The Girl Who Knew Too Much

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'I can't believe it.' I sighed. Stiles' eyes left the road for a split second to look at me, he smiled a little telling me he was sorry. 'I can't believe it.' I said again. 'Our first proper date in months, and yet again...' I sighed and shook my head. Stiles reached out one hand to grab mine. 'I'm sorry princess, but Allison sounded pretty serious when she called.' He told me. 'I know, I know, whenever Lydia gets that feeling it always ends up with her finding a dead body and I know that's more important than watching stupid movies and cuddling I know that.' I rambled. He chuckled a little. 'More important, maybe yeah, but definitely not more fun.' He grinned which caused me to smile. 'I love you.' I sighed as I turned my head forward again looking at my brother who was riding his cross bike in front of us. We rode onto the Beacon Hills High school parking lot and Stiles parked his jeep. We jumped out of the car. 'Where is she?' I asked Allison referring to Lydia. 'Right here.' She replied and Lydia stepped from behind Allison with a small smile. 'It's the same thing.' She began. 'Same thing as the pool, I got into the car, things were totally different and I ended up here and... you told me to call you if there's a dead body.' She shrugged. 'Whoa, you found a dead body?' Stiles exclaimed. 'Not yet.' She replied. 'Not yet? What do you mean not yet? Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find a dead body!' Stiles sighed. 'Oh no, I'm not doing that again, you find the dead body from now on.' She said shaking her head firmly. 'Lydia, you're supposed to find a dead body, you're always the one finding the dead body!' Stiles shot back. 'Guys!' Scott suddenly said causing all of us to look at him. 'I found a dead body.' I frowned and walked over to him. I squeaked. On top of the massive stone sign saying Beacon Hills High school was laying a woman, with a police uniform on. I heard a small gasp coming from my boyfriend. And when I looked a little closer I could see why. The police officer was Tara. The woman that would tell us not the use the radio for stupid things or the woman that would kick us out of the police station but could still laugh about it. Of course Stiles knew her better than I did, she used to help him with his homework whenever he was waiting at the station for his father.


The next morning everyone was of course talking about it. It would be the highlight of the day, but tomorrow, everyone would've already forgotten about her. But not us. I also heard Danny and some other lacrosse players were at the school last night, apparently Tara told them someone made a 911 call and that's why she was there. I wonder who. My eye caught my beloved boyfriend peeking around a corner spying on his father, the principal, and another man who I didn't recognize. I quietly sneaked up on him and then jumped on his back. 'Got ya!' I giggled kissing his neck. 'Hi there.' He smiled but his face then turned into worry. 'Oh shit.' He muttered. I jumped off his back and he turned us around, he pulled me in front of him and grabbed my bag and held it behind his head. Was he trying to hide from his father? I really don't know how one bag would make him invisible. He started walking but of course he was seen. 'Hey! Hey you, back it up!' The sheriff yelled after us. Stiles lowered the bag with a sigh and handed it back to me. 'I know what you're thinking.' Papa Stilinski began. 'I know what you're thinking. You got all these ideas about patterns and people dying in threes...' He said. 'Dad, murdered.' Stiles said correcting his father. 'Sacrificed actually.' I noticed with a shrug. 'I got half the state and the FBI coming in on this. They're not getting away with killing one of our own.' The sheriff said. 'Dad.' Stiles whispered. 'They killed Tara. You know, how many times has she helped me with my math's homework when I was waiting for you at the station?' He said. Papa Stilinski sighed. 'Just... uh, get to class you two.' He said before turning around and walking away. Stiles sighed. 'Hey, you okay?' I asked quietly. He smiled a little. 'Yeah, Sure. Fine, I love you, come on let's go.' He said grabbing my hand and starting to walk to our next class. I let it go, although I knew he really wasn't fine. I didn't want to force anything, if he doesn't wanna talk yet then that's fine. We arrived at our next class which was with Miss Blake. She was actually quite a good teacher. But apparently Lydia didn't think so as she was too busy drawing... another tree. 'Idioms, analogies, metaphors and similes. All tools the writer uses to write their story.' Miss Blake said as walked past Lydia and saw her tree. She smiled. 'Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents.' She said. 'You and every guy I've ever dated.' Lydia said looking up with a smile. Miss Blake looked a bit startled. 'Oh, that was an idiom by the way.' She said and walked back to the front of the classroom. 'Idioms are something of a secret of the people who know the language or the culture.' She said looking at my brother, boyfriend and myself. I frowned a little. 'There are phrases that only make sense if you know keywords. Saying "Jump the gun" is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race or a phrase like "Seeing the whole board."' She said. 'Chess...' Stiles muttered next to me and Miss Blake smiled. 'That's right, Stiles. Do you play?' She asked him. 'Oh, no. My father does.' He replied with a shake of his head. She smiled and continued her lesson. 'Now, when does an idiom become a cliché?' As Miss Blake continued her explanation, Scott leaned closer to mine and Stiles' desks. 'I think I can get to Ethan. I'm pretty sure I can make him talk.' He said. 'What do you wanna do that for?' Stiles whispered. 'The druids are emissaries, right? So what if the darach, was an emissary to the alphas?' Scott suggested. 'Okay first of all I cannot believe that we've gotten to the point where sentences like "what if the darach was an emissary to the alphas" actually makes sense to me.' Stiles said and I patted his shoulder. 'Same here buddy. But second of all we're gonna have a huge problem getting to Ethan.' I said. 'What's that?' Scott asked. 'Who's the one person people have to get passed before they get to kill you?' I asked raising my eyebrow. 'You.' Scott shrugged knowing the obvious. Then his face dropped a little. 'Yeah, how are getting past Aiden?' I sighed. 'She's right.' Stiles said. 'Ever since he's been back at school they're always together how are we gonna separate them again?' He asked. I caught Scott's gaze and I knew we thought the same thing. Stiles raised his eyebrows. 'Guys I'm not part of the supernatural twin crew enlighten me please!' He whined. I smirked and turned around in my chair resting my elbow on Lydia's desk. 'Hey Lydia, what a beautiful tree you've got there.' I smiled. She sighed as she dropped her pencil and looked up at me. 'What now?'

To make up for lacking and not making sense

Have another chapter :)))))

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