would still respond "one at a time."' Mr. Harris replied and I pulled a disgusted face at his vivid representation. 'Is that enough hyperbole for you? Or would you like me to come up with something more vivid? I mean, your sister clearly doesn't me to.' Harris shrugged noticing my face. 'No, no, that's pretty good.' My brother replied sitting back down in his chair. Mr. Harris continued his lesson but was once again interrupted by a sound coming from the hallway. As curious as we all are, we all jumped up from our seats and ran for the door. Outside we saw Isaac standing next to one of the twins who was on the floor, his face covered in blood. 'Isaac, what the hell did you do?' Mr. Harris asked. Isaac just stood there with his mouth wide open, I could tell he had no idea what was going on. Of course Harris gave him detention. The bell rang and Scott and I quickly lead Isaac away from there. 'Don't let it bother you.' Scott began as we walked through the hallway. 'It's just detention.' I added with a shrug. 'If all they want right now is to piss you off than don't give in.' Scott said. 'They're just trying to get to you.' I finished as Isaac opened his locker and dropped his books in. 'It's not just me.' He sighed and nodded to Lydia and the other twin who were standing across at her locker. 'What about tonight?' He asked her and Lydia replied with a simple 'Nope, studying.' that made me chuckle. Lydia likes playing hard to get. 'I can help you?' the guy suggested. Lydia sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. 'Do you have an IQ higher than 170?' She asked him. 'Okay than you can help me.' He smiled clearly not planning on giving up. 'Tonight then?' Lydia chuckled a little and patted his chest before turning around and walking away. I don't quite know whether that's a yes, or a no, in Lydia language. But by the cheeky smile he sent my brother and I apparently he saw it as a yes. I hope it means no, Lydia really shouldn't get involved with them. I should talk to her later. I sighed as I could feel eyes on me from behind. 'What?' I grumbled. 'Now they're getting to you.' Isaac grinned. I rolled my eyes. 'I'm gonna go look for my boyfriend.' I announced and I swung my bag over my shoulder as I walked away from them.

Well, so far for finding my boyfriend. I walked around the whole school, twice. But no Stiles. I've barely seen him all day. Stupid virgin killing thing. And now I was also late for class. I was about to walk through the door when one of the twins, Aiden I think (haven't quite figured out who's who yet) stormed past me. 'Well hello to you to!' I yelled after him. I shook my head and walked into class. 'Miss McCall, glad you decided to join us.' Our new teacher, Miss Blake said. I chewed on my lower lip. 'Whatever caused you to be late better have been important.' She said and then nodded towards my seat. 'Yeah, that would've been Stiles Stilinski, I'm sorry.' I sighed as I plopped down on my seat. The whole class erupted in giggles and Miss Blake turned to me with angry eyes. I looked around confused. Oh. 'Oh no, no!' I exclaimed quickly. 'I was just looking for him but I couldn't find him! It's not like we were having sex in the janitors closet, gosh no.' I rambled and slid down in my chair with cheeks probably as red as tomatoes. Thanks Stiles. Luckily everyone's attention was then drawn to a loud noise once again coming from the hallway. We again ran for the door and in the hallway we found Aiden with his bike. Isaac walked over to Scott and I and smiled proudly. 'I don't know what I missed, but I like it.' I grinned. 'You have got to be kidding me.' Miss Blake said as she walked past us and saw Aiden with the bike. 'You realize this is gonna result in a suspension?' She crossed her arms over her chest. Aiden only nodded, not planning on getting in any more trouble. His brother Ethan turned his head and sent us the most evil glare. I shrugged and smiled sweetly. 'Welcome to Beacon Hills.' I mouthed before skipping away from the scene, dragging Isaac and Scott with me. 'Dude, that was brilliant!' I laughed as we walked down the stairs. 'Yeah, I wish I could've seen their faces. Did they look seriously pissed?' Isaac asked grinning. 'Yeah.' Scott said. I laughed but it soon faded when the twins were suddenly standing in front of us. 'Well, Isaac, if you still wanna know what their faces looked like, there it is.' I muttered. They got shirtless which caused my brother and I to send each other odd looks. When I looked back at them my jaw dropped, they transformed into one big badass werewolf. 'I am so glad we don't do that because dude, you fugly.' I said as I took a few steps back. 'It's probably not the best idea to insult them.' Scott told me. Isaac dropped his bag on the floor. 'We can take them.' He said as he rolled up his sleeves. I looked between the massive alpha, and Isaac. 'What?! Isaac sweetheart are you insane! Run you idiot!' I yelled and grabbed both his and Scott's sleeves dragging them towards the doubles doors behind us. I could hear them coming closer, I ducked down and slid forward on my knees. I spun around and watched it pick up Scott and Isaac by their collars and smashing their heads together and then tossing them into the hallway. The alpha roared but then suddenly went quiet as the same blind man Scott and I met in the hospital once, walked towards us. The twins separated again, and although I enjoyed the view of two good pairs of back muscles, now wasn't the time. I couldn't quite see what was happening but apparently the blind man wasn't happy with what the twins did. He walked between them coming my way with them following him. I quickly scooted aside until I was in a corner and watched them walk through the door without even looking at me. 'Who the hell was that?' Isaac asked. 'Deucalion.' My brother replied.


I was slowly but surely going insane. It was nowlate at night and I still hadn't heard anything from Stiles. Not even a phonecall or a text. I was pacing around my room, after about half a minute I pickedup my phone again and called him one last time. Of course no response. So Idecided to leave a message. 'Okay listen up Stilinski, I don't know what'sgoing on with you. Are you avoiding me? Are you just really busy? I don't knowbut what I do know is that I've been calling and texting you all day but youdon't decide to pick up? Just... ugh please just call me... It's weird notseeing you all day. I miss you, okay? I know that sounds girly and stupid but Ido. I love you...' I threw my phone on my bed and left my room for Scott'sroom. I barged in without knocking as you do. 'Scott have you by any chanceheard anything from Stiles toda- whoa! Holy moth- sweet baby Jesus...' I heldmy hand to my heart as I was not met by my brother but with Isaac. Who wassitting on Scott's chair, all wet by the rain outside? 'What about Stiles?'Scott asked as he walked out of his bathroom. He handed Isaac a t-shirt whosmiled thankfully. 'Stiles? Forget about Stileswhat is Isaac doing here?'    

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