Alpha Pact Part 2

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I wish this could be a valid reason not to go to school. But I can't exactly roll in there and go 'Oh I'm sorry but my mother's been kidnapped waiting to be ritually sacrificed and my brother joined an evil alpha pack of werewolves, I don't think I'll make it to school today.' Nah. That'll only get me in a mental hospital. I had to bite through this sour apple and make it through the day. But the full moon was tomorrow. We didn't have much time and I wasn't really up for wasting my time learning about the fucking Pythagorean Theorem. Unless that can help me save my mother and brother. But I don't think it can. Me, Lydia and Stiles were walking towards our lockers, Lydia was going on about Aiden not texting her back, of course he hasn't, he's too busy with his little alpha friends. Stiles received a text, as he read it his hands started shaking and his eyes grew wide. I dropped my books. 'Is it Scott?' I asked. He shook his head. 'No, It's from Isaac. Jen- Jennifer, she has Allison's father. She's got all three now.' He said. 'We still got time, right?' Lydia asked looking between me and Stiles. I didn't answer. Something was wrong with him. His hands were shaking badly as he put his phone in his pocket, his breathing got heavier and he looked as if he could pass out any minute. I've seen this before. But it's been years. I remember the first time this happened, the night his mother died, there was a hospital full of nurses but I was the one who had managed to calm him down. I had no idea what to do, but as the months past I learned how to help him. But then they stopped. And now his father is in danger and now its back. 'Shit.' I dropped my bag and grabbed his shoulders. 'Stiles, look at me.' I said. 'What's wrong? What's happening?' Lydia asked confused. 'He's having a panic attack.' I grabbed his hand tight and guided him towards the locker room, no one was supposed to be there right now. 'Wa- What do we do? Do you know what to do?' Lydia rambled, panic in his voice. 'Just stay calm, I've dealt with this before.' I told her. We stepped inside the locker room, Stiles slid down to the floor against some lockers, panting and sweating. I stripped off my jacket and crouched down in front of him. 'Stiles, Stiles baby look at me, look only at me baby.' I took his face in my hands and forced him to look at me. But he looked away and squeezed his eyes shut. 'No, no look at me baby, focus your eyes on me. I'm right here Stiles. I always have, we've been through this before, we can do it again. Just look at me baby.' I rambled. 'It's no- I can't... I can't breathe Sammy...' He managed to choke out between heavy takes of breaths. 'Stiles please come on, try to focus your breathing. Look at me. Breathe with me. Stiles baby I love you I'm right here, you're all right. Take your time, it's okay, I'm not leaving you.' I whispered as I cupped his cheek with one hand and stroked his hair with the other. 'It doesn't look like it's working...' Lydia noticed. I'd almost forgotten she was in here with us. 'I can see that...' I sighed. 'I read somewhere that holding your breath can stop a panic attack?' She suggested. 'Does he look like he's able to hold his breath right now?' I yelled but quickly shut my mouth again. 'I'm sorry, Lydia.' I whispered. 'Sam.' She said. I looked up at her, she held up a finger and pressed it against her lips. I tilted my head to the side confused. She pointed at Stiles and then back to her lips. 'Stiles, baby look at me.' I said resting my forehead against his. 'I can't br- Make it s... stop Sammy... Please.' I placed both my hands on his cheeks and forced him to look up at me before smashing my lips onto his. He held back his breath and I pulled back after a few seconds resting my forehead against his. I felt his breath against my cheek, nice and steady. 'I'm sorry...' He whispered and I shook my head. 'I'm sorry you had to go through that again.' I replied. 'I kinda wish you would've used that trick back then.' He chuckled and I smiled at the fact that he was already joking around again. 'It was actually Lydia's idea.' I shrugged. 'Really smart by the way.' I smiled at her. 'If I were really smart I'd say you could use a few sessions with a guidance counsellor.' She said and I laughed a little, but Stiles' face was serious. 'Morell.' He said. He stood up and pulled us out of the locker room. We ran into her office without knocking but there was no one there, except for a girl who probably had an appointment. 'Are you here for Miss Morell?' Stiles asked her. 'Nah I thought this was gym class.' She replied with a huge amount a sarcasm. I was not in the mood for sarcasm. Lydia smiled a fake smile. 'Sweetie, we're not in the mood for funny, do you know where she is?' She asked. 'If I did I wouldn't be waiting here for twenty minutes! So how about the three of you back out the door and wait your turn.' The girl told us. 'We're not here for a session.' I said. 'Well I am, and I've got some serious issues to work on.' She replied. 'Whoa, wait, wait, you're Danielle? You're Heathers best friend?' Stiles noticed. She nodded. 'I was Heathers best friend. We've been working on that issue three times a week.' She said. 'Hold on. Did you say she was twenty minutes late?' Lydia asked. 'And I don't know why either, she's always on time!' Danielle replied. 'I was seeing her at the beginning of the semester, she was never late.' Lydia said with a shake of her head. 'Well then she's not late, she's missing.' Stiles said. 'What if we're not the only ones who think she knows something?' I asked. 'And I wanna know what she knows...' Stiles muttered and he walked over to her desk. 'What are you doing?' Danielle asked, leaning forward in her chair. 'Trying to find her.' Stiles replied. 'Those files are private.' Danielle said. 'Yeah, she's kinda right....' Lydia pointed out. Stiles picked out a file. 'That one's yours.' He said and Lydia quickly grabbed it and started reading through it. I noticed a certain piece of paper. 'Hey uh, that's your drawing.' I said. 'Yeah I know, it's a tree.' She replied obviously. 'It's good too.' Danielle added. 'No, but that's the same one though.' Stiles said as he stood up. 'Same as what?' Lydia asked confused. 'The same as I always see you drawing in class.' He replied. 'It's a tree?' Lydia asked with raised eyebrows. 'I like drawing trees.' She said. 'Yeah, but it's the exact same one.' I said already having my hand in her bag picking out another one and placing them next to each other. They were identical. Stiles grabbed her notebook which was full of them, all the same trees. I noticed Danielle grabbing her bag. 'You can have my session, you got bigger issues.' She said and left the room. 'What is this?' Lydia asked shakily. Stiles grabbed the drawing and turned it around, so that the branches of the three were pointing downwards, like roots. Wait a minute. I know what that is. 'Nemeton.' I whispered. 'I know where they are.' We left her office. 'That's where she's keeping them, it has to be.' I said. 'Stilinski!' I voice yelled from across the hallway and I quickly turned around again. 'Wait, is that...' Lydia began but I quickly cut her off. 'Yeah, I know, just pretend you're talking to me.' I sighed. Stiles groaned as well. 'Okay, go to Derek, he's been there before so he'll know where it is. Tell 'em it's the root cellar, they'll know.' He told us. She nodded and walked off. 'Give him a hard time with my greetings please.' I told Stiles before jogging after Lydia. When we arrived at Derek's house I suddenly remembered something. But Lydia had already knocked on the door. 'Uh Lydia, I think there's something you should kn- ... know...' Peter had already opened the door. 'You.' Lydia said with wide eyes. 'Me.' Peter replied.

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