De-Void Part 2

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'Go.' Scott told Aiden who quickly ran out of the house. Stiles let out a laugh and threw back his head. 'Oh, I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins. Short tempers, homicidal compulsions, they're a lot more fun than you bakemonos trying to save to world every day.' He said. I sighed. 'Doc, you brought something to paralyze his body, did you by any chance bring anything for his mouth?' I asked. 'Yes I do.' Deaton replied handing me some tape. 'Oh, Sammy. I'm sorry, did I hurt your little girly feelings? Well, Stiles did actually. Are you heartbroken? Must suck.' He pouted. I walked over to him and brought me face close to his. 'Bite me.' I whispered and placed the tape over his mouth. 'How much longer do we have?' I asked turning back around. 'I wish I knew.' Deaton said as we walked into the other room. 'But if we don't figure something out soon we're gonna need to find a better place to keep him.' He said. 'I think we are grossly underestimating the danger here. He may be paralyzed, but it still feels like he's got us right in the palm of his hand.' I sighed and walked back into the living room. Mom smiled a little at me. 'Need any help?' I asked. She was busy covering up Stiles' wound. She nodded. 'Yeah, would you mind finishing up these bandages for me?' She asked and I nodded taking over where she left. I tried to focus on the bandages and only the bandages. But then a heard a sniff and I looked up to see Stiles looking down at me with watered eyes? 'Stiles?' I asked quietly and he nodded. I quickly removed the tape. 'Oh baby...' I sighed. A smirked appeared on his face and I sighed with a laugh hating myself for not knowing it was a trick. 'Really Sam? I shed one tear that's all it takes?' He asked with a smirk. Mom grabbed my hand. 'Don't listen to him sweetheart.' She told me. 'You're not the one to talk, Melissa. Wait until your kids find out why their dad really left.' He said and her eyes widened a little. 'That's right, Stiles overheard it all, just like he hears everything. But do you know why he never told them? Because he knew how much they would hate you.' Is this about that thing that Stiles said to my dad? How he knew something that my dad didn't want us to know? I was right. It was the reason why he left. But I still didn't care. 'Go to hell.' I muttered and placed the tape over his mouth again. 'Don't listen to him, mom. I don't care what happened. I love you and I don't like him.' I assured her and she smiled a little. I stood up and walked back over to Doctor D. 'We need to get that thing out of him, it's starting to annoy me.' I said crossing my arms over my chest. 'The scroll said to change his body.' Lydia said. 'That's if I translated it correctly.' Deaton sighed. 'We're looking for a cure in something that might actually be nothing more than a proverb or a metaphor.' Deaton said. 'And what if he doesn't want it?' Scott added. 'He's never asked to be a werewolf.' He said. 'I didn't get to decide whether I wanted it or not.' I shrugged. 'Not that I want him to become a werewolf or that I'm complaining, I'm quite liking it so far.' I added. 'That venom isn't gonna last long, something needs to be done sooner or later.' Deaton said. 'Let me try call Derek again.' Scott said grabbing his phone from his pocket. 'Maybe we should try call someone else.' Lydia said and I raised my eyebrows. 'Like who?' I asked. I saw her look and my jaw dropped. 'No, no, no, no, and no. That's still my boyfriend in there! I'm not letting that psychopath go near him!' I exclaimed. But of course that was only my opinion. About 15 minutes later our doorbell rang and Scott opened the door letting Peter inside our house. He entered the living room and looked at Stiles, I was standing next to him with my arms crossed over my chest. 'He doesn't look like he'd survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf.' He said. 'You don't think it would work?' Scott asked. 'This is more a war of the mind than the body, there are better methods for winning this battle.' Peter said. 'Such as?' I asked. 'We're gonna get into his head.' Peter replied.


