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I wanted to go and help Scott and Derek find the two werewolf runaways, but I received a call from Lydia saying she was at the public pool with no idea how she got there and that there was a dead body. So I figured Boyd and Cora, whoever she may be, had to wait a little. Stiles and I had arrived and jumped out of the car. 'Lydia?' I yelled as we ran around the corner. We found her standing there with her arms wrapped around her body. She was wearing a green coat that I bought for birthday, it went so well with her hair. But that's not the problem right now. 'Lydia, are you okay?' I asked placing both my hands on her shoulders. She nodded. 'I'm okay, but that over there.' She said nodding at the dead body sitting in one of those life guard chairs. 'Not okay.' She said shaking a little. 'I'm calling my dad.' Stiles said from behind me. 'I already called 911.' Lydia replied. Stiles frowned. 'You called the police before you called one of us?' He asked. 'I'm supposed to call one of you when I found a dead body?' Lydia asked raising her eyebrows. 'Yes!' Stiles exclaimed. I nudged his side with elbow shooting him a glare. I sighed. 'We'd very much prefer that, yes. Now if you'll excuse me I have to call Scott.' I said grabbing my phone from my pocket and stepping away a little. 'What's up?' My brother asked me. 'Yeah eh, I'm with Lydia and she kind of find a dead body... I think Boyd and Cora were here.' I told him. 'Are you sure?' Scott asked after I'd explained the problem. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 'I'm pretty sure that I can still tell the difference between a dead body and a not-dead body Scott McCall. Yes I'm sure, throat ripped out and blood everywhere. It's like the frickin' shining over here.' I sighed. Stiles grabbed my wrist pulling the phone towards him. 'If two little twin girls come out of the woods and ask me to play with them forever and ever, I wouldn't be surprised.' He said making me roll my eyes. 'Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?' I threw my free hand up in the air. 'Make sure it was them? Scott I don't know about you but I don't know anybody else going around ripping throats out!' I exclaimed. 'Please just do it.' I looked at Stiles and Lydia and groaned before taking a few steps closer to the dead guy. 'Just a dead guy. Poor bastard got his throat slashed.' I shrugged. Stiles stood next to me. 'Well, he died a virgin, poor guy.' He said pointing at a silver ring on his finger with the word 'purity' on it. 'Hopefully that won't be you aye.' I smiled and patted Stiles' chest before walking back towards Lydia.

