Chaos Rising Part 2

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'Okay now what would a pack of alphas want with Erica and Boyd?' Stiles asked us as we were walking outside the school. 'I'm not sure if it's them they want.' Scott responded. 'Okay so what, like Derek? They're recruiting?' Stiles asked but mine and my brother's attention was focused on something else. Two boys who walked past us. I looked back at them over my shoulder, they were cute, and twins. Not like Scott and myself. These were identical twins. I think Lydia would like them as well, too bad she'd only get the straight one though. 'Yo, guys. You coming?' Stiles' voice dragged me from my thoughts. I turned back around with a smile. Scott looked back at the two boys one last time before continuing to walk next to us with a strange look on his face. We entered the school building heading to our next class, economics. Yay, my favourite subject! Okay, not. 'The stock market.' Coach began after he slammed his book onto his desk. 'Is based on two principles. What are they?' He asked and my brother and I immediately raised our hands knowing the answer to the question. 'Yes McCall's you can go to the bathroom.' He told us. 'Is that a twin thing? Having to go to the bathroom at the same time?' He then asked us and Scott and I shot each other a confused look. 'Uh, no coach, we know the answer.' My brother said as he lowered his hand again. Coach looked at us for a second and then started laughing. I raised my eyebrows at him. 'Oh, you're serious?' He then asked and I looked at my brother nodding my head. 'Yeah, it's risk and reward.' Scott told him and coach' eyes widened. 'Wow!' He walked over to Scott's table. 'Who are you and what have you done to McCall? Don't answer that, I like you better.' He said. 'Does anybody have a quarter?' He then asked the class. Stiles immediately reached into his pocket but as he pulled out the quarter from his pocket something else came out as well and fell to the ground. Coach looked down at it before picking it up. 'Stilinski I uh... think you dropped this.' He said as he handed it back to Stiles. I noticed all eyes were on us and my eyes widened when I saw why, it was condom package, I then frowned noticing the XXL writing on it. Coach walked back to the front of the class, patting my shoulder and saying "congratulations" in the process. He grabbed his mug from his desk that said "Coach Rules" and placed in on the ground. I turned around in my seat to face Stiles not paying attention to coach. I ignored the people giving me stares. 'Why do you have that?' I whispered shouted. Ignoring the glances my brother was giving me, and basically everyone else in this classroom. 'I... I told you, I was hiding in the bathroom while she thought I went to get...' He began. 'Yes, when she thought you went to get a condom. Why do you actually have it?' I said cutting him off. Stiles opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out. Eventually he just shrugged and slid down in his chair a bit. I sighed. 'Stiles.' I sighed urging for him to go on. 'I don't know, I just figured... Y'know. You never know what could happen in the future so...' He stopped talking when he saw my glare. Behind me I could hear coach ask for volunteers to try and throw the quarter into the mug, something about risk and reward. Of course Stiles saw it as an opportunity and he raised his hand. 'There ya go! There's a gambling man!' Coach exclaimed as he handed Stiles the quarter. I sighed, crossed my arms over my chest and slid down in my seat. Stiles walked to the front of the class, he was so focused on the quarter that he didn't notice his dad entering the room. 'Stiles.' Coach called. 'Yeah coach, I got it.' Stiles replied still not noticing. 'Stiles.' I said as I stood up from my seat. He finally looked up and his face dropped a little when he saw his dad. They went outside into the hallway, the sheriff asked him about Heather, aka the girl who kissed him and wanted to have sex with him in her basement. 'I don't know, I went upstairs to call Sammy, when she arrived we went to look for her but we couldn't find her. I just figured she just went to hook up with her other friends.' I heard Stiles explain to his dad. It was the truth. 'Has no one really seen her since last night?' He then asked. 'We put out an A.P.B but Stiles, all of her friends say you were the last person who saw her.' The sheriff said. 'Me?' Stiles let out confused. I turned my head to look at Scott, he had the same confused look on his face as me. I was then distracted by the sound of Danny managing to get the quarter into the mug. 'Who's next?' Coach asked. 'Greenberg put your hand down, you don't have a chance.'


'So, you think they kidnapped Heather to turn her?' I asked my boyfriend as we walked through the hallways of Beacon Hill's high school. 'Derek says it's easier to turn teenagers.' Stiles shrugged, yeah true but still. 'But what would a pack of alphas want with a beta?' Scott asked confused. Damn, also true. Stiles sighed. 'I don't know, I don't care. Alright this girl, our moms were best friends before mine died alright we used to take freaking bubble baths together when we were three, okay I gotta find her.' I know it shouldn't, but Stiles talking about her like that made me feel really jealous. But it also made me understand why he wanted to find her so badly. But still, she shouldn't have kissed him. 'Okay then we need Isaac to remember.' Scott said. 'How?' I sighed. 'Peter and Derek couldn't do it, you know any werewolves with a better trick?' Stiles added. 'Maybe not a werewolf.' Scott said looking at me. 'But someone who knows a lot about 'em.' I added knowing who he meant. And so we ended up at the animal clinic with Doctor D. He agreed to help us and told us to fill up this container, bath tub thingy with cold water, and to make it even better, with ice. 'Obviously it's not going to be particularly... comfortable.' I heard Deaton say to Isaac. 'But if we can slow your heart down enough, you will slip into a trans light state.' He said. 'Like... being hypnotized?' Isaac asked as they walked over to us. 'Exactly. You'll be half transformed. It'll let us access your subconscious mind.' Deaton explained. 'How slow does his heart rate need to be?' My brother asked his boss. 'Very slow.' Was the answer. I gulped. 'Well how slow is very slow?' Derek asked looking down at the probably freezing water. 'Nearly dead.' Deaton shrugged and my head snapped up. 'It's safe though, right?' I asked. Isaac, who had crouched down next to the container, looked up to Deaton wanting to know the answer to that question as well. 'You want me to answer honestly?' Deaton asked. ' not really.' Isaac muttered with a sigh. I sighed. 'Isaac if you think it's too risky you don't have to do this.' I said stepping forward and grabbing hold of his arm. Stiles who was messing around with some rubber gloves, snapped them off extra loudly. I glared at him for a second. Isaac pulled off his shirt in response and stepped into the container filled with ice cold water and ice.

Don't shoot me I know I haven't uploaded since like the freaking ice age I've just been so busy it's unreal

I've got school work and I'm just so so tired you don't even know

But I promise I'll make it up to ya'll!! ^^

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