Tattoo Part 3

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We were in the elevator, the doors were closing slowly. Too slow if you ask me. If we don't hurry up Isaac will be in surgery and I don't wanna know what the doctors will think when they find his wounds already healed as if nothing happened. Suddenly, the doors had almost closed, someone placed a stick between them making them open again. I was about to snap at the person telling them to get the next one when I saw it was a blind man. I quickly closed my mouth and swallowed my words. He walked inside and stood between me and my brother. 'Could you hit the button for the second floor please?' He asked us, I could hear a faint English accent. Oh, I love me a good accent. The elevator stopped and Scott and I were about to get out when the man stopped us by putting his stick in front of Scott's feet. 'You wouldn't mind helping me out for a second would you?' He asked. 'Um...' Scott muttered but the man already placed a hand on my brother's shoulder. 'Sure.' Scott said slowly walking outside lowering his head. We finally managed to get to the hall where the patients were and we were now looking for room 215. Scott suddenly nudged my side with his elbow. I followed his gaze and saw a guy pushing a wheelchair into an elevator, he turned to his side and I could see it was Isaac in the wheelchair. The man turned around to look at us. To be honest, he didn't really look like he worked here. I noticed a clawed hand and next to me I could hear Scott growling before we both started running towards the elevator. We just managed to slip inside before the doors closed. We looked up, both changed into our werewolf form to find the guy also changed, he was an alpha. Well shit. He grabbed both mine and Scott's jackets, and slammed us both against the wall, simply by stretching out his arms. I fell back against the wheelchair where Isaac was in, the guy threw Scott up against the roof of the elevator. He then grabbed Scott by his throat lifting him up in the air. I growled and jumped onto his back, of course he barely even noticed I was there. This guy was huge. He reached behind him with his free hand, grabbed my leg and pulled me off his back throwing me against the wall. God I hate alphas. 'Don't you realize what you're dealing with?' The man asked looking up at my brother. 'I'm an alpha!' He growled. 'Oh really? I thought those red eyes were just contacts.' I shrugged sarcastically causing his head to snap down and glare at me. The elevator doors opened and there was Derek. 'Here's another one.' He said and easily threw the guy out of the elevator into the empty hallway. He turned back around and offered me a hand. I took it and he helped me up. 'Aren't you supposed to be at school?' Was his first question. *face palm*