Lydia and Peter entered the room again, apparently they had some things to talk about. 'So, do we have a plan?' Deaton asked. 'Scott is gonna try and pick through pale and sickly evil Stiles' mind to unearth pale and sickly real Stiles. Then guide him back from the depths of his own subconscious.' Peter said. 'But he's not gonna do it alone.' He added. 'What do you mean?' Scott asked. I groaned and lowered my head in my hands. 'Oh damn...' I muttered. 'Somebody needs to go in with you.' Peter said. I looked back up and saw all eyes were on me. 'If anyone is gonna bring that idiot back, it's you Sam.' Peter said. 'Of course. Sounds fun.' I sighed. I stood up and sat on the sofa next to Stiles and Scott stood behind us. 'So what do we do if we find him?' Scott asked. 'You're gonna have to guide him out somehow, try giving him back control over his mind and body.' Peter said, I felt him place Scott's claws against the back of my neck. 'And how do we do that?' I asked. 'Improvise.' He replied. 'What is it's just another trick?' Scott asked. Peter sighed. 'When are you people gonna start trusting me?' He asked us. 'Never, but he actually meant him.' I said nodding at Stiles. A silent 'Oh.' Left Peter's mouth. 'Scott, we're running out of time.' Deaton said. I felt my brothers claws dig into my skin and I closed my eyes in pain. When I opened them again, I was strapped to a bed. We were in a white room with only two beds and nightstands. Why does this remind me of a nuthouse? We tried to break free from the straps but it wouldn't budge. Wait. 'Scott, why do I feel like we're forgetting you're an alpha werewolf?' I asked raising an eyebrow. 'We're in Stiles' head.' He replied. 'And we're supernatural creatures with supernatural strength, now break free!' I told him. He pulled the straps again and this time they did break lose. He quickly sat up and undid mine. 'You easily could've broken these.' He said confused. I shrugged. 'Meh, waste of energy.' He rolled his eyes and pulled me up. We walked towards the door but it shut right before I could follow Scott outside. 'Scott? Scott!' I yelled smashing my hands against the door. I turned around and suddenly I found myself in Stiles' bedroom. I frowned and looked around confused. 'Hey princess, did you find a dress yet?' A voice asked behind me and two hands sneaked around my waist. I jumped and spun around. Stiles chuckled. 'Easy tiger, it's just me.' He said. 'So, did you pick a dress yet?' He asked stepping closer to me and wrapping his arms around my waist again. 'What for?' I asked quietly. 'The rave silly? Gosh you're cute.' He chuckled and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled and melted into the kiss. I squeak escaped from my mouth when he picked me up and walked towards the bed. He laid me down and hovered over me kissing me again. He kissed my jaw all the way down to my neck. 'Stiles...' I breathed. 'There's something I gotta do... I just can't remember what.' I said. 'Well whatever it was, surely it can wait.' He muttered against my neck. I frowned. I know there was something, something I had to do. 'Stiles, just wait...' I said pushing him off me and standing up. 'There was something...' I whispered looking around the room. 'Sam.' Stiles said getting up from the bed. 'Just come back to bed baby.' He said. I shook my head and started walking towards the door. 'Samantha!' He yelled and reached for my hand trying to stop me, I pulled my hand away and ran out the door. I was suddenly in a big white room and Scott was on my right. We walked forward and I recognized Stiles, sitting on this big tree, also known as the Nemeton, playing a board game with some other guy who from this distance reminded me of a mummy wearing a leather jacket. 'Stiles?' I called but he didn't hear me. I looked at Scott and we started running towards him. But it didn't matter how much we ran, the distance between us and Stiles remained the same. 'Stiles!' Scott yelled. I waved my hands in the air but he still didn't notice us. 'What do we do?' Scott asked after a while. 'Howl.' I said and Scott looked at me confused. 'Stiles is part of our pack, right?' I asked. 'I mean, he's human but he's still part of the pack.' I said. 'Yeah, of course he is.' Scott said with a nod. 'And what the wolves do to signal their location to the rest of the pack?' I asked. 'They howl.' Scott said already turned into his werewolf form. He let out a massive roar so powerful my own eyes started to glow. I sighed with relief when I saw Stiles looking our way. He looked back and threw the board game on the ground. The mummy guy, who I'm guessing is the Nogitsune, screamed and I opened my eyes with a gasp finding myself in my own living room again. 'Did it work?' I panted. 'Did it work?' Scott walked back to the front of the couch and crouched down in front of Stiles who was still out. 'What happened? Why didn't it work?' Lydia asked. 'Because it's not science Lydia it's supernatural. I did my part now give me the name.' Peter said and Scott and I both looked up with a frown. 'What name?' I asked. Peter grabbed Lydia's arm and lead her into the other room. 'Lydia a deal is a deal even with me.' Peter said. Lydia sighed and leaned closer to him. 'Malia.' She whispered. I frowned. What the hell is going on? Stiles suddenly gasped next to me and ripped the tape off his mouth. He fell to his knees and started pulling lengths of bandages out of his mouth. Black smoke appeared from these bandages and I quickly grabbed his shoulders pulling him away as a body seemed to be crawling from these bandages. It was the same mummy looking dude I saw playing the board game with Stiles. He stepped forward and Scott and Peter quickly grabbed him pinning him down in a chair. He was struggling, like he couldn't breathe or something. 'Wait, hold on!' I called and stepped forward. I reached out my hand and carefully started removing the white fabric from his face. 'Holy sweet bananas...' I muttered as under all the fabric, was again Stiles. 'Sammy?' He whispered as tears started streaming down his face. 'He... He told me you... He told me you were dead... He told me...' He rambled between tears and I sat down pulling him into my arms. 'Shht, it's okay, it's okay. Everything's okay.' I whispered. 'Scott.' Deaton called and I turned my head. I was looking at a wide open door and a room without Lydia and the other Stiles, who I'm guessing was the bad guy, jeezz this is confusing. 'Where are they?' Scott asked. 'Where are they? Lydia? Lydia!' He called running out of the door.

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