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I haven't heard from Stiles since he left the party last night. Well, even if he called I wouldn't be able to answer. Last night Scott had to break my arm in order for me to turn and heal. Then we found the same mark behind my ear as all the other werewolves and Lydia, basically everyone who has a connection to the supernatural. The marks kinda looks a five, but backwards. I don't know, I don't really wanna know. Allison dropped me off at my house because Scott had to take Kira home, I climbed into Scott's bed that night and fell straight asleep. I was now on the back of Scott's motorcycle on our way to school thinking about possible reasons why I haven't heard from Stiles yet. But my thoughts were interrupted by two black motorbikes suddenly riding next to us. Why the hell are the twins following us around? I patted Scott's shoulder and he gave some extra gas speeding us away from them. I looked over my shoulder to see they were still following us, of course they had to go in the same direction to the school but that doesn't mean they have to behind us all the time. Don't we deserve our privacy? Scott rode onto the parking lot, with the twin's right behind us. I took off my helmet and groaned. 'Why the hell are you following us around?' I sighed. 'It's annoying.' I added. 'We're not following you.' Ethan said. 'We're following him.' Aiden said. I rolled my eyes. 'Same thing.' I said. 'You guys gonna be doing this all day?' Scott asked. 'All day.' Ethan said. 'All night.' Aiden added. 'If this is about being in his pack, stalking him won't get your chances up.' I said as I climbed off the bike, which was a pretty hard job since this bike was made for quite big boys and I'm quite a small girl. I stumbled off and Aiden caught me before I could hit the concrete. Great, there goes my badass reputation. 'This is about you being the target of demonic ninjas.' Aiden replied as he helped me get back onto my feet. I raised an eyebrow. 'Demonic ninjas...' I muttered. 'I like it.' What? We had to call them something? 'You mean the demonic ninjas that pulled swords out of their chests and completely kicked our asses?' Ethan asked. 'Yeah, those demonic ninjas.' Aiden replied. 'I don't need anyone to protect me.' Scott said. 'They were looking right at you when the sun came up.' Aiden told my brother. 'And they also disappeared. Chris thinks they only come out at night. So no worries ladies.' I smiled. They looked at me confused and I sighed. 'Mr. Argent. Allison's father.' I said and an 'Ah, him.' Left their mouths. 'Since when are you at first name basis with that guy?' Ethan asked me. I shrugged. 'I'm at first name basis with everyone. I'm cool like that.' I smiled. 'Anyway.' Aiden continued. 'Since this is our first experience with demonic ninjas, we're thinking we should play it safe.' He shrugged. 'All day.' Ethan added. 'And all night.' Scott sighed. We started walking towards the school, Ethan and Aiden right behind us. 'You know I do feel kinda safe right now.' I whispered to my brother. 'Thanks.' One of 'em replied and I quickly slapped myself across the face for forgetting they could hear. We went to our lockers to change our books. 'First I need to talk to Stiles and let him know everything that happened last night, without you.' Scott said. 'No.' Ethan replied. 'Yes.' Scott said. 'Phew.' I sighed. 'Luckily they ain't following me around, gosh we wouldn't have any time to make out.' I muttered and Scott eyed me. I raised my hands innocently. 'What? I'm just saying it would be rather uncomfortable with them standing right next to me.' I shrugged. Scott was still glaring so I sighed and shut my mouth. 'I'm serious, I don't want you listening, no wolf hearing.' Scott continued to the twins. 'How'd you even know?' Ethan asked. 'He's a true alpha, he knows everything.' I shrugged. Not sure if that's true but it was fun to scare them a little. I texted Stiles asking where he was and he told us to meet him at the chemistry class, so that's where we went. He was leaning against the door looking kinda worried. 'Stiles, babe, you're not gonna believe what happened after you left last night! So Derek came and told everyone to get out, then these creepy darth vader looking bitches came out of nowhere, we call them demonic ninjas by the way, they completely kicked our asses, and they left some kind of mark behind our ears. Well not everyone, only the people who have some kind of connection to the supernatural.' I rambled. 'I know who told Barrow to kill Kira.' Stiles replied, completely going off subject and making Scott and I very confused. 'What do you mean?' Scott asked. 'So last night Sammy and I were having two beers and... enjoying each other's company...' He quickly opened the door and we walked inside the classroom. 'But then this smart ass here starts talking about phosphors and the key having chemicals on it. So that made me think of the chemistry class and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in.' Stiles spoke as he walked towards the black board. He looked at the board and his face dropped. 'It's gone.' He said looking at the empty board. 'Okay, doesn't matter though, I still have the key.' He walked back towards us and grabbed his keys from his pocket. He walked to the door of the storage room. 'What the hell...' He muttered as he searched through all of his keys. 'I had it here... I had it here...This morning I swear to God I had it.' He said. I stepped forward and placed my hands on his, which were shaking. 'You meant the mystery key? Of which I said it has phosphors on it?' I asked and he nodded. 'Yeah, I showed it to you both didn't I?' He asked. 'No you just told me about it.' Scott replied. 'Doesn't matter, I saw it.' I said. 'I believe you.' I told him and he nodded, looking a bit more relieved. 'I was here a couple of hours ago, and the message to Barrow spelling Kira's name was there, in my handwriting, and I had the key to the chemistry closet.' He said and I walked over to him with frown. 'Baby what are you saying? That you opened the door so he could hide from the cops and then you wrote him a message to kill Kira?' I chuckled. 'I don't know but look at this.' He said taking something from his pocket. 'This is a news report about Barrow when they caught him. About the shrapnel bomb that he used? See this? See what he did? He put nuts, bolts, and screws, and then he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped as a birthday present. Now what does that like to you?' He asked us. 'Coach.' Scott replied. 'The joke we played on coach.' He said. 'That was my idea.' Stiles said. 'You remember? That was my idea that can't be coincidence it can't be.' He said. 'I don't wanna sound like I'm telling you that you're wrong but I don't think you're trying to kill people either.' Scott said. I nodded. 'He's right. Stiles, there is probably a logical explanation for this.' I told my boyfriend. Stiles looked at the black board again. 'It was here, it was all here...' He muttered. 'Stiles, are you okay?' I asked. 'Yeah, dude, you're looking really tired.' Scott added. 'You should go home, take a sick day or something.' I said. 'Come on, I'll get you to the nurse so we can tell her you're going home.' I smiled grabbing his hand. 'Good luck with your new body guards.' I mouthed to my brother who rolled his eyes.