'We got a serious problem at school. Miss Blake's class...' Stiles began talking. I felt really bad but I had to cut him off. 'Babe I'm sorry but can you tell me about it later?' I asked my boyfriend through the phone. 'Uh nope I'm pretty sure this qualifies for immediate discussion.' He replied and I sighed a little. 'Right, okay, meet me at Derek's.' I told him. 'Derek's house? What the hell are you doing at Derek's house?' He exclaimed. 'Babe just meet us here. I gotta go, I love you.' I hung up and walked into the other room where Derek had placed Isaac on the table. He then walked over to the other side of the room, crouched and started removing some planks from the floor. 'Lemme just ask you this, you don't live here anymore do you? Because if you do I feel terribly sorry for you.' I said as I looked around whatever was left of the burnt down house. 'No, the county took it over but there's something here I need.' He replied. 'It'll help heal a wound from an alpha.' Derek said. 'But it did heal.' Scott said confused. I looked at Isaac for a second, his wounds indeed did heal. Derek looked up. 'Not on the inside.' He said with a shake of his head. I walked over to Isaac, he was unconscious. 'Hey, are you gonna tell us who that was back there?' I heard Scott ask Derek. 'Yeah that big bad alpha who ruined my new outfit.' I sighed annoyingly. 'A rival pack, it's my problem. I know you guys wanna help, and you did, I owe you one, now go home. Go back to being a teenager.' Derek said as he stood up carrying some herbs I guess. 'I'm not just gonna leave him here!' I said, a little too fast and too loud maybe. 'And besides...' I continued as I watched Scott reach for his upper arm. 'Scott and I have a question. You know if you might wanna re-pay that favour now, there is something you can do for us.' I shrugged and Derek looked up at me with a questioning look. And because Derek was in a friendly mood, he said he'd take a look. Stiles had arrived by that time and he stood next to us. Derek held my wrist in his hand and looked between Scott's arm and my wrist, his eyes turned red for a second. 'Yeah, I see it.' He said. 'Two bands right?' He asked Scott who nodded. 'And yours was the heart with the two lines?' He asked and I nodded as well. 'Well, I'm guessing yours stands for you and your brother.' Derek said looking at my wrist. 'What does yours mean?' He then asked Scott, who frowned a little. 'I don't know, it's just something I traced with my fingers.' He shrugged and then drew it on the table, a small circle and a bigger circle around it. 'Why is this so important to you?' Derek then asked him. 'Do you know what the word tattoo means?' Scott asked Derek. 'It's "mark something." Stiles said rocking back on forth on his feet. I shot him a look. 'Well that's in Tahitian.' Scott said. 'In Samoan it means "open wound". I knew I wanted to get a tattoo when I turned 18, I always wanted one. But I decided to get it now, to make it some kind of reward.' He shrugged. 'For what?' Derek asked quietly. 'For not calling or texting Allison all summer.' Scott replied as he looked down at his feet. 'You know when I really wanted to, even when... it was so hard not to sometimes. I just wanna give her the space she wants. And now four months later it still hurts, it still feels like a...' He sighed a little. 'Like an open wound.' Stiles said from next to me. I sighed and leaned my head against his side. 'Yeah.' Scott said quietly. Derek looked at me. 'You got a sad story 'bout you and Stilinski which made you decide to get a tattoo?' He asked me. I smirked. 'Nah I just think they're cool.' I shrugged and grinned. Derek picked up some sort of device tha- wait a minute isn't that a welder or some shit? That thing practically breathes fire. Derek noticed my facial expression. 'The pain is going to be worse than anything you've ever felt.' He said and I swallowed loudly. 'Oh, whoa!' Stiles let out. 'That indeed seems painful and I'm guessing that's my que.' He said rocking back and forth on his heels with his hands in his pockets. 'I'm just gonna waist outside.' He walked past Derek towards the door but Derek reached an arm behind him stopping Stiles. 'No, you're not. You're gonna wanna hold your girlfriends hand on this one Stilinski, believe me. You'll get to wait outside when she's giving birth to your first child.' Derek said making me raise my eyebrows. 'Dude, giving birth is bad.' I said with wide eyes. Derek smirked as he grabbed my wrist. 'This is worse.' He said and brought the device and fire I guess towards my wrist. As soon as it got to my skin I started screaming, this burned like a mother freaker. Both Scott and Stiles had their arms around me. 'Hold her down!' Derek yelled. I screamed and screamed, until I blacked out.


My eyes flashed open, I was breathing heavily and sweating like I'd just run a marathon. 'Welcome back.' Stiles chuckled from behind and he started rubbing my back. I looked up, Scott was sitting next to Derek, the two bands now visible on his arm. I looked down and smiled as the heart with the two lines inside was visible on my wrist. I smiled looking back up at Derek. 'Thank you.' I smiled. 'Well that's permanent now.' Stiles sighed as he stood up, picking me up bridal style in the process. 'Yeah well I need something permanent.' Scott said as we walked outside Derek's house. 'With everything that's happened to us... everything just changes so fast, everything is so ephemeral.' Scott said making me giggle. 'You guys are turning into total geeks.' Stiles said with a role of his eyes. 'Studying for the psat's?' He then asked and we both nodded. Scott went to open door, as Stiles and I followed I noticed the door and I grabbed the collar of Scott's shirt pulling him back. 'Yo, Hale why'd you paint your door?' I asked tracing the red paint with my fingertips. 'Go home you three.' Derek replied. 'Why only one side?' Scott questioned. Derek didn't answer, Scott got out his claws and scratched along the door, removing the red paint and revealing a black painted mark or something painted on the door. I frowned. 'The birds at school, and the deer last night.... just like the night we got run over by the deer... when you got bit by the alpha.' I muttered looking at my brother. 'How many?' I asked looking back at Derek. Derek looked down. 'A pack of 'em. An alpha pack.' He sighed. 'All of them? How does that even work?' Stiles asked confused. 'I hear there's some kind of a leader, he's called Deucalion.' Derek told us. 'We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac and I have been looking for 'em for the last four months.' He said. Scott stepped forward. 'Okay well, say you find them... How do you deal with an alpha pack?' He asked. 'With all the help I can get.' Derek shrugged. I heard Stiles sigh behind me, knowing I wanted in on this. 'Where is she?' I stood on my tiptoes to look over Derek's shoulder and saw Isaac was awake and sitting up. 'Where's the girl?' He asked us. I frowned. 'What girl?'

Let me know if ya'll like it! :)

Love ya!

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