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Just a little warning: I was really confused when I re-watched this episode I thought that I'd missed an episode or at least the end of one or something but yeah than I realized there'd be flashbacks in the episode well yeah if you remember that episode I hope you'll know what I'm talking about. I was a bit hard to write I must admit but I did my best :))) (forgive my stupidness, it took me a whole day to figure it out xdddd)


So yeah, apparently Derek kicked Isaac out so now the poor kid needs a place to stay. And of course, as we are such nice people, we decided to give him a place to stay. After that was all solved, I went back to my room, I hummed along to a song as I skipped through the hallway. I closed my bedroom door behind me, turned around and screamed. 'What the hell!' I yelled as I saw Stiles sitting on my bed. My door flew open behind me and both Scott and Isaac stormed in. 'What's going on?' Scott asked with his baseball bat up in the air. His face softened when he saw Stiles and a sigh of relief left his mouth. 'Damn you Stilinski I thought someone had broken in.' He sighed as he lowered his bat. 'Technically someone did, only I'm allowed to.' Stiles replied with a shrug. 'I'm alright, you guys can go now.' I said quietly. Scott nodded and kissed my head before leaving my room with Isaac. When I turned back to Stiles he had a frown on his face. 'Why's Isaac here?' He asked me. 'Long story, it can wait. More importantly, why is this the first time I've seen you today?' I asked and crossed my arms over my chest. Stiles sighed and lowered his head. 'I'm sorry baby girl, I was with Deaton and Lydia, that's a long story also.' He told me. 'Then don't bother telling, just... you weren't avoiding me were you?' I asked quietly and I started chewing on my bottom lip. 'No... No of course not.' Stiles said. He got up from my bed and walked over to me. 'Why would you think that?' He asked as he took my face in his hands. I shrugged. 'I heard you talking in the locker room and I just figured...' I shrugged. 'Don't worry, okay? It was just... I didn't mean anything with it. Yes, I was a little scared but I got over it. I wasn't planning on taking advantage of the moment, I'd never do that.'


I was snuggled up against Stiles' chest in the back of the bus. We were going to some kind of cross country meet, I don't know. It meant no school, so I was in. Stiles was busy asking Scott all kinds of definitions of words, yeah we were taking this 'better student' plan very seriously. Of course I should be doing that as well, but my mind was somewhere else. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. 'Okay next word, incongruous.' I heard Stiles say. 'Eh... can you use it in a sentence?' Scott asked. 'Yes, yes I can: It's completely incongruous that we're sitting in a bus right now on our way to some stupid cross country meet after what just happened.' He said and I rolled my eyes. 'Out of place, ridiculous, absurd.' Scott said giving the right answer. 'Okay next word em... Darach.' Stiles said and my head shot up and looked at him with wide eyes, so did Scott. 'We have to talk about it sometime okay?' Stiles sighed when he saw our faces. 'And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for like 5 hours so why not?' Scott only ignored him and rested his head against the window. He wasn't fine. He may have told us he was but the pain to my side told me he wasn't. I think he sometimes forgets that I can feel what he feels. Stiles gave up and continued asking other words. Suddenly we drove over some kind of bump and Scott cringed as his hand reached for his side where he got hurt last night. 'We shouldn't have come.' I sighed. 'We had to, there's safety in numbers.' Scott replied. 'Well there's also death in numbers.' Stiles sighed. 'It's called a massacre, bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery...' He continued and I slapped his shoulder. 'Okay we get it. Now stop it.' I whined. Scott pulled a painful face again. 'Okay I'm telling coach.' Stiles said but Scott stopped him. 'No, I'm alright.' He said. I laughed. 'That's your idea of alright? Scott come on, at least let me see how bad it is.' I reached out my hand but he pushed it away. 'I'm okay.' He told me again. 'Scott.' I said sternly. 'You do remember that I can feel the pain, right?' I asked him with raised eyebrows. He sighed and slowly lifted up his shirt revealing three deep nasty scratch marks. 'Scott...' I breathed. 'That is not okay! Why isn't that healing?' I whisper shouted. 'I know it's bad but It's because they're from an alpha.' Scott explained as he put down his shirt again. 'It'll take longer to heal.' He said. 'How come Boyd and Isaac are fine?' Stiles asked and my eyes drifted off to the two boys sitting a few rows ahead of us. There was no reply, I sighed and placed my head on Stiles' chest again. 'I can't believe he's dead...' Scott muttered after a while and I squeezed my eyes shut as I reminded of that. 'I can't believe Derek's dead...' Out of everyone there, Derek was the last one I'd expected to go down. He's helped us from the beginning, even though it may have never been always as obvious. But he did teach Scott how to control it, and he saved our asses multiple times. And most importantly, he saved my life. I could hear coach complaining to Jarred about him being carsick again. It's not like he can help it? 'Hey! Hey, McCall twins! Not you too?' He then yelled in our direction. 'Nope, we're good!' I replied with a thumbs up. 'Scott, you're bleeding again.' Stiles said quietly, and as I looked at my brother I could see there was indeed a red stain growing on his shirt. 'And don't tell me that's just taking longer to heal because I'm pretty sure that still bleeding, means not healing. Like at all.' Stiles said. 'He's listening.' Scott replied and I frowned. 'Who?' I asked, Scott nodded and I followed his gaze landing it on one of the twins. I still gotta figure out who's who. 'Is he gonna do something?' I asked keeping my gaze on him. Scott shook his head. 'Not in front of this many people.' He replied. 'Okay well what about the two ticking time bombs sitting right near him?' Stiles asked pointing at Isaac and Boyd. As if he heard, Boyd turned his head a bit. Scott shook his head again. 'No they won't. Not here.' He said. 'Yeah but what if they do?' I asked. 'Do we stop them?' Stiles added. 'If we have to.' Scott replied.

asdfghjklm I just saw I reached 1K reads! HOW AWESOME IS THAT??!!

Really, you are awesome :D    

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