Motel California

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Motel Glen Capri, is where we will be staying tonight. And I was not looking forward to it. I had nothing to carry out of the bus as Stiles insisted on carrying my bag as well. The whole group stood and watched the motel. 'Uh... I've seen worse...' Scott said trying to lighten the mood. 'Where have you seen worse?' Stiles asked. Coach's whistle sounded so I didn't have time to make a sarcastic remark. 'Listen up! The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wise.' Coach told us. Stiles wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I rolled my eyes. 'And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves. That's why you'll be sharing with Emily, McCall.' Coach said. Scott's head shot up confused. 'What?' He asked and coach groaned. 'The other one.' He said and Stiles' jaw dropped. 'Pardon?' He let out. 'You heard me Stilinski.' Coach said throwing him a key. He sighed as he twisted the key around in his hand. 'Hey, I'll stop by sometime, okay?' I smiled. He nodded and I kissed him goodbye before leaving with Emily. Emily is a friendly pale girl with red hair that matches her skin perfectly. She's in most of my classes although I haven't really spoken to her much. She smiled and held up the key. 'Let's go find a room.' I said. We walked up the stairs that lead to the door which shared the same number as the key. I walked inside and from the corner of my eye I saw Scott and Stiles enter a room only three doors away from ours. I dropped my bag on one of the beds. 'I'm gonna go take a shower first.' Emily told me. I nodded and she disappeared in the bathroom. I laid down on my bed checking my phone. I could hear the faint sound of the shower running. As I was replying to some of my texts the sound of water falling to the ground kept getting louder and louder. I ignored it and grabbed my water bottle from my bag. I took a sip and swallowed but the water didn't go down, it stayed in my throat making it impossible for me to breath. The sound of the shower got even louder, all I could hear was water. And soon I was back at the bottom of the pool but this time it wasn't Derek's arm I was pulling at, it was Stiles'. I screamed and used all my strength but it didn't work. I had the choice of leaving him and swimming to the surface but I didn't. The thought of a life without Stiles hurt my heart both physically and emotionally. I was running on my last breath. The water was turning black around me... 'Sam! Sam? Can you hear me?' I was pulled out of my dream into reality. I rolled off my bed onto the floor gasping for breath. Emily who had just gotten out of the shower ran around the bed and crouched down next to me. 'Sam are you okay? You were having a bad dream I think...' She said unsurely. 'Stil- Stiles...' I squeaked out between gasps for breath. She frowned. 'What about Stiles?' She asked confused. I crawled up with support of Emily and my bed. 'I... have to...I have to....' I stuttered whilst walking towards the door. I pulled it open and the cool night air was refreshing. I held on to the wall as I walked towards Scott and Stiles' room. But when I opened the door the room was empty.


I was busy brushing my teeth when I heard Scott talk to someone in the other room. Weird, I didn't hear a door open or a phone. I left the bathroom with my toothbrush in my mouth. Scott was standing next to the window with his phone pressed to his ear. 'Scott?' I called and his head turned towards me. He lowered his hand and looked at his phone confused, he then looked out of the window again. My phone buzzed, it was a text from Lydia. 'I have to talk to you, just you.' I looked at my best friend last time before going back into the bathroom to finish brushing my teeth and then going to Lydia and Allison's room. I was getting kinda confused. Boyd was also acting strange at the vending machine earlier. I hope Sammy was doing fine, she said she'd stop by but I hadn't seen her all night. I knocked on the door and Lydia opened it letting me in. 'What's wrong?' I asked. 'It's Scott, he's acting weird. The last time I saw Scott act like that was during a full moon.' Allison said. 'Yeah I know he was definitely a little off with me too but actually it was Boyd who was really off I watching him put his fist through the vending machine...' I told the two girls. 'See! It's the motel!' Lydia said. 'Either we have to get out of here right now or someone will have to do an exorcism on 'em before the werewolves go crazy and kill us!' She continued and grabbed a bible from the nightstand next to the bed. 'Whoa hold on, what if it's not just the motel... You said the number at the office went up by three right?' I asked them. 'You mean like three sacrifices?' Allison asked. 'What if this time is three werewolves...?' I suggested. 'But there are five werewolves here, Scott, Isaac, Boyd, Sammy and Ethan.' Allison muttered. My eyes widened only now realizing my girlfriend was one the werewolves staying at the motel right now. 'I don't think that matters, three of them are sacrifices. Maybe we were meant to come here?' I said. 'Exactly! So can we get the hell out of here now?' Lydia said adding a quiet 'please' to that. I noticed a piece of paper sticking out of the bible she was still holding. 'Let me see this...' I said taking the bible from her and opening it revealing an article about a 28 year old man hanging himself at this motel. The book was filled with plenty more articles. 'These are probably all the suicides that happened in this room...' Lydia said as we looked through the articles. 'But if ever room has a bible...' Allison began. 'There could be articles in all of the rooms.' Lydia finished. 'That's a beautiful thing.' I said nodding my head. 'Most places leave a mint under the pillows not a record of all the horrible death that have occurred...' I sighed. 'I bet the room next to this has the one about the couple...' Lydia said. We all turned around and ran out of the door to the next one. I tried to open the door but it was locked. 'That was not locked before.' Lydia said. 'Look forget it, we need to get Scott, Isaac, Boyd and Sam out of here!' Allison said. I happily agreed to that but just as we turned around an awful sounding sound came from the room with the locked door. 'I'm not the only hearing that right?' Lydia asked. 'It sounds like someone turned the handsaw on.' Allison said. I immediately ran back to the door. 'Handsaw?!' I exclaimed. We started smashing our shoulder against the door trying to open it, I was silently praying Sammy wasn't in there. The door flew open and I was slightly relieved seeing it was Ethan, although it made me feel pretty bad. 'Ethan no!' I yelled and ran towards him trying to pull the saw from his hands. But it was really hard trying not the cut either of our limbs off. The saw fell from his hands and I slipped, my face was only a few inches away from the machine that could split my face in half. Luckily Lydia had just pulled the trigger. I quickly moved away from the saw. But the danger wasn't over. Ethan now had his claws out and tried to rip his own guts out. Allison and I started pulling on his hands and he fell on some kind of electric fire thingy which apparently caused him to slip out of his trance. 'What just happened?' He asked as he stood up. He didn't gave us time to answer because he ran out of the room. I groaned and we ran after him. 'Ethan hold on!' I yelled. 'No, I don't how I got there or what I was doing...' He said as we walked down the stairs. 'Okay you could be a little more helpful you know? We did just save your life!' I exclaimed. 'Yeah well you probably shouldn't have.' He said before running off. I sighed deeply. Great. 'Okay look I'll go find Scott you guys go find the others.' Allison said and she disappeared up the stairs. Lydia sighed when she saw my face. 'Don't look at me like that what is it?' She asked. 'I don't really wanna say this but we've kinda gone through something like this before...' I told her. She frowned. 'When?' She asked confused. 'At your birthday party, when you poisoned everyone with wolfs bane...'


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