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I ran to Derek's loft as Scott and Kira took the bike, which means I could use a short cut and was there before them. I ran into an already open door and my eyes widened at the sight. Derek on the floor, not quite surprising, Allison, the sheriff, and Mr. Argent standing around Stiles. Mr. Argent had a gun pointed at Stiles' head. I growled and quickly walked over to them. 'You lower that gun right now Argent or I'll shove it up your ass I swear to god!' I yelled. 'Samantha, calm down.' The sheriff told me. 'It doesn't matter to me.' Mr. Argent began. 'I've done it before. Werewolves, Berserkers, I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list.' He said. My hand reached for the sheriff's gun, I grabbed it and I pointed it at Mr. Argents head. 'Sam!' Allison exclaimed, her eyes wide in disbelief but I ignored her. Stiles, or the nogitsune, raised his eyebrows in an amused way. 'See this sheriff? She loves your son so much she'll even stop someone from doing what's the best for him.' He said. I squeezed my eyes shut. Don't listen to him. Don't listen to him. 'Sammy, give me that.' The sheriff said taking the gun from me yet not putting it down. 'You're not gonna shoot my son.' He told Argent. 'You said it yourself sheriff, that's not your son.' Mr. Argent replied. 'Well guess what? I don't care. Now get that gun out of his face. I mean it Argent, I will put a bullet in your head.' I hissed. 'Dad, he's gonna shoot me. He's gonna kill me, Sammy, help me.' Stiles said and I squeezed my eyes shut. Don't listen Sammy, it's not Stiles. 'Don't listen sheriff.' Argent said. 'Put it down! Now!' Papa Stilinski said. 'Pull the trigger.' I heard Stiles say and my head turned to him. 'What?' The sheriff was now yelling for Argent to put the gun down and Stiles was literally yelling for Argent to shoot him. 'Shoot me! Shoot me!' Outside the sun was already going down. I stepped into the circle and stood between Argent and Stiles so the gun was pointed at my head and Stiles was standing behind me. Argent stumbled back in surprise and lowered his weapon. 'Stop it now! It's what he wants!' I yelled. 'Not exactly.' Stiles replied behind me. 'I was kinda hoping Scott would be here. But it's good you all have your guns out, because you're not here to kill me, you're here to protect me.' He said. I turned around and at the window were now standing four Oni. 'Shit.' I cursed and quickly grabbed the sleeve of Stiles' jacket pulling him away. 'They can't have him. Understand?' I asked as I looked around the room at Allison, her father and the sheriff. I dragged Stiles away from the scene. 'It's nice to see you still care.' He smiled as the shooting began. I glared. 'Not about you, monster. I care about that boy who I know is still in there, now stand back.' I said pushing him against the wall. 'And stay there.' I said as I turned around to join the fight. 'It's funny how you're risking your life for him, if only you knew...' He sighed and I spun back around. 'What do you mean if only I knew?' I asked. Keep in mind Sam, he likes to play tricks. He smirked. 'Do you remember a girl named Malia? She stayed at Eichen House as well. And wowi were they happy to see each other.' He smirked and I grabbed a firm grip on his jacket. 'You stop talking right now!' I hissed. 'You don't even know the best part yet.' He whispered. Stop listening Samantha for god's sake. He smirked and leaned closer until his lips were right next to me ear. 'It's safe to say your beloved Stiles is no longer a virgin.' He whispered and I stumbled back. 'You're lying.' I whispered. He shook his head. A smile playing on his lips. 'A Nogitsune feeds of chaos, strife and pain. This is the perfect opportunity to cause you a lot of pain. Why would I lie about it? Accept it Samantha, your boyfriend did the hanky panky with someone else.' He smiled and shrugged. My eyes watered as I stared at his face. This wasn't Stiles. He had this look of amusement on his face, caused by other people's pain. I turned around and had to lean against the wall. All this images in my head, was this true? Or was he just playing a trick? Could Stiles have really... 'Sam? Sammy?' I was dragged back into reality. It was Scott. I looked around the room to see the Oni and Stiles were gone. I burst out into tears and Scott quickly pulled me into a hug. 'What happened? Did he say something to her? What did he do?!' Scott exclaimed. 'I... I don't know...' Allison replied quietly.


'Thanks for letting me stay, I just don't wanna go home yet. I feel like I don't know them anymore.' Kira said as we walked into my room. 'Hey but, will Sammy be okay though? I mean, she was crying all the way home she literally wouldn't let go of you. Are you sure you don't wanna be with her?' She asked me. 'She's asleep now, it's fine. I don't know what the Nogitsune told her, but it must've been something bad for her to react like this. I can feel it you know? She's so sad and hurt... I've never seen her like this. It's kinda weird but, she kinda feels how I felt after I broke up with Allison. And I don't know what that means...But you can totally stay, if you want. I can loan you a t-shirt?' I told her. 'I'm okay.' She shrugged. 'You can take the bed, I'll sleep in the chair.' I said walking over to the chair. Kira kicked off her shoes and laid down on my bed. 'You okay?' I asked her. She nodded and smiled a little. I closed my eyes and focused my hearing on the other room, all I heard was a steady heartbeat meaning my sister was still asleep. I wish I knew what the Nogitsune said to her, so I could help her. It must've been really bad though. I've never seen her like this. 'Scott?' Kira asked and I opened my eyes again. 'I don't want you to sleep in the chair.' She said. 'I've woken up plenty of times in this thing, it's okay.' I shrugged with a smile. 'Please don't sleep in the chair.' She said and I raised my eyebrow a little. I stood up and walked over to my bed, she moved over and I laid down next to her. 'We're going to save him, we'll figure it out.' She said. She looked at me and I leaned in to kiss her. She smiled and turned around, I placed my hand over her waist holding her hand and hid my face in her neck.


'Sam! Sam! Wake up! Wake up for god's sake!' A female voice yelled. I sighed opening one eye and I saw Lydia. 'What are you doing here?' I muttered. 'Jeezz you are one hard person to wake up! You gotta come downstairs!' She said. I groaned. 'No, I wanna stay in bed for the rest of my life. I don't wanna go anywhere and I don't wanna see anyone.' I sighed. 'Well you're gonna wanna see this.' She said pulling the covers off my body and dragging me out of my bed by my ankles. 'Lydiaaaa.' I whined. 'Come on.' She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs. 'Lydia please just let me go back to... bed.' In our living room were mom, Doctor D, Aiden, Scott and in our sofa was an unconscious Stiles