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'And? Is he answering?' I asked my boyfriend as I opened the door to the locker room. 'I've only just pressed the call button Sam- Ha, hey, Scott! Do you know what day it is today? Get your ass down here now! We have a job to do.' Stiles said. 'Dude, I'm already in bed.' Scott replied with a chuckle. 'And aren't we getting a little old for this?' He asked. 'We do this for Coach.' Stiles replied. 'I thought we did this to Coach?' Scott asked. 'Basically the same thing.' I shrugged. 'Whatever you know, he needs this. He lives for this stuff. He loves it.' Stiles said. 'But it's the middle of the night?' Scott said, still trying to sneak his way out of this. I grabbed Stiles' hand and pulled the phone towards me. 'How many times have we been out in the woods in the middle of the night? At least now we're at the school doing something fun.' I said. Stiles motioned for me to hold the phone as he opened his locker, I held the phone to his ear. 'Twelve fifteen actually, which means it's past midnight and officially Mischief Night/Day which is by a perfectly and awesome coincidence also Coach's birthday.' Stiles told my brother. I frowned when he for some reason had a drill in his locker. 'So if you are not down here in five seconds, he will destroy you.' I chuckled. Stiles nodded. 'And I do mean five, four, three, two...' We turned around and screamed. Stiles stumbled back against his locker. Scott was standing right in front of us. 'One?' He grinned at us. I held my hand to my heart. 'I hate you.' I breathed.


'You know, I'm glad I never bought a car.' I grinned as I climbed off Scott's bike. 'This thing is awesome and it saves me a lot of money.' I shrugged. Scott rolled his eyes and threw an arm around my shoulder. 'It's all fun and cheap right, until I stop giving you rides to school.' He grinned and I shrugged. 'Meh, I still have Stiles.' I said and we both laughed. That's when I noticed two other bikes parked next to ours. They belonged to the twins. 'You guys back at school?' I asked when they walked over to us. 'No, just to talk.' Ethan replied. Okay wait, Ethan is wearing the green shirt and Aiden the blue one. Remember that. I smiled. He was about two steps behind me. I recognized his heart beat. 'Ah, that's kind of a change of pace for you guys.' Stiles said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. 'You know as you're usually just hurting, maiming, killing.' He said and I rolled my eyes yet smiling. 'You need a pack, and we need an alpha.' Aiden said. 'Yeah, absolutely not. That's hilarious though.' Stiles said and I nodded. 'Best joke I've heard today. Actually the only joke I've heard today...' I muttered. 'You came to us for help, we helped.' Ethan said. I scoffed. 'You beat his face into a bloody mess, that's not exactly helping.' I said crossing my arms over my chest. 'In my opinion that's actually counter-productive.' Stiles added with a shrug. 'Why would I say yes?' Scott asked. 'We'd add strength, we'd make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no.' Aiden replied. 'I can think of one.' A new voice sounded, Isaac. 'The two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd.' Good one. I would not have thought of that. Good move Lahey. 'In fact I don't know why we're not impaling them right now.' Isaac shrugged and Ethan let out a growl. 'Wanna try?' He asked. They stepped closer to each other so I quickly wiggled my way in there. 'Hold your horses ladies, there's no need for a bitch fight because I think we all know I'd kick all of your asses.' I said and Scott rolled his eyes again pulling me away from them. 'I'm sorry but they don't trust you.' He told the twins. 'And neither do I.' He said and walked away. 'Bye ladies.' I smiled as I skipped past them. We entered the school and Stiles immediately got hit with a toilet roll. 'Hey! That's my face!' Stiles exclaimed. I burst out into fits of laughter and high fived the kid who threw it. Stiles sighed and walked towards his locker. 'Here, hold this for a sec.' He said handing me his bag and changing his books. I smiled when I saw some pictures of us hanging inside his locker. From when we were little to only a few weeks ago. I looked at my brother who was staring at something behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw it was Kira having some trouble with her books and her bag. Holding both of 'em isn't easy I know. Stiles noticed and also turned his head. 'What are you looking at?' He asked Scott. 'Me?' Scott replied and I scoffed. 'You.' Stiles confirmed. 'You looking at her?' Stiles asked. I frowned when he placed a box with eggs in his locker. As long as they're not for me it's fine. 'Her? Who her?' Scott asked totally playing dumb. I rolled my eyes. 'Her, her.' Stiles said nodding at Kira. 'Kira, do you like her?' He asked. I smirked and Scott quickly replied with a no. Too quickly. Aha, denying. He likes her. 'I mean, yeah, she's okay, she's new.' He shrugged. 'So? Ask her out.' Stiles said and Scott's eyes widened. 'Now?' He asked. 'No, right after the apocalypse, of course now you doorknob!' I said, Stiles closed his locker and I handed him his bag. 'She's right, Scott. You're the alpha. You're the apex predator. Everyone wants you. You're like the hot girl that everyone wants.' Stiles said clapping his hands together. I frowned and looked up at him. 'I'm the hot girl?' Scott asked. Isaac joined us and he looked just as confused as I did. 'You are the second hottest girl.' Stiles told him. 'Let's go hottest.' He then said wrapping an arm around my shoulder and walking us to class. 'Come on second hottest girl! We gotta get to class!' I yelled over my shoulder. I sat down in my usual seat next to Stiles. We were waiting for coach who was still in his office. 'Do you think he's found it yet?' Stiles whispered. I leaned back in my seat. 'Don't know, it's awfully quiet in there.' I replied. 'SON OF A BITCH!' We then heard him yell. I grin spread across my face and I quickly sat straight in my chair when coach entered the class room. 'Mischief night! Devil's night! I don't care what you call it, you little punks are evil.' He said and laughter erupted from the corners of the room. Stiles and I shared a high five under the desk. 'You think it's funny, every Halloween my house gets egged? A man's house is supposed to be his castle. Mine's a frigging omelet!' He said. He then noticed the second box on his desk. 'Oh this?' He asked picking up the box. 'We're gonna do this again?' My eyes widened a little. Well, the box in his office made his board, and photos fall from the wall. And we also kinda ruined is chair. But this one... Nope. Not ours. Stiles, Scott and I took care of his office, this was not our work. 'I don't think so.' Coach said before dropping it and stepping on it to make it even worse. A crashing sound caught his attention. He picked up the remaining's of a coffee mug that said #1 Coach with a picture of him on it. He sighed when he picked up the card that came with it. 'Happy birthday... Love, Greenberg.' He read. My jaw dropped and I quickly covered my mouth with my hand to stop from laughing. Poor Greenberg...


It's safe to say I wasn't awfully surprised when the sheriff showed up at our school once again. Only this time it wasn't anything supernatural, or at least not yet. You never know in this town. Of course Stiles wanted to know everything, and of course he dragged me along. The sheriff told us it was about some guy who'd attempted on killing loads of people with a shrapnel bomb, yeah he escaped from the hospital. 'Whoa, whoa, you mean the William Barrow?' Stiles asked running after his dad, as he was holding a death grip on my hand I was being dragged along. 'The shrapnel bomber? Spotted nearby?' Stiles asked his dad. 'A little closer than nearby, actually.' Papa Stilinski told us quietly. 'How do we get to the basement?' I heard someone ask and I groaned when I heard that voice. 'Why is he here?' I sighed. My dad and some other cops walked past us and I stuck out my tongue at him. 'Dad, what's really going on here?' Stiles asked his father.

By this rate I'll be writing season four in like two weeks or so lol

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