Silverfinger Part 2

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I arrived at the hospital and went to the room mom texted me the number of. I stood in the doorway. 'Black outs, but not for that long. Uh, sleepwalking, which I used to do a lot as a kid. Also having some really bad anxiety.' I watched Stiles tell my mom. 'Panic attacks?' She asked. 'Yeah, a couple. And I temporarily lost the ability to read but that might've had more to do with this giant magic tree and the whole... Human sacrifice thing.' He said and my mom smiled. I wasn't able to smile. Hearing him actually say all of that made me feel really bad and worried. 'How many hours of sleep are you getting?' She asked him. 'Eight.' He replied. 'A night?' She asked. 'In the last three days.' I said and they both looked at me. Stiles didn't look really surprised to see me here, I think he kinda guessed my mom would call me. 'Been feeling irritable?' Mom asked him. 'Yeah, possibly, to the point of homicide.' Stiles replied. 'Ability to focus?' Mom asked. 'No, the adderall's not working.' He replied. I stepped further into the room and sat down on the bed next to him. 'Impulsive behaviour?' Mom asked. 'More than my usual? Hard to tell.' Stiles said. 'Vivid dream during the day?' Mom said and Stiles sighed a little. 'Okay basically all of the above, do you know what this is?' He asked her. 'I think so.' She replied. 'What's that?' He asked looking at the syringe in her hand. 'Do you trust me?' She asked. 'Well you are pointing a needle at me...' He sighed and I smiled a little. 'It's midazolam.' I said already knowing what it was. 'A sedative.' I added. 'Why'd you give me a sedative?' He asked my mother. 'Because you Stiles, are one profoundly sleep deprived young man, you need rest. You need it now.' She said grabbing his shoulder to lay him down. 'Okay how long does it take to... O, not long at all... Wait b- but... Sam, Sammy.' He muttered. Mom looked at me and nodded. I smiled and ran my hand through his hair. 'I'm right here Stiles, I'm not going anywhere.' I muttered. I placed the covers over his body and he nodded. 'Get some rest.' Mom said, Stiles grabbed her hand and she smiled a little. 'Thanks mom.' He mumbled already half asleep and she looked at me with wide eyes. I wiped a single tear from my cheek. 'Oh baby...' I whispered carefully stroking his cheek. Mom put out the little light next to the bed. 'My shift ends in an hour or so, I'll come get you then and take you home, okay?' She told me. I shook my head and kicked off my shoes. 'I'd rather stay here if that's alright with you.' I said. She nodded. 'That's okay, I'll let the nurse know. Do you need anything?' She asked me. I shook my head again. 'No, I've got everything I need right here.' I smiled looking at Stiles who was peacefully asleep for the first time in days. Mom smiled and kissed my head. 'Okay sweetie, I'll see you tomorrow then.'


I heard a car pulling up. 'My mom's back.' I said and Kira and I both went downstairs. But it wasn't my mom, it was my dad. Sammy would be so pissed if she were here now. I don't where she is anyway, probably checking up on Stiles. She could be here any minute and dad will better be gone by then. 'What are you doing here?' I asked him. 'And why do you still have a key?' I asked only now noticing he got in here by himself. He placed his laptop on the table and smiled. 'Funny you mention keys because while I have a key to this house, I'm not exactly sure how you got a key to my office.' He said opening his laptop and revealing a picture of me and Kira when we were deleting the pictures of her phone. 'Let me help you out here, this kinda thing here usually begins with something along the lines of "it's not what you think" or "I can explain."'