I had to leave Stiles who was going to take Lydia home, Scott had texted me telling me to meet him at the school. So that's where I went. I was sitting on this giant stone thingy that said 'Beacon Hills High school' when Scott and Isaac arrived together with a car. I frowned and jumped of the sign when I saw Chris Argent getting out of that car. 'What's going on?' I asked confused. 'We're going to trap Boyd and Cora in the school.' Scott told me. I nodded carefully. 'Sup Chris?' I then smiled. He raised his hand to greet me. 'We opened the doors.' Isaac told Mr. Argent who nodded. His attention was then caught by something in the sky. I frowned as I followed his gaze. 'Do you see that?' He asked us. 'Yeah, that's a firefly.' Scott replied. 'It can't be...' I muttered. Scott looked at me confused. 'What do you mean?' He asked me. 'California Fireflies don't glow, don't they?' I asked Mr. Argent who nodded in conferment. 'Does that mean something?' Scott asked. We then heard a howl somewhere in the distance. 'Oh, great.' Isaac sighed from behind me and when I turned around I could see Boyd and Cora standing behind him. The growled and went to attack us but then suddenly Mr. Argent appeared in his car which scared them off. They ran towards the entrance of the school where Derek was apparently waiting for them but instead of going inside they jumped on the roof. 'They're not going through the school.' I frowned. 'They're going over it.' Scott added with a sigh. We all ran towards the door where they were supposed to go in. 'Someone has to drive them inside.' Scott said. 'I'll go.' Mr. Argent said pulling out his electric stick, lightsaber, thingy. 'No.' Isaac said quickly. 'I'm faster.' He said and he ran off before giving us a chance to say anything. After Isaac had taken off, Scott and I followed Derek who had already run back inside the school. We were running through the hallway and it didn't take long before we were met with Boyd and Cora meaning Isaac had done his job. Derek and Scott smashed them against the wall, they fell on the ground but quickly stood back up. We positioned ourselves, I looked at Derek and nodded at the door that lead to downstairs to the basement. He nodded and looked back at Boyd and Cora. 'Come and get us.' He said before disappearing behind the door, me and Scott following with Boyd and Cora behind us. We went through another door and suddenly it was pitch black. I could hear them coming down the stairs. I quickly looked around for something to help us out here. My wolf-y eyesight showed me some fire extinguishers. I nudged Derek and Scott's sides and they nodded both grabbing one. I grabbed mine and prepared. They came around the corner and we all started to cover them in the wide dusty material. They walked back and we all looked at each other and dropped the bottles and ran for the big grey door and locked them inside the boiler room. Derek was leaning against the door as they were pushing against it trying to get through. But suddenly it became quiet and Derek looked at us confused. 'Did that actually just work?' Scott asked. 'It worked.' Derek confirmed and he slowly stepped back from the door. Derek and I slid down against the wall whilst Scott leaned closer to the door to listen. 'What do you hear?' I asked my brother. 'Heartbeats.' He replied with a small frown. 'Both of 'em?' Derek asked. I raised an eyebrow. 'Where could one have possibly gone?' I asked and Derek shrugged in response. 'Actually.' Scott muttered making me turn to look at him again. 'Three of 'em.' He said. I jumped up. 'Wait are you saying we locked someone in there with them?' I exclaimed. Derek also stood back up and went for the door. 'Wait! What are you doing?' I whisper shouted and grabbed his arm. He sighed. 'Close the door behind me, keep it shut.' He said. 'You're going in there alone?' Scott asked. 'And you're either gonna kill them, or they're gonna kill you.' He added. 'That's why I'm going in alone.' Derek said and opened the door. 'Like hell.' I said and went after him. I pulled away from Scott's grip trying to hold me back and pulled the door shut. 'He won't let me get killed, Scotty. It's okay.' I whispered against the door knowing he could hear me. 'I won't, but you should still be out there.' Derek sighed from behind me. I turned around and crossed my arms over my chest. 'Remember what I said after you turned me? I'm not you're little Beta, I can do whatever I want.' I shrugged. We snuck up behind them. My breathing stopped for a moment when I could see our new teacher in the distance. Derek looked at me and I nodded before we went in for the attack. Derek fought Boyd whilst I tried to take on Cora. And I do mean trying, she was so strong. She grabbed me by my neck and smashed the back of my head against the wall making my vision go blurry. I heard Derek call my name and then Cora was pulled off me. My legs went weak and I slid down against the wall. No, Samantha, get up, help Derek. But I couldn't. I recognized a massive roar from Derek. But when I managed to look up, he was in his human form and getting ripped apart by Boyd and his own sister. He slowly went down on his knees his gaze facing the floor. 'No! Derek! Let him go you bastards!' I yelled but that was followed by a massive wave of pain in my head. I squeezed my eyes together and blacked out. When I woke up again the sun was shining on my face. My head was placed on Scott's lap and the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the relief on his face. 'Hey lil' one. How you doing?' He said quietly. 'I told you he wouldn't let me get killed.' I chuckled as I slowly got up. We were outside the school, on the ground. Classy. 'Where is he anyway?' I asked as I looked around and saw the only other person with us was Isaac. 'He's taking care of the teacher that was inside, don't worry. He's fine.' Isaac explained. 'Hey eh, Stiles just called, we have to meet him at the hospital.' Scott then said. I nodded and stood up. 'Okay well let's go then.'


We took the stairs down to the morgue where Stiles was. Scott opened the double doors and let me go in first. I saw Stiles standing next to a table with a body on it covered with a blue cover, he was looking at the ground. 'Hey.' I said quietly. He looked up at me, he smiled but his eyes looked sad, very sad. 'What's wrong?' I asked worriedly. He sighed and turned his head to the covered up body next to him. 'They found Heather.' He sighed. My eyes widened. And she was the one laying on that table. 'Oh, no...' I muttered. 'And I know that to you... I mean...' Stiles began talking again but I shook my head. 'No, no don't do that...' I said cutting him off as I walked towards him. 'Forget everything that happened that night, it's alright.' I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me close and sighed. 'I may have wanted to rip her head off that night, but she was your friend. You knew her your whole life. I'm so sorry Stiles.' I told him. He pulled back and smiled a little. 'Your mom and I found out that Heather, and that guy from the swimming pool, were not killed by werewolves.' He said. 'So Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?' I asked. 'You're gonna wish they did.' Stiles sighed. 'Why?' Scott asked. 'Well I'm not exactly sure yet. The other girl that was out in the woods, Emily... I don't think they're gonna find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather, the guy Lydia found... All three were virgins. And they're all gonna have the same, three injuries. Strangles, throat slashed, head bashed in. It's called the threefold death.' Stiles told us. 'So if these aren't random killings, what are they?' Scott asked. 'Sacrifices.' Stiles replied. 'Human sacrifices.'



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