The Overlooked Part 3

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Stiles, Peter and I managed to slip past the fighting werewolves and into the room where Cora was. But when I looked back to check on Scott my eyes widened. 'Oh shit...' I muttered. 'What?' Peter asked. I nodded in Jennifer's direction. We could only just see her face disappear behind the closing elevator doors. Peter threw Cora over his shoulder and we ran as fast as we could with the twins behind us. We burst through some more double doors when I suddenly noticed Stiles wasn't next to me anymore. We turned around and the twins walked through the door, but who was standing behind that door? That's right, Stiles idiot Stilinski. He raised the bat and slammed it on the back of the werewolf's head. Of course it shattered into pieces and the werewolf remained unharmed. What a surprise. He growled at Stiles who quickly took a few steps back until his back was pressed against the wall. 'Hey sour face! Come take on someone of your own size!' I yelled. 'Em, Sammy, he's about ten times the size of you...' Peter noticed. I smirked. 'I wasn't talking about me.' I said and Scott jumped up, grabbed the massive metal thing that contained the lights and slammed in onto the werewolf's head. They were taking back for a moment which gave us the chance to escape. We took Cora into an empty room and Peter laid her down on a table. Scott and Derek ran in behind us. 'Where's the big guy?' Peter asked. 'Close.' Scott replied. 'What about Miss Blake?' Stiles asked. Scott looked down at the ground and didn't reply. 'What does that mean? Is she gone? Scott are you kidding me?!' Stiles exclaimed. 'Quiet!' Derek hissed. 'Me be quiet? Me? Are you telling me what to do now? When your psychotic mass murdering girlfriend, the second one you've dated by the way, has got my dad tied up somewhere waiting to be ritually sacrificed?' Stiles shot back. 'Stiles, they're still out there somewhere...' Scott whispered. 'And they want her, right? Which means now we don't' have her either! So my dad and Cora are both dead!' Stiles exclaimed. 'Not yet!' I sighed. I walked over to Peter. 'Is she really dying?' I asked quietly. 'She's definitely not getting any better...' He replied with a sigh. I groaned. 'There has to be something we can do. We have to help her!' I said. The door opened and I looked back. 'You can't.' Holy hell the bitch came back. 'Only I can. I can save her, and I can tell you were Sheriff Stilinski is.' Jennifer said. 'But there is a pack of alphas in this hospital who want me dead. So I'll help you, but only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then.' She said. Derek knocked over a table and ran towards her, probably to rip her head off, so Scott and I quickly stopped him. 'She was trying to get out!' He yelled 'I was trying to keep from getting killed you can't blame me for that!' She shot back. Stiles stepped forward. 'If you wanna prove that you're one of the good guys, than heal her.' He said. She shook her head. 'Not until I'm safe.' She replied. 'I'd to like to volunteer a different method of persuasion, let's torture her.' Peter said. 'As much as I dislike him, I agree.' I said. 'Sorry sunshine, but we're running kinda short on time here. No offense.' I shrugged. Suddenly a beeping sound sounded from the speakers followed by my mother's voice. "Um, can I have your attention, please? Mr. Deucalion ex- excuse me, just Deucalion, requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the ER reception. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes.' She spoke. 'He's not gonna hurt her.' Jennifer said quickly. 'Shut up.' I growled with I eyes focused on the floor. Even though I knew she was right. 'He won't! Scott, you know why, tell them it's true.' She said. Derek looked at Scott frowning. 'What does she mean?' He asked. Scott didn't reply. I laughed a little, but not a happy laugh, more of a we lost all hope laugh. 'Because he wants a true alpha in his pack, that's why.' I said and both Derek and Peter's eyes widened. 'Wait, what's that?' Stiles asked confused. 'The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another.' Peter explained. 'One that can rise by the force of his own will. Our little Scott.' He said. Scott looked at Peter. 'It doesn't matter, we still need to get her out of here.' He said. 'Scott, your mom!' Stiles said stepping forward. 'His mom said that there's one more ambulance coming in twenty minutes, we can still get Cora on that last ambulance.' I said. 'The twins aren't gonna just let us walk out?' Peter noticed. 