Illuminated Part 3

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'Why exactly are we here? Someone please enlighten me!' I said when Stiles parked his jeep behind the police station. Scott and Kira, who were on the bike, walked over to the jeep. 'Something about Kira's phone or something.' Stiles quickly told me. 'Okay.' I shrugged. Stiles opened his window and got out his wallet where he grabbed some cards. He handed them to Scott one by one. 'Okay, this one will get you into all the perimeter doors, this one is for the evidence room and this one's for my father's office.' He said 'You didn't steal these did you?' Scott asked. 'Nah, I just cloned them using a RFID emulator.' Stiles replied with a shrug. 'Is that worse than stealing?' My brother asked his best friend. 'It's smarter.' Stiles replied. 'Scott can I ask you something?' Kira asked and she pulled him away from us. 'Okay, I'll just... ask my girlfriend what you're saying.' Stiles muttered turning his head to me with a cheeky smile. 'Nope.' I said popping the p. 'What? Why?' He whined. 'Because their relationship is private.' I shrugged. Stiles glared. 'They're not dating.' He said. 'Yet.' I added with a grin. He pouted and leaned towards me placing his hands on my thighs for support making my breath hitch. 'Please? Sammy boo please?' He asked with these big brown eyes. I shook my head. Don't give in. He brought his face even closer to mine, his lips almost touching mine. 'Pleaseeeee please please please?' Did he even notice what he was doing to me right now? I shook my head again. 'Doesn't matter, they're standing right behind you.' I said. He grumbled something under his breath and turned around. 'Alright, almost everyone's out dealing with the black out, but there's always somebody at the front desk. There's dispatch and usually a night shifter or two. You guys are gonna use the service door by the entrance at the dumpster. Nobody's uses it. Now I'll text you if anyone comes out but if you get caught, I can't help you. Okay? My dad's under investigation for impeachment, because of your dad, so if anything happens I will take your sister, run and I'm gonna leave you both for dead.' He said and I rolled my eyes. 'Got it. Thanks, seriously dude.' Scott said. They left and Stiles looked at me again. 'Please?' He pouted. I laughed and hit his shoulder. 'I hate you.' I said yet a grin was plastered on my face. He smiled and motioned for me to scooch over so I did. The steering wheel was kinda breaking my back but I still managed to properly place my legs so I was straddling him. 'You're still really pissed at your dad aye?' He asked me. I shook my head with a slight sigh. 'I don't wanna talk about my dad.' I said. I leaned my forehead against his and ran my hand through his hair. 'I just really want you to kiss me right now.' I whispered. 'Your wish is my command.' He smiled and gently pressed his lips to mine. 'So... what's up with that... key you found?' I asked between kisses. 'Don't know where it came from.' He replied with a shrug. 'Aha, a mystery key?' I asked detaching my lips from his mouth travelling down his cheek all the way to his neck. His hands suddenly grabbed my waist firmly making me gasp for breath. I smiled and tugged on his shirt so my lips could reach his collar bone. 'Should we take this to the backseat?' I breathed. 'You know part of me really wants to but that's actu...' -'I can feel that part of you wants to.' I chuckled kissing my away up to his cheek again. He sighed but yet smiled a little. 'But that's not such a good idea as your dad just parked his car right in front of the jeep.' Stiles said and my head shot up. 'What?' I looked over my shoulder to see my dad getting out of the car. 'Oh, shit!' I quickly lowered my head. 'Is he gone?' I asked after a few seconds. 'Yeah, I just texted Scott. Oh god I'm so gonna regret this. Move over baby girl.' I got back into the passenger's seat and Stiles opened the door. 'I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.' He told me before running after my dad. What happened to "I'm taking your sister and leaving you both for dead"? As I waiting I started messing around with my phone. I saw I got a text from Scott, oops did he text me saying someone caught him and he'll be spending the rest of his days in jail? Well, it was Stiles' fault. I was relieved to see it wasn't that. What it really was, was way worse. It was a picture of what I'm guessing is my dad's computer, but it was the background the mattered. It was a picture of Scott and I when we were very little, on his lap. I deleted it and put my phone away. I rested my head against the window and focused my hearing. 'Hey, you know this attitude, that you have towards my dad.' I heard Stiles say. 'You can dress it up to all the professional disapproval that you want but I know the real reason you don't like him.' He said. I heard my dad chuckle. 'Is that so?' He asked. 'Yeah. Because he knows something that you don't want him to know.' Stiles replied. 'And guess what, I know it too.' He said quietly. I frowned. What was he talking about? Was does Stiles know about my dad? Could it maybe be to reason why he left us in the first place? No. That couldn't be. Stiles would tell me that. Actually, I don't care why my dad left. I don't even care why he's back. I'm guessing it's not just for the cases, he probably wants our forgiveness but he won't get it. Not from me. That's when I nothing Stiles walking out of the police station and not much later Scott and Kira. 'We did it! All the pictures deleted!' Scott said. 'It was awesome!' Kira said with a big smile. 'I mean, terrifying, completely terrifying, but also kind of awesome. God I've never done anything like that before have you?' Kira asked us. Stiles and I shot each other a look. 'Meh... Once or twice.' We shrugged. 'So, I guess I should take you home now.' Scott said a little awkwardly. Kira nodded, looking kind of disappointed. 'I'll see later? Or are you staying at Stiles'?' Scott asked me. 'I'm sleeping home tonight, but we're going to Danny's party first.' I replied and he nodded. He hugged me and walked over to his bike with Kira trailing behind him. They climbed onto the bike and Scott looked like he was thinking about something. 'Hey uh Sammy.' He then began. 'Would you mind if we join you? To the party?' He asked and Kira smiled again.

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