Visionary Part 2

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'...and so they became important advisors to the packs.' Cora finished her story. I hate stories, I'm a bad listener. I tried, but all this stuff about Zeus and Lycaon and the druids... Not really my cup of tea. But I nodded nevertheless telling Cora to continue her story. 'They keep us connected to humanity, but they're a secret even in the pack. Sometimes only the alpha knows who the emissary is. Derek and I had no idea about Deaton. ' She said. 'Or his sister, Morell.' Peter added. 'She's an emissary to?' Stiles asked with wide eyes. 'For the alpha pack.' Peter confirmed. 'Our guidance counsellor?' Stiles exclaimed. 'Strange world isn't it.' I sighed as I patted his shoulder. He looked at me in shock. 'Why don't you people tell me any of this stuff? Huh, I shared some really intimate details with her.' Stiles groaned. 'Did she give you good advice?' Cora asked him. 'Actually yeah...' He muttered. 'Well I didn't really got to follow her advice things took a little twist but yeah it turned out alright since I've been dating this one for more than a year now.' He shrugged and I rolled my eyes grinning. 'That's what they do.' Peter said. 'That's what Deaton used to do for Talia.' He continued. 'Okay, okay! But back to Derek's love story now!' I said as I placed my feet on the table. 'Well, he told her to come to the school at night, she came, so did he, and Ennis.' Peter said. 'Ennis? Why would you choose him?' Cora asked. 'Why not.' Peter shrugged. 'Ennis needed a new member for his pack, Paige was young and strong. Doing a favour for Derek meant Ennis would in good with Talia, back then everybody wanted to be in good with her.' He told us. 'He doesn't remember it was Ennis does he?' Stiles asked. ' If he does he keeps it to himself.' Peter replied. 'So then what happened? Did he turn her?' I asked. I could do with a bowl of popcorn right now. I'm discovering a lot about our favourite sour wolf tonight. 'Almost... He must've changed his mind as he suddenly attacked Ennis. A 15 year old boy against a giant. But there was no reason for him to fight. She'd already been bitten.' Peter said.


'I wasn't really surprised when Deaton came to arrange a meeting with Deucalion.' Gerard said. 'As William Blake said: Any sinister person who means to be your enemy always starts by trying to become your friend.' He said. 'How do you know he wasn't going there to make peace?' I asked him. 'Because I'm not an idiot.' Gerard said. 'Do you know the Sanskrit fable about the scorpion and the turtle?' He asked. I nodded. 'The scorpion asks the turtle for a ride across the river...' I began telling the story Deaton had once told me. 'And when the scorpion stings the turtle dooming them both what does he say to explain his behaviour?' Gerard asked us. 'It's my nature.' I replied. 'I know a werewolves nature. I knew exactly what was coming. A trap.' Gerard said. 'They attacked you?' Allison asked. 'It was an ambush.'


'So... did she turn?' Cora asked Peter. 'She should have.' He replied. 'Most of the time the bite takes, most of the time...' He said. Stiles frowned. 'When you offered it to me you said "if it doesn't kill you."' He said. 'If...' Peter muttered. 'It doesn't matter that she was young and strong. Some people just aren't made for this. She fought, struggled desperately, trying to survive...' He said. And then it all made sense. Her just dying couldn't have caused Derek to be like this. No. It was way worse... I swallowed and held onto Stiles' hand. 'He had to kill her didn't he?' I whispered? Peter looked up at me and nodded. 'I remember taking her body from his arms, to the woods to a place where I knew it would be found. Another long line of Beacon Hills and animal attacks.' He said. 'What about Derek?' Cora asked. 'Taking an innocent life, takes something from you as well. A bit of your soul. Darkening it. Dimming the once cold and yellow, to a cold, steel, blue. Like mine.' Peter replied. 'So... he is who he is because of Paige?' I asked. Peter sighed and nodded. 'She was his first love... I think you remind him of her and that's why he keeps saving your ass.' He said I frowned and tilted my head to the side. Peter chuckled. 'Let's just say I might've had plans to kill you back when I was alpha, long story short he told me not to bla bla.' Peter said with a wave of his hand. 'But I do see it. You have her courage.' He continued. 'Is that why he didn't want to turn her at first? At the pool with the kanima?' Stiles asked. 'Well I wasn't there, I was dead remember? But that would most likely be the reason yes. If Sam would've died that day because of his bite it all would've happened again. That would've killed him.' Peter replied. Stiles suddenly pulled me up from my chair and walked us to the other side of the room. 'What's wrong?' I asked. 'I don't really believe him.' He sighed. 'What? About me?' I asked him. 'No, no, the story he told. Look, in Miss Blake's class we're reading hard of darkness right?' He asked and I nodded. 'And it's in first person narrated by Marlow, the thing is he's an unreliable narrator. You know the details they would've changed just because of his perspective. Stiles said. 'Well, than we heard the story from Peter's perspective.' Cora suddenly said from behind me. 'Yeah but without the whole story.' I said, noticing where Stiles was going. 'So what you're just gonna ask Derek about the girl he fell in love with, and then killed?' Cora asked. 'If I have to, yeah.' Stiles replied.


I hope it makes sense, incredibly hard chapter to write...

Anyway, I'm sorry for not uploading in a while, I'll try my best to update more regularly!

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