The Overlooked Part 4

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Peter and Scott both disappeared into the laundry chute, I thought I heard a noise at the door so I quickly jumped in behind them. I landed in a massive laundry basket, right on top of the two werewolves. 'You couldn't have waited like... ten seconds?' Peter sighed from underneath me. Scott's phone buzzed, he looked at the text and his eyes widened. 'They didn't get out didn't they?' Peter asked. I squeezed my eyes shut. 'Alright I may have forgotten to mention but... uh Kali killed the ambulance driver, she went after Derek and Jennifer who are inside the building and Cora kinda stopped breathing- but Stiles saved her! He saved her! She's breathing again!' I said quickly when Peter suddenly looked like he wanted to kill me. 'Let's just get to that ambulance.' He sighed. We got to the ambulance with Peter resting on both mine and Scott's shoulders. I knocked on the door and I could see Stiles jump. He opened the door and quickly helped Peter get in. 'Where's Derek and Jennifer?' He asked as Peter sat down on the bench next to him. 'We have to go back for them, and our mom.' Scott said. 'Okay well, two problems, Kali has got the keys to this thing and I just saw the twins like thirty seconds ago.' Stiles replied. 'Stay here.' Scott said and started walking back to the door where we came from. I stopped and ran back. 'Sam!' Scott yelled but I ignored him and pressed my lips to Stiles'. 'For good luck.' I whispered when I pulled back and I ran back to Scott. We were walking down the hallway when I suddenly got a fist to the side of my head. I growled. 'Bad choice sunshine's.' I sighed and turned around swinging my leg up in the process kicking the twins in the face. He picked Scott and I up by our throats with ease and smashed our backs against the wall. 'Where the hell is she? We're trying not to hurt you!' They yelled. How does that even work? Who does the talking? 'Try harder.' Scott said. 'Hey!' I recognized my mother's voice and silently prayed I was dreaming. But I wasn't. 'I'd like to try something.' She said before she pressed the defibrillators to his chest. 'Kids, get up!' She said and I grinned as I crawled up. 'What the hell? I thought Deucalion had you?' I asked as we walked through the hallways in high speed. 'He just let me go, said it was gesture of good will no other reason.' She told us. 'He had to have a reason.' Scott sighed. 'I don't think he does anything without a reason.' He said. 'Well if that means that I should continue to be profoundly terrified then don't worry about that I got it covered.' Mom said, her voice and hands shaking a little. Scott suddenly stopped us both from walking, I knew what he meant, I could hear someone walking right around the corner. Scott carefully moved towards the corner, when he saw who it was, he looked both shocked and relieved. I frowned and peeked my head around the corner. 'Oh for God's sake...' I sighed. Standing in front of me were Mr. Argent, Allison and Isaac. We all moved into a room, as we were now with quite an amount of people standing in the hallway discussing our plan would not be very clever. We told them about Derek and Jennifer being stuck in the elevator, Deucalion made my mother turn off the power. 'So, then they're essentially trapped?' Mr. Argent asked. 'But there's no way we're getting them out without turning the power back on?' Isaac noticed. 'Yeah but if the power's back on they're gonna hear the elevator moving, right?' Mom said. 'And then they'll be on Derek and Jennifer as soon as it stops.' I added with a sigh. 'We can't get in a fight with them.' Scott said. 'Yeah well you got us now.' Mr. Argent said nodding at his daughter. I groaned. 'It's too much of a risk! They want her dead, and if she's dead there is nothing we can do for Papa Stilinski or Cora.' I said. 'I don't think I know which teacher this is.' Mr. Argent said with a slight frown. 'Oh she's the one with the brown hair, she's kinda hot.' Isaac said and I raised an eyebrow turning my head towards him. 'Uh, it's uh... just an observation.' He shrugged. 'I've got a plan.' Allison suddenly said. She explained her plan to us. I grinned. 'Alrighty then, let's go get 'em!' First Allison and I switched shoes as she was wearing heels and I was wearing sneakers. Then we video called Isaac. He was waiting in Mr. Argent's car. 'You ready?' She asked him. He shrugged. 'Yeah, of course.' He replied. 'Not nervous?' I grinned. 'Do I look nervous?' He asked us. Allison and I shot each other a look. Yep, he did. 'No, not at all.' We smiled in unison. She placed her phone against the wall with a perfect view of the hallway. 'He looked terrified.' I sighed. 'Hey eh Sammy, I can still hear you, loud and clearly.' Isaac sighed. 'Oops.' I chuckled. Allison sighed. 'Just go as soon as you see them okay?' She told Isaac. Allison then sneaked outside and I waited for her text. 'Get ready.' I told Isaac after I received her text and started running along the hallway. Because of her heels which I was now wearing, and my werewolf hearing, I knew they knew where I was and they were already coming this way. It got even better, also Kali heard me. Just as I ran outside I heard glass shattering above me. I ran past Allison who was crouched down which gave her the signal to turn around and start shooting arrows at the three werewolves that were now outside. Mr. Argent stepped from behind a tree and started shooting his gun. They ran for the hills and on the roof I heard mom turn the power back on. I high fived Allison, I also wanted to high five Mr. Argent but he only raised his eyebrow so I awkwardly lowered my hand again. Allison's phone buzzed. 'It worked Isaac, good job!' She smiled. 'Give me Sam! Put Sammy on the phone right now! I need to talk to her right now Allison!' Isaac rambled. Allison frowned and seemed a little disappointed as she handed me the phone. 'What's wrong curly?' I asked as I pressed the phone to my ear. 'It's Stiles, he ran off.' Isaac breathed. 'What?' I exclaimed. 'I don't know, okay? I just drove the car to the basement as planned, we got Cora in the car but suddenly he just took off!' Isaac replied. I threw Allison her phone and ran back inside. Following his scent that I could pick up even in crowded football stadium. It lead me to the basement where the ambulance was that was supposed to pick up Cora. No one was there. And the ambulance was empty. But then I caught something in the corner of my eye. A piece of paper hanging on the door of the ambulance. It was some kind of form, and at the bottom was asked for the signature of the parent or guardian. And then it hit me. 'Mom.' I gasped. I ran as fast as I could along the hallway, I had to get to the roof, because that's where Scott and Stiles were headed. That's why Stiles ran off. My eyes widened when I past an open elevator with Derek lying unconscious on the floor. Jennifer was nowhere to be seen. I cursed and started running even faster, I swear to god if she took my mother I'll bite her head off. I burst through the door, Stiles was there, and Scott. Only Scott was walking away, with Deuc in front of him. 'No, no...' I ran towards them. 'SCOTT!' I screamed, Stiles wrapped his arms around me holding me back. 'NO SCOTT DON'T! We'll find another way! Scott don't go with him!' I yelled between tears. My brother turned around and looked at me sadly. 'I'm gonna find them, Sammy. I promise.' He said. He turned around and then they were gone. 'NO!' My legs turned weak and I fell down to my knees pulling Stiles down with me. He pulled me onto his lap and I cried, I cried for a very long time.

I have to be at school in about an hour



It's that openschool day thingy ugh    

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