More Bad Than Good Part 2

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'Alright everyone, let's get started.' Mr. Yukimura said. I hate history, why should we learn about people who are already dead? Useless. I had more important things to do. Like my lil' bro and the new girl for example. I noticed her checking him out. 'We were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war.' He began. 'There's a passage in our reading that I'd like to go over in more detail. Who'd like to come up and read it out loud for us?' He asked. I was too busy praying he wouldn't pick me that I barely even noticed he chose Stiles. Even though he didn't volunteer. Well nobody did so yeah. 'Oh...Uh... Maybe someone else could...' Stiles began and I quickly raised my hand sending him a smile. 'I'll do it Mr. Yukimura. I'll read. I can read. And you know, you should really let me read cause I never volunteer to read. You can ask the previous teacher, and you know... Every other teacher.' I shrugged causing the class to laugh. 'I'm very happy that you're so excited Miss McCall, but everyone has to participate in my class, you'll get your chance don't worry.' He smiled at me and then looked back at my boyfriend who was starting to get a little worried. 'Okay...' Stiles muttered, he stood up and walked to the front of the class where the book was. He took a deep breath and leaned a little closer to the book. I noticed his hands taking a firm grip on the wood on the table. His heart was racing. I raised my hand again. I looked at Scott and he showed both his hands asking me what we could do. Stiles looked around the class, breathing heavily and looked like he could pass out any minute. Scott stood up and walked over to him placing a hand on his shoulder. 'Stiles are you alright? I'm just gonna take him to the nurses office.' Scott said and Mr. Yukimura nodded saying it was alright. Scott grabbed Stiles arm guiding him towards the door. Stiles stopped him and turned back around. 'S-Sammy...' He muttered and reached out his hand. I looked at Mr. Yukimura for permission, he frowned a little at first but then nodded and I stood next to Stiles within a second. 'I'm right here baby.' I whispered wrapping an arm around his waist for support. We didn't take him to the nurse's office but the men's bathroom. Stiles stumbled inside and held on to the wall for support. 'Hey Stiles talk to me man is this a panic attack?' Scott asked. 'It doesn't look like one...' I muttered as I walked over to Stiles. He stared into the mirror repeating that it was just a dream. 'It's just a dream...Just a dream...' He panted. 'No it's not, Stiles.' I said placing a hand on his shoulder. 'This is real Stiles, you're here, I'm here and Scott's here.' I said. 'Stiles what, I mean what do you do? How do you tell if it's a dream or not?' Scott asked. 'Fingers.' I muttered. 'You have extra fingers in your dreams.' I told Scott and he nodded. 'Okay Stiles look at me, how many do I have? Look at my hands and count with me. One...' Scott began and I cupped Stiles' cheeks again forcing him to look at my brother's hands. 'Keep going.' I told him. 'Two..' He panted. 'Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... Ten.' He said. 'Ten.' He repeated and his breathing slowed down. 'Ten.' I said once more. 'You see babe? This is real.' Stiles sighed and stumbled away from me sliding down against the wall. 'What the hell is happening to me?' He sighed. 'We'll figure it out, you're gonna be okay.' Scott said crouching down in front of him. 'Am I?' Stiles asked. 'Are you? Scott you can't transform. Allison's being haunted by her dead aunt and I'm sure that I'm losing my mind. We can't do this. We can't... We can't help Malia, we can't help anyone...' He muttered. I sighed and held out my hand. I grabbed it and I sat down next to him, Scott did the same. I looked at my brother and we also grabbed each other's hand. 'We can try.' I said looking at them. 'We always try.' We sat there for a few more minutes when I suddenly heard a scream and the sound of glass shattering. Scott and I shot each other a look before I looked at Stiles. He nodded and kissed my hand. 'Go check it out, I'm fine. I promise.' He said. I smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. 'I'll be right back.' I whispered before Scott and I left the room. We ran to the locker room where we found the glass. I could hear growling. Scott and I sneaked behind the lockers until we found Kira. She jumped when she saw us and I quickly told her to be quiet. Scott pushed over to locker with one little push. We waited until we heard another growl. We stepped further into the room but it seems like she was gone.

