Lunar Eclips

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Nothing. Then a bright light. Then total darkness. Then the need to breath, but no longer Lydia's hands on my shoulders holding me under. I jumped up gasping for air and I noticed Allison and Scott did the same. We stepped out of the water and looked around us, we were in some kind of large empty room, with all white walls and ceiling. Even the lights handing from the ceiling seemed bright white. We turned around and in the middle of the room was a tree, but the tree was cut off. Only the tree stump was left. We looked at each other before we started walking towards it. It was a very, very large tree. Scott lifted his shirt a little bit to look at his tattoo and the tree. He then reached out his hand and placed it on the tree.


As soon as my hand touched that tree I was in the woods. It took me while to figure out what was going on. 'Something must've scared them.' I heard Sammy say. Wait? Sammy? How the hell? I turned around and there she was, but there was me as well. She had her arms crossed and was looking at me holding my phone at the ground. 'I lost my frigging inhaler.' I watched myself say as I was digging through the leaves. Sam shook her head and also got out her phone helping me looking for my inhaler. Suddenly she screamed and I ran towards her. The younger me had his arms around her as they watched the body they found. They ran away in a random direction. They stopped, and turned around. It was the alpha, Peter. It ran towards them and sunk its teeth into my side, or, younger Scott's side. Automatically my hand reached for the place where I was bitten. My whole life changed because of that on stupid bite. Sammy yelled my name and ran towards the werewolf only the knocked away by a large clawed hand, she was smashed against a tree, knock-out. I remember finding her and carrying her out of the woods. I stepped back and bumped into something, I turned around and saw it was the same tree Stiles, Allison and I just saw in the white room.


I was in the woods. I had no idea where or how I got there. I suddenly heard Scott's voice and I turned around. 'Are we seriously doing this?' He sighed. My jaw dropped. I saw Scott and Sam, but also myself. It was the night Scott was bitten, the night we went looking for the body. 'You two are the ones always bitching how nothing ever happens in this town.' I watched myself say to them. 'I was trying to get a good night sleep before practice tomorrow.' Scott said. 'And I was very busy watching a movie.' Sammy said and I smiled at the sight of her. No werewolf, just her, nothing to worry about. Nothing trying to kill her. Suddenly they were running, and I saw my dad catch me, I watched Sam and Scott hide behind a tree, Sam was clearly laughing at me. I stepped back and my back pressed against something, when I turned around I saw it was the same tree from back in the white room.


I was in the car with my mom, talking about my dad and how it was strange that he had to take off in the middle of the night with a bag full of guns. Then we almost hit someone with the car, I forced her to go back and check on him. When we got to the place I got out of the car, there was no one there but I saw footsteps leading into the woods. I followed them and found an inhaler. My mom followed me and told me to go back to the car, she grabbed the inhaler from me and threw it away. It landed right in front of my feet. And next to me was the same big tree.


I was sitting on a chair rocking back and forth, it's been too long. Way too long. I haven't moved from this chair, and I was too worried to feel any cramps or tiredness. If this goes wrong... I lose my two favourite men. And I don't want that to happen. 'Samantha, can you feel anything?' Deaton asked me. I shook my head. 'No, nothing.' I sighed. 'Then they're fine.' He told me with a smile. Suddenly all three of them jumped up all at the same time. 'I saw it! I know where it is!' Scott exclaimed as he stepped out of the water. 'There's this huge tree, well it's not huge anymore it was cut down but it's still big though, very big.' Stiles said. 'It was the night we were looking for the body.' Scott said. 'The same night you were bit by Peter.' Stiles added. 'I was there too in the car with my mother we almost hit someone.' Allison said. 'That was us.' Scott said glancing at me. 'You almost hit me and Sam! I was carrying her out of the woods after Peter threw her against the tree and knocked her out.' He then turned to us. 'We can find it!' He said. 'What?' Allison asked when they noticed our shocked faces. 'You guys were out a long time...' Isaac said. 'We'll how long's a long time?' Stiles asked. 'You've been in there for sixteen hours. I was scared to death!' I exclaimed. 'We were in the water for sixteen hours?' Scott asked. 'And the full moon rises in less than four.' Deaton added. 'I have to get back.' Scott said. 'No! You're not going back with them.' Stiles said. 'I made a deal with Deucalion.' Scott shot back. 'Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like deal with the devil?' Stiles exclaimed and I raised both my hands agreeing with him causing Scott to role his eyes at me. 'Why does it matter anyway?' Isaac asked. 'Because I still don't think we can beat Jennifer without their help.' Scott replied. 'He trusts you more than anyone tell him he's wrong!' Allison told Deaton, but he disagreed. 'I'm not so sure he is. Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies.' He explained with a shrug. 'So we're gonna trust him?' Isaac asked. 'The guy who calls himself death, destroyer or worlds, that guy?' He said raising his eyebrows. 'I wouldn't trust him, no, but you can use him to your advantage.' Deaton said. 'Deucalion may be the enemy, but he can also be the bait.' He said. Suddenly the door to the animal clinic opened and we all went silent. Deaton went to check it out. 'I'm looking for Lydia.' A voice said, a voice that sounded a lot like Aiden. I followed Lydia into the other room. 'What do you want?' She asked. 'I need your help.' Aiden said. Stiles peeked his head around the corner. 'With what?' He asked. 'Stopping my brother and Kali, from killing Derek.' Aiden replied. I heard Lydia's heart skip a beat. She nodded. 'I'll go with you.' She said and walked over to him, she looked back at us and smiled one last time before they left.


Sorry it's been a while but I've been bus editing the first two seasons

Nothing major just some grammar mistakes and such, no changes to the plot!!!

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