I watched the sun beginning to set and I knew we didn't have much time. 'Dad.' I began. 'Let me help you out here, you need to leave.' I said. 'I will, with an explanation.' He replied. 'Go get a warrant.' I said. 'I don't need a warrant, I am your father!' He exclaimed. 'No you're a gene donor, we got our hair colour from you and that's all we got. So you're not allowed to play tough dad with me.' I replied. 'Speaking of we.' Dad began. 'Where's your sister?' He asked. 'With Stiles, what's going on here?' I was relieved to hear my mom's voice when she entered the house. 'Maybe one of you should explain.' Dad said. 'Sc-Scott.' Kira said and I looked outside the window to see it had gotten really dark suddenly. 'Who the hell is this?' Dad asked and I turned around to see one of those demonic ninjas, as Sammy likes to call them now, standing in the other room. 'Dad no! wait!' I called when he started walking towards it. The sword suddenly went right through his upper chest/ shoulder area and Kira screamed. Suddenly the door opened. Mom quickly dragged dad away just when Derek ran into the house and roared with eyes as blue as ice. I followed his lead and went to fight these things which I knew wouldn't quite work. But still. 'Mom! The ash!' I yelled. Deaton helped us with a whole new alarm system and defense system after the whole thing with Jennifer. I heard glass shattering and then two growls which I connected to the twins. Maybe following me wasn't such a bad idea. The twins pushed one out of the door and I threw one out of the window. 'Mom, now!' I yelled. She grabbed the jar with ash and went after Derek who pushed one out of the door. She threw the bottle on the floor and the ash created a barrier. 'All the baseboards are ash wood?' Derek asked me looking at the floor and I nodded. 'Yeah, it was Deaton's idea. Where the hell did you come from?' I asked him. 'From following you.' He shrugged. 'For how long?!' I asked. 'All day.' He replied. 'Scott this isn't good!' Mom, who was still with dad, yelled and I quickly ran over to her. We got him upstairs into my room. 'Is it bad?' I asked. She sighed. 'From the way that his arm is rotated, the tendon looks torn. He could be on his way to a collapsed lung.' She said. 'Mom, those things, they're not going to leave until the sun's up.' I told her. 'At the rate he's bleeding, he's not gonna last that long. We need to get him to as hospital.' She said. 'Should we call Stiles' dad?' I asked. 'I don't know. Isn't that just gonna get more people hurt?' She replied. 'Maybe. I don't think guns work on them.' I sighed. 'Then what does?' Mom asked me. I let out another sigh. 'I don't know.' I went back downstairs where the twins were asking Kira what she was, since she couldn't cross the barrier either, and Derek told him she was a kitsune, but that she probably didn't know what kind either. It looked like the demonic ninjas were testing the barrier for weaknesses, and it also got to the point where they found one. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Allison. She, her dad and Isaac went to someone called Katashi to talk, apparently her dad knows him. 'Allison please tell me you got something.' I asked he through the phone. 'They're here. They're trying to get in and it looks like they're going to be able to.' I told her. 'Okay, listen, they're Japanese demons, they're called The Oni. They're looking for someone possessed with a dark spirit attached to them.' She said. 'Nogitsune.' I said remembering what Derek told me. He thought it was Kira, she did as well but I assured her it couldn't be her. 'How'd you know that?' Allison asked me. 'I just... Tell me what else.' I said not having enough time to explain. 'Okay they won't hurt you, they know you're supernatural but once they do this check, once they realize you're not carrying this dark spirit they won't hurt you I promise. All they're looking for is the Nogitsune.' She said and hung up the phone. 'I'm right aren't I?' Kira asked. 'They're looking for me.' She said. 'They're looking for a dark spirit.' I replied. 'And I know it's not you.' I told her. 'Scott you're gonna have to do something.' Derek called. I looked up and saw they managed to break through the barrier. They stepped inside the house. 'Don't do anything.' I said and everyone looked at me in shock. 'Is he serious?' Aiden asked. 'I said don't do anything.' I repeated. I reached out my hand and Kira grabbed it. 'Trust me.' I said.


I woke up by someone shaking my shoulder. 'Sammy?' I opened my eyes and saw my brother. 'Hey.' I yawned and sat up straight. 'Where's Stiles?' Scott asked me and I frowned. I looked to my right but the bed was empty. 'I don't know he must've woken up and went to get something to drink or something.' I shrugged. 'Let's go find him.' I said jumping off the bed. We walked along the hallways looking for my boyfriend. Where the hell was he? Why didn't he just wake me up? Scott suddenly nudged my side and nodded to some double doors. Through the window I could see Stiles. I sighed with relief and quickly walked inside. 'Hey, what are you doing here?' I asked with a smile. 'Why didn't you wake me up?' I asked. He shrugged and greeted me with a kiss. 'You looked so peaceful, I was just looking for your mother. What's been going on?' He asked us. We walked outside and Scott told us everything that happened at the house and that my dad was now currently in the hospital with a stab wound. Just before the doors closed behind us I could see something on the floor, a bug like thing. Kinda like a firefly.

Good evening m'lovelies

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