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It was the middle of the night when Mr. Stilinski called me. I was fast asleep and I barely even heard my phone. When I saw it was the sheriff calling my heart immediately started racing. I got that feeling that the wife of a firefighter gets when the red car pulls op in front of her house. I mean, the sheriff wouldn't call me in the middle of the night just for fun. I placed the phone against my ear and swallowed thickly. 'Hello?' I asked. 'Hey eh, Samantha. I'm sorry to wake you up but I kind of need your help. Stiles just woke up from a pretty bad nightmare, I mean, he was screaming so I'm assuming it was pretty bad. I can't get him to calm down. Would you mind giving it a try?' He asked me. I let out a quiet sigh, happy that Stiles was alright, physically at least. 'No, no, of course. Put him on the phone, please.' I replied. I sat up straight in my bed. Could that nightmare be an effect of the Nemeton? Deaton did say it could have an effect on them. Was it already starting? Would it stay with just dreams? 'Hey princess.' My heart dropped. His voice was husky and it cracked of few times, not only from being tired but I assumed from crying as well. 'Hey baby, what happened, talk to me.' I said quietly. 'I had a nightmare. A few actually.' He sighed. 'I know your dad told me, what was it about?' I asked him. 'First I was at the school, the Nemeton, the tree, it was in a classroom. Then I woke up, sort of. I was in my bed in you were next to me, my door was open and I went to close it but you kept telling me not to. Then I was suddenly in a grove, at the Nemeton again. I told myself to wake up, I thought I did. I went to school and told you and Scott everything. And then I woke up again. Sammy I'm not even sure if this this is real.' He said, his voice on the urge of crying again. 'It is Stiles, I know it is, trust me. Do you think you can try and sleep some more?' I asked. 'I don't know, I'm tired but I'm also scared. But I don't want to keep you up.' He replied. I smiled and got out of bed, I walked over to my bookshelf. 'You aren't. I'm wide awake. Should I read something?' I asked as I let my fingers fly across the many books that were on the shelf. 'Yeah, if you want to.' He said. I grabbed The Hunger Games from the shelf and walked back to my bed, I got under the covers and opened the book. I told Stiles about Katniss, and how she volunteered for The Games in order to save her sister. I read him about Katniss, Effie, Haymitch, Peeta, and the actual games, until all I could hear was his steady breathing meaning he'd fallen asleep.


I yawned when I was packing my bag for school the next morning. I put my hair up in a messy bun, not bothering to do anything else with it. I didn't regret staying up with Stiles last night, he needed me and I was there. I walked out my room to come across an awkward Isaac and Scott. They hadn't noticed me. 'Are you angry, with me?' Isaac asked. 'No.' Scott replied quickly. 'Are you sure?' Isaac asked. 'No.' Scott replied again. 'What does that mean?' Isaac asked confused. 'I guess I'm not really sure how I'm feeling.' Scott shrugged. 'Okay, do you hate me?' Isaac asked and I rolled my eyes. 'No, of course not!' Scott said quickly. I walked back into my room. I could write a book about those two. 'Do you wanna hit me?' I heard Isaac ask. 'No.' Scott said. 'I think you should hit me.' Isaac said. 'Isaac, I don't wanna hit you.' Scott sighed. 'Are you sure?' Isaac asked again. 'Why would I wanna hit you? You didn't do anything, did you?' Scott asked with a slight chuckle. 'No, no I didn't I... What do you mean?' Isaac stammered. 'I mean like, you didn't kiss her or anything did you?' My brother asked, referring to Allison. 'No, no absolutely not.' Isaac replied. This was not going the right way. 'Did you want to?' Scott asked. 'Oh, yeah, totally.' Isaac replied. And then there was loud bang. Of course there was. I peeked my head outside my door just as my mother walked around the corner. Isaac was outside the room, on the floor against the wall. 'Hey!' She called. 'You two supernatural boys, don't test my un-supernatural level of patience.' She warned them. I grinned. 'You still got me mom!' I said. 'Lucky me!' She winked and walked off again. I looked at the two boys. 'I'll wait on the bike.' I told Scott and left my room. 'No more fighting!' I yelled over my shoulder.


Scott parked the bike at the school and I climbed off. I frowned when I noticed Scott looking at his helmet oddly. 'Is it scratched or something?' I asked. He turned his head towards me. 'Are my eyes red?' He asked me in a whisper. I shook my head. 'No, why?' I asked confused. He looked back at his helmet, I think he wasn't looking at the helmet really but his reflection. 'Nothing, never mind.' He muttered. We walked towards the school building, I was telling him that he needed to drop me off at the store after school because my concealer was running out, but of course he wasn't listening. He frowned and turned around. Was he staring at his shadow? 'Scotty, wouldn't a mirror be a better option to admire yourself?' I chuckled. He didn't answer and continued walking. Well, walking, more like running. I jogged after him down the stairs. He kept looking at his shadow behind him, which was totally normal by the way, I didn't understand. He bumped into Stiles who grabbed his shoulders. 'Hey there, buddy. You alright?' He asked him. Scott nodded. I joined them and frowned. 'You sure? You don't look alright?' I noticed. 'I'm okay.' Scott told us. 'No you're not.' Stiles said. 'It's happening to you to. You're seeing things, aren't you?' He asked. 'How'd you know?' Scott asked. 'Because it's happening to all three of you.' Lydia's voice sounded from behind me. I turned around and there she was, with Allison. We all walked inside, Stiles told about his dream, Allison about her hallucination about crazy Kate and Scott about the shadow thing. 'Well, well.' Lydia said clapping her hands. 'Look who's no longer the crazy one.' She sang. 'We are not crazy.' Allison sighed. Lydia turned around to face us. 'Hallucinations, sleep paralysis, yeah you guys are fine.' She said. 'I hate to admit, but she's got a point.' I sighed. 'We did die and come back to life.' Scott shrugged. 'It's gotta have some side effects.' The bell rang meaning class was about to start. 'We keep an eye on each other, alright?' Stiles said. 'And Lydia, stop enjoying this so much.' He spoke before grabbing my hand and walking us to class.


Something About Me // Teen Wolf [BOOK 3] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now