Alpha Pact

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'Derek? For God's sake Derek!' I yelled as I shook his shoulder. 'He's not waking up.' Stiles groaned. I sighed. 'I'm so sorry.' I muttered before slapping him across the face. I didn't work. Stiles also got down to his knees, he raised his hand but turned it into a fist, he closed his eyes and lowered his hand but Derek's eyes suddenly opened and he grabbed Stiles' wrist. I laughed with relief. He looked around the elevator. 'Where is she?' He asked us. 'Who? Jennifer?' I asked. 'Gone, she has my mom.' I sighed. 'She took her?' Derek asked. 'Yeah and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion.' Stiles added. 'And the police are on their way which is why we have to get you the hell out of here.' I sighed as I grabbed his arm pulling him up. 'Whoa, what about Cora?' Derek asked. 'Peter and Isaac took her out of here, they must be outside with the Argents.' Stiles said. 'Okay, I'm going out there, you two have to stay here and hold off the cops, okay?' Derek said. Stiles and I nodded and Derek ran off. 'We should get to the lobby.' Stiles said and I nodded grabbing his hand. I pushed the elevator button and it brought us down to the lobby. We sat on some chairs until the police arrived. 'He'll be fine, don't worry.' Stiles whispered and he kissed my temple. I smiled a little. I got out my phone and sighed when I had no messages. Although I didn't really expect there to be any. Suddenly I felt Stiles tense up next to me. 'Ah, just perfect...' He sighed. I frowned. 'What's wr... wrong?' My jaw dropped. This could not be true. This horrible night just turned into a real life nightmare. The one man I swore I never wanted to hear or see again, was right here. And he was coming this way. I quickly grabbed a magazine that was lying next to me and held it in front of my face. 'A Stilinski at the centre of this whole mess, what a shocker. You think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?' The man asked my boyfriend. Stiles shrugged. 'If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.' He said and I rolled my eyes smiling a little. 'Where's your dad and why has no one been able to contact him?' He asked Stiles. 'I don't know, I haven't seen him in hours.' Stiles replied calmly. 'Is he drinking again?' My hands took a firmer grip on the magazine I was holding. 'What do you mean again he never had to stop?' Stiles asked clearly getting annoyed. 'But he did have to slow down, is he drinking like he used to?' I threw to magazine down and jumped up. 'You know next time I see him I'll give a field sobriety test, we'll do the alphabet starting with F and U.' I hissed and Stiles quickly grabbed my hand. The man standing in front of me was in total shock, and it got even worse when he saw me holding my boyfriend's hand. Of course, the last time he saw us together we weren't anywhere near dating. 'Why don't you just tell me what happened here?' He spoke after a while. 'I don't know, dad. We were stuck in the elevators the whole time.' I said between gritted teeth. 'So you didn't put the names on the door?' He asked us. Stiles stood up and we looked at each other confused. 'What name?'


Stiles went with the Argents to their apartment to tell them about their name being written on a door and such, but he told me to go home and get some rest. So that's what I did. I took a shower and thought everything through. I was currently drowning in my own thoughts. My mom was taken, held somewhere waiting to be ritually sacrificed, my brother joined a blind yet very dangerous alpha in his pack in order to rescue our mother, and he showed up. After all those years. No, this was too much.


'Samantha? Baby, Sammy.' I groaned as someone shook my shoulder slightly. As my hearing got clearer by waking up I heard water running. Oh god. I fell asleep in the shower. Wait... I blinked a few times to get used to the bright bathroom lights. Stiles was crouched down in front of me and he smiled a little. I sat up straight and my neck was hurting badly, well what a surprise you fell asleep in the shower you dickhead. 'You must've been really tired.' Stiles chuckled. I smiled. 'Are you gonna give me towel any time soon or should I stay naked?' I asked and I raised an eyebrow. Stiles' cheeks turned bright red, he spun around but forgot he was crouched down so he fell over. He quickly crawled up and grabbed a towel from the cupboard handing it to me. I stood up and wrapped it around my body. 'Isn't it a little early for school?' I asked and yawned. 'We have to stop at Lydia's, I've got something to tell her, and you.' He spoke. I nodded. 'I'll just get dressed quickly.' I said. I chose a simple outfit, I mean the chance that we'll be fighting evil werewolves and other mythical creatures today is pretty big so what's the point in dressing fancy? Stiles drove us to Lydia's house and her mother let us in. I was surprised to hear that she was planning on going to school today, even though someone tried to strangle her. Lydia was a really strong woman, anyone who thinks differently about that, can come fight me. 'I don't believe it.' She spoke after Stiles told her everything. 'Scott can't really be with them, he can't be.' She said. Stiles sighed. 'You didn't see the look on his face though...' He muttered. 'He's just doing what he thinks is right.' I sighed. 'We can't blame him for that. I mean, I don't blame him for that.' I shrugged. 'And what can I do?' Lydia asked us. 'I mean I get that I'm some kind of like human Geiger counter for death but I don't know how to turn it on or off yet. All I know is that she tried to kill me because....' She stopped talking mid-sentence and frowned. Stiles and I shot each other a look. 'Because of what?' Stiles asked. 'When she called me a banshee.' Lydia said and I raised my eyebrows. A Banshee? Well goddamn, that explains a lot. 'She was surprised by it. What if that's not why she tried to kill me?' Lydia suggested. 'Then why did she?' I asked. 'That's what we need to find out.'

Omg I wrote so much last night it's unbelievable aaaghhh we're sooo close to evil Stiles I can't wait to write about him and everything I've got planned!!

Let me know whatcha think!

Love ya!

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