'We'll distract them.' Scott said looking at me and I nodded. 'You mean fight 'em.' Derek sighed. 'If necessary.' I shrugged. Derek looked between Scott and I. 'I'll help you.' He said with a nod. 'Uh, sorry but I'm not going anywhere without you Derek.' Jennifer said. I chuckled. 'I'll do it.' Peter said. 'But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage.' He said. 'Like what? A weapon?' Stiles asked him. 'Something better than a baseball bat yeah.' Peter shrugged. 'Hey, what about these?' Stiles asked picking up some defibrillators. 'Do you know how to use those?' Derek asked. 'Well, no...' Stiles replied with a shrug. 'Put them down...' Derek then said and Stiles carefully did so. 'Epinephrine?' Scott asked holding up a large syringe. 'That's only gonna make 'em stronger bro, that's not really what we want ay?' I chuckled and continued to look through all the drawers trying to find something that we could use against the twins. 'How strong?' Peter asked and I felt a little light bulb appear above my head. I turned around and took the syringe from Scott's hands. 'Wanna found out?' I asked. He shrugged. 'Not sure.' He said with a thoughtful look on his face. 'Too late, I do.' I sighed and plugged the syringe in his chest. We stepped out into the hallway, the twins were on the other side. Scott and I behind Peter, our eyes glowing. 'Alright boys, let's rumble.' Peter said and the fight began. Between all the pulling and kicking I could see Stiles, Derek, and Cora sneak out and disappear around the corner. ' do we... have to ... Do this?' I breathed between kicks in the werewolf's stomach. 'No... Idea.' Scott replied. Suddenly the lights went off but we barely even noticed with our werewolf sight. The adrenaline rush that Peter had because of Epinephrine was mainly the reason our brains weren't beaten to mush yet. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I groaned. I gave one last kick before stepping away from the fight. 'Samantha! Are you serious?' Peter yelled. 'It's Stiles, something could be wrong!' I yelled back before pressing the phone to my ear. 'Samantha, oh Sammy baby, help me! Help me oh god! She's not breathing what do I do? Oh dear lord you have to help me!' Stiles rambled and I quickly told him to calm down. 'Stiles, Stiles, relax, breathe baby breathe, what's wrong? Who's not breathing?' I asked him. 'Cora! I'm in the ambulance, Kali killed the driver and now she's after Derek and Miss Blake, they're back in the building! You have to help me, Derek and Peter will eat me if she dies!' He cried out. I rolled my eyes even though it was probably true. 'Okay Stiles relax okay, have you tried mouth to mouth?' I asked whilst keeping an eye on the three (well actually four) werewolves. 'Of course I haven't do I look like I know mouth to mouth?' He yelled and I rolled my eyes. 'Just think you're kissing me but... differently. Okay? Put me on speaker and I'll talk you through it. You can do this Stiles.' I told him. 'Okay.' He replied breathily. 'Okay, first of all you have to tilt her head back a little, make sure her throat is clear, okay?' I said. 'Okay tilt the head back... Clear the throat... Good nothing's in there, I see nothing. Now what?' He asked. 'Okay now pinch her nose and- ow hold on.' I said and kicked the twin wolf in the face. 'Sorry the big guy got a little close. Where were we?' I chuckled. Stiles groaned. 'PINCH HER NOSE AND NOW WHAT SHE'S DYING SAMANTHA!' He cried out. 'Just blow Stiles, and calm down you can do this don't worry, I'm right here.' I told him. There was a silence. Which I used to help Scott and Peter a little more. 'It worked! She's breathing oh thank the lord!' Stiles suddenly cheered and laughed. 'Great but I gotta go now, this guy isn't giving up.' My phone was only half in my pocket when someone grabbed my arm and dragged me around the corner. Peter slid down against the wall. 'That shot sure didn't last long.' He sighed. Scott pulled him up, threw his arm around his shoulder and we started running again. We hid in some kind of storage room. 'Those twins are really started to piss me off.' Peter said. 'How the hell are we supposed to get passed them?' Scott asked with his shoulder pressed against the door. 'Personally I think if we keep letting 'em beat the living crap out of us they'll tire and give up.' Peter replied. Scott frowned and tilted his head to the side. I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on the laundry chute.

What has four eyes but cannot see?


*sigh* I need a life

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