Of course, since there was coyote running around the school, the police had to be called. Scott and I found Stiles and his dad across the hallway. The sheriff saying something about might having to put her down. 'Are you 100% sure that this is a girl and not an animal?' The sheriff asked his son. 'Yes.' Stiles replied. 'Because Scott and Sam are sure.' He then said. They both looked at us. 'Scott? Sammy? You've been listening?' Stiles asked. We nodded and I added a wave, the sheriff's eyes grew slightly wider. 'Okay then let's get this figured out.' Papa Stilinski sighed. Scott and I went back to the locker room where Kira was assuring her dad that she was fine. 'They forgot their bags, I was just trying to do something nice, because that's how you make friend right? Or so I've heard...' She shrugged. 'Scott, Sammy.' It was Stiles. 'I think I know what she was after.' He said. He walked over to us with his bag in his hands. He opened it and took out a doll. I sighed. 'You took the doll from the car?' I asked crossing my arms over my chest. 'Yeah, I thought you could use it.' Stiles shrugged. 'Where did you get that?' A voice sounded. I groaned. Mr. Tate again. 'Where did you find this?' He asked snatching the doll from my boyfriend's hands. 'It belonged to my daughter...' He muttered. The sheriff came over and pushed us away. 'I'm sorry, Mr. Tate, I don't know how you heard about this, maybe you have you own police scanner but you can't be here.' He reached out his hand to guide Mr. Tate away, but Mr. Tate quickly stepped away and then looked down at the ground knowing he got caught. The sheriff moved his jacket and revealed a gun. 'Damn.' I muttered. 'I have a permit.' Mr. Tate said. 'California school are gun free zones, permit or no permit. You need to leave.' Papa Stilinski said sternly. 'You find that animal, you find that thing!' Mr. Tate said before leaving.


'Xylazine.' Doctor D began as he entered the room and placed three small bottles and the table. 'Is a tranquilizer for horses. For a were-coyote expected to work within seconds.' He said. 'I only have three, so whoever shooting needs to be a damn good shot.' He added. 'Allison's the perfect shot.' Scott said quickly but Isaac shook his head. 'Nah, she used to be.' He said. 'She can do it.' Scott said. 'If we manage to find the thing.' Isaac replied. 'Okay what is the point of him?' Stiles asked pointing a finger at Isaac. 'Seriously, I mean what is his purpose? Besides for his persistent negativity and his scarf. What's up with the scarf? It's sixty five degrees out.' He said. 'Look, maybe I'm asking the question here that no one wants to ask.' Isaac said. 'But how do we turn a coyote back into a girl? When she hasn't been a girl for eight years?' He asked. 'I can do it.' Scott said and Stiles raised an eyebrow. 'You can?' He asked. 'You remember the night Peter trapped us in the school?' Scott asked and I snorted. Unappropriated reaction I know but I couldn't help it. 'In the gym he was able to make me turn by using just his voice, Deucalion did the same thing in the distillery.' He said. 'This is a were-coyote, Scott.' Deaton said. 'Who knows if it will even work if you can someone to teach you?' He asked. 'I could try it on my own first.' Scott said. 'But right now I'm too scared to even change into just a werewolf.' He sighed. 'We need a real alpha.' Stiles muttered. 'You know what I mean.' Stiles sighed when he saw Scott's face. 'An alpha who can do alpha things you know an alpha who can get it going you know get it...' He couldn't find the words to the rest of his sentence. 'Up?' Isaac tried and I raised an eyebrow before laughing. 'Great. I'm an alpha with performance issues.' My brother sighed. 'Is there anyone besides Derek who could help?' Deaton asked. 'I wouldn't trust Peter.' Isaac said. Agree. Totally agree. 'The twins?' Stiles asked. 'They're not alphas anymore.' Deaton said and I raised a questioning eyebrow. 'After what Jennifer did to them, almost killing them, it broke that part of them.' He told us. 'Right but what if they know how to do it?' I asked. 'Nobody's seen them for weeks...' Scott muttered. 'Well actually that's not totally true.' Stiles said and everyone turned to him. He sighed and got out his car keys. 'Let's go pay Lydia a visit.' He said and I grinned. Of course. I anyone were to know where Aiden is hanging out, it's Lydia. And wherever Aiden is, is also Ethan.


I had to run soooo much during p.e today ugh we had to try and run as many lenghts as we could (around a football field, and I do mean football like soccer not American Football :p) anyway, we had to do that within 12 minutes. I did 5. I suck. Anyway I was totally broken at the end but I also felt kinda good, Idk maybe because I actually did something rather than laying in my bed all day :p

I still prefer laying in bed though 

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