More Bad Than Good

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'Sammy... How much... Further.' Stiles panted next me. We had been running for a while, or well, I've been jogging. 'He's close.' I replied telling the truth, Scott's scent was really close. 'You know, me waiting by the car would've been a good id- whoa!' Stiles ran into Scott almost knocking both of 'em over and I laughed. 'I think I found something.' Scott said and Stiles nodded. 'So did I.' He said. I frowned. 'What did you find?' I asked him. 'A cave like thing, a bit further back.' He replied, still catching his breath. 'Why didn't you tell me?' I asked confused. 'Because I would've probably passed out if I tried to talk, you run really fast you know that?' Stiles told me. Scott rolled his eyes and started walking. We followed. On our way there Scott told us that he found a coyote, and that he thought that coyote might be Malia. We got to the cave that Stiles mentioned. We looked inside and there was all kinds of stuff. A blanket, a cardigan and even a teddy bear. 'A coyote den?' I asked looking at my brother. 'Were-coyote.' He corrected me and I rolled my eyes. 'Brilliant, what's next? Were-Rhino?' I sighed. 'That could be fun.' Stiles shrugged and I rolled my eyes laughing a little. We went deeper into the cave and Stiles picked up the cardigan. 'This is Malia's, remember? It's the same one she was wearing in the photo.' He said and I nodded remembering the picture on the desk. 'We shouldn't be in here.' Scott said. 'What do you mean?' Stiles asked. I groaned. 'Do you not watch TV or read anything? We just invaded her home, she's not coming back.' I said and Scott nodded. 'She's right, our scent is gonna be everywhere.' He said. 'But if she's not coming back here then where is she gonna go?' Stiles asked with a slight frown on his face. 'I don't know.' Scott sighed. Stiles looked around the cave again. 'Well, can you track her now? Do you think you got her scent?' He asked. 'Maybe, but I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf.' He said. 'You know, I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back. But you know, this is basically a crime scene right? And I think it might be a little out of my boss' lead.' He continued. Stiles face cleared up once he knew what my brother meant. 'More my dad's.' He said. 'Yup, the sheriff. The only sheriff. The best sheriff.' I muttered. And about half an hour later Papa Stilinski and his crew arrived. After they inspected the cave the sheriff came to us with a blanket in his hand. 'You sure it was her?' He asked us. Scott nodded. 'I looked her right in the eyes, and they glowed just like mine.' He said. 'It makes sense, dad.' Stiles shrugged. 'But it wasn't a girl?' The sheriff asked. 'It was a four legged coyote, right?' He asked us. 'Well you know, yes, but that's the point we haven't exactly figured out yet...' Stiles stuttered. 'But the accident was on a full moon.' I said. 'And if she changed while her mom was driving than anything could've happened.' I said. 'Horrible could've happened.' Stiles added and I face palmed. 'Ripping, shredding, tearing... Things.' Stiles said. 'Which probably caused the accident.' Scott added. 'Okay, think about it dad.' Stiles began. 'They're driving, Malia start to change, she goes outta control, the mom crashed and everybody dies.' He said. 'Except for Malia, and now she probably blames herself.' I shrugged. 'She runs off into the woods and eventually becomes trapped inside the body of a coyote.' Stiles said causing all the puzzle pieces to fit. 'Well that makes sense.' Papa Stilinski said and we all sighed with relief. 'In a Chinese folk tale!' He then exclaimed and I sighed again lowering my head. 'Kids... This is... This is insane! I need this kept quiet, the three of you, not a word. I don't want anybody hearing about this I especially don't want Mr. Tate hearing about this. Scott?' I looked at my brother and saw he was looking behind him in the distance. There was nothing there, was he seeing something? 'Scott?' The sheriff called again and Scot turned back around. 'Sorry, what were you saying?' He asked. Just then I heard a car pull up. It happened behind us so I couldn't see who it was but by the look on Papa Stilinski face I'd bet a hundred bucks that it was my dad. 'Ah, hell...' Papa Stilinski muttered. I turned around and saw I earned myself a hundred dollars. But it wasn't just my dad, Malia's father was also there. 'Idiot, what an idiot...' I muttered face palming myself. Mr. Tate reached for the blanket in the Sheriff's hand. 'It's hers.' He said holding it in his hands. 'Alright, wait here.' My dad said. 'Dad.' Scott began. 'I'll talk to you in a minute. I wouldn't mind hearing if your moms okay with you running around in the woods at this late.' He said before walking off. I stuck my tongue out after him. 'You'd be surprised just how okay she is with it!' I called after him.


Class hadn't started so we had some time to take Allison apart and show her where we found the den. She said she agreed about Malia not going back to the den. 'Coyote's don't like wolves.' She said. 'And they're really smart if they don't wanna be heard they can walk on their toes.' She added. 'Coyote's tiptoe?' Stiles asked surprised and I rolled my eyes. 'Yes, they tiptoe. Something you should learn to do as well if my dad's going to be in our house more often.' I sighed. The bell rang and Allison said she had to go but that we had to send her the location. Stiles and I walked to our seats and I grinned when I saw Scott get stopped by the new girl, Kira. 'Hi!' She smiled. 'I'm Kira, you knew that. I knew you knew that. I don't know why I just told you that again.' Ah, she's nervous. She likes him. Aaayyy bro. 'Anyway, I have something for you.' She said and slipped her bag off her back. 'For me?' Scott asked surprised. 'Yeah, about the Bardo my explanation was sort of all over the place, so I did some research and printed it out for you.' She said as she looked through her bag. Mwah, das cute. Cuties. 'You didn't have to do that.' Scott said with an awkward smile and he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. A lot of awkwardness. I love it. 'It only took a couple hours.' Kira shrugged and I chuckled. Couple hours? Damn woman. 'Wow, then you really didn't have to do that...' Scott said. 'I swear I printed it out....' Kira sighed as she searched through her bag. 'Kira.' A voice sounded and she turned around. It was Mr. Yukimura. He handed her some papers. 'You forgot all that research you did for that boy you like.' He said handing her the papers. Next to me Stiles had to hold back his laughter whilst I made an 'aww' sound. I quickly sat down on Stiles' lap and covered his mouth with my hand to shut him up. Kira took the papers from her dad in slow motion and turned around just as slow. Scott took the papers with a slight smile. Kira smiled one last awkward smile before turning around and sitting down, probably wishing she could become invisible right now. I caught Scott's gaze and shot him a thumbs up. He rolled his eyes at me. Idiot.

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