Frayed Part 2

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We were currently at Derek's crib going through our plan. We had the floor plans of the apartment block laying on the table in front of us. We discovered that the alpha pack was staying at the same apartment block Allison and her dad were currently staying, sounds fun. 'They're one floor above them in the penthouse, right above Allison.' Derek told us. 'So kill them first, that's the plan.' Scott said with a slight nod. Although I could tell he did not agree with killing them. Why does he always has to be so nice, they aren't, so why should we. 'They won't even see it coming.' Boyd said. 'Why is the default plan always murder?' My brother sighed. 'Just once, can someone come up with something that doesn't involve killing everyone?' He asked. 'Okay so you go ask 'em out for a peace lunch, I'll make some peace sandwiches and we could drink some peace orange juice.' I said rolling my eyes. 'Your sister's right, Scott.' Peter said. 'You never get tired of being so blandly moral do you?' He added. 'Not that I disagree with him.' He then said quickly turning to Derek. 'I do.' Cora, Derek's sister said. 'Why do we need this kid?' She asked. It's safe to say I don't like her. 'This kid helped save your life.' I spat. Derek sighed a little. 'You know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move.' He told my brother. 'Yeah but you can't beat a pack of alphas!' I said stepping up for Scott. 'That's why we're going after Deucalion. Just him.' Cora said. 'Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies.' Boyd added. 'Only this is not a snake, it's a hydra. And like Scott says, they're all alphas.' Peter said making me raise my eyebrows. 'Deucalion is still the leader.' Derek replied. Peter turned to his nephew. 'Well let's hope so.' He said quietly. 'Because you know what happened when Hercules cut off one of the heads of the hydra?' He asked. 'Two more grew back in its place.' I said being a total smart ass. 'Someone's been doing their summer reading.' Peter replied with a smile.


The bus abruptly stopped driving and I fell forward. If it wasn't for Stiles' catching me and pulling me back I'd be kissing the floor right now. 'Phew, thanks.' I muttered to Stiles with a smile. 'Meh, I'm just that good of a boyfriend.' He shrugged, I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek in response. He raised an eyebrow at me. 'I think saving your life deserves a bit more than a kiss on the cheek.' He said. I chuckled. 'You didn't save my life Stilinski you just saved me from embarrassment.' I told him. 'Same thing.' He shrugged and leaned in for a kiss, I giggled and leaned back causing him to sigh. 'Sammy...' He whined and pouted. I sighed and gave in. 'Fine.' I grumbled and grabbed his jacket pulling him closer. I smiled and our lips were about to collide when I heard a growl in the distance. I froze. 'What? What is it? Does my breath smell? I brushed my teeth this morning I swear.' Stiles rambled. 'Shht!' I told him and pressed my index finger to his lips. I looked at my brother who was already halfway out of his seat. 'Boyd, he's gonna do something.' He said under his breath. Stiles who now also realized something was up spun around in his seat. 'What? How do you know?' He asked. 'Look at his hands...' I replied quietly. I watched as his now clawed hand curled around the empty seat in front of him. 'What do I do? Do I stop him?' Scott asked me quietly. I smiled a little and shook my head. 'No, don't stop him. Lead him.' I told him. He got up and slowly walked over to Boyd grabbed his arm and crouching down next to him. 'Let me go.' Boyd hissed. 'You got a plan?' Scott asked looked back and forth between Ethan and Boyd. 'Tell me your brilliant plan and I'll let go. What are you gonna do? Kill him? Right here? And then what? What are you gonna do after that?' He asked. 'I don't care.' Boyd replied in a not caring way. He tried to get up again but Scott made sure he wasn't moving, well yeah Isaac was doing some work as well. 'I do.' Scott said. 'Whoa, whoa, you're still hurt.' Isaac suddenly said noticing the blood stain on Scott's shirt. Yeah, you tell him that ain't normal cos he won't listen to me. 'I'm fine.' He said quietly and then turned back to Boyd he had finally seemed to have calmed down. 'Give me a chance to figure something out, something that doesn't have to end with someone else dying.' My brother said. Boyd looked at Ethan for a moment but then nodded and whispered an okay. Scott sighed with relief and walked back over to us. 'Crisis averted?' Stiles asked as Scott slid down in the seat next to him. 'Mh-hmm.' My brother replied as he plopped back down in his seat. 'Good, cause we have another problem.' Stiles then said making me frown. 'Ethan keeps checking his phone like every five minutes, like he's waiting for something. Like a message, or a signal of some kind. Something evil though I can tell. I have a very perspective eye for evil.' Stiles said and I rolled my eyes. 'Stiles everyone checks their phones it's not that weird.' I sighed. Stiles shook his head stubbornly. 'He's evil. I can tell by just looking at him.' He said.. 'I don't like him sitting with Danny.' Scott said. 'Well, neither do I...' I muttered. The funny thing was he could probably hear everything we're saying. 'I'm gonna see what he's waiting for.' Stiles said as he pulled out his phone. 'What are you doing?' Scott and I asked in unison. Stiles cringed, he hated it when we did that. He typed a message on his phone, sent it, and the next thing I know Danny is reaching for his phone. I rolled my eyes. Of course. He looked at us over his shoulder, Stiles waved with his phone in his hand and Danny shook his head. Stiles looked shocked and typed and sent another message. 'Sammy get your phone out.' He said between typing. I raised my eyebrows at him. 'And why would I do that?' I asked. 'Because you love me.' He shrugged. I sighed. 'You can't just blackmail me like that...' I pouted as I grabbed my phone front my bag. 'I love you.' He smiled and pecked my cheek.

To Danieeell: Danny please tell us why your boyfriend keeps checking his phone, you know Stiles will never stop annoying both you AND me... (mostly me atm so please just do it) thanks love ya.

From Danieeell: Then give him something that will make him stop. AND HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND.

To Danieeell: Something like? And idc, you like him and I'm pretty sure he likes you, so yeh he's your boyfriend.

From Danieeell: Idk a bj or somethin' and yeah I like him so please don't ruin this for me...

I sighed. 'Sorry boys, I'm afraid it's not working.' I shrugged and threw Scott my phone. 'What's a bj?' He asked with a frown. I nearly choked on my own spit. 'It's uh.. It's... a... nothing. It's nothing.' I then said and quickly snatched my phone from his hands. I wasn't telling my brother that! He'd lock me up in our fridge and ship me off to some country no one knows off so Stiles would never find me again. Scotty luckily accepted that answer. I looked back at Danny and saw he had put his phone back in his pocket, but Stiles (who had totally missed out on mine and Scott's little convo earlier, luckily) of course was not planning on giving up. He literally started stalking Danny, sending text after text. I was trying to hold back my laughter as I could hear Danny's phone beeb over and over and over... I noticed Danny and Ethan looking at each other awkwardly and Ethan asking Danny if something was wrong. Stiles was halfway up from his seat, being totally subtle if you ask me. 'Actually... I was wondering the same thing about you...' Danny told Ethan. Yaasss, that's ma boy!! But then suddenly they both looked our way and Stiles and Scott both hid behind the seats. I just stayed where I was and smiled and waved earning an awkward kinda wave from both of them. I heard Stiles sigh before he pulled my arm practically pulling me onto his lap. 'They know we're here, why hide?' I sighed. 'Good point.' Stiles shrugged and we got back up, Stiles with a funny yet adorable look on his face. Just then Stiles phone beeped showing a text from Danny.

'Someone close to him is sick. Might not make it through the night.'

'Ennis?' Scott asked referring to the big bad alpha who once attacked us in an elevator before Derek saved us. 'So does that mean... he's not dead?' I asked confused. 'Not yet.' Stiles sighed.


Just a quick note: I am starting my exams next week on monday so yeah I probably won't be uploading then and in the weekend..

But I only have three exams so I won't be that long..

Ilove you all loads and make sure to let me know what you think!:D    

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