I was on my way back to Scott and his new guardians when my mom called me. 'Wasup momma?' I asked trying to somewhat hold the phone in place with my shoulder. 'I need you to come over at the hospital. Don't worry I called the principal, he knows.' She told me and I frowned. 'Why? I asked her. 'Because Stiles is here, and I think he could use your company.' She said. 'Why the hell is Stiles at the hospital? I just told him to go home he was looking tired.' I said confused. 'I don't know sweetie but I think it's more than just looking tired.' Mom replied. 'Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes.' I said already walking outside the doors. 'How? I don't think the busses go that fast, or are you asking somebody to take you?' Mom asked me. 'Mom, I can run quite fast I you knew what I mean.'

You guys, I was just showering (casual) and I came up with a new plan:

Since I'm currently writing at an un-human super speed I'm gonna try to finish season three, before my exams. Which should work as I still have more than two weeks and I only have to write about three of four more episodes

Anyway, the plan after that is to take a break, NOT A LONG ONE! JUST A WEEK OR THREE/FOUR

Basically, after my exams I'm gonna watch season four, the whole of it, and then watch it again, episode per episode and write it. I think that's the best since I've only seen season four once so it will be easier to write

I'd already seen the other seasons like a bizillian times so yeah

Something About Me // Teen Wolf [BOOK 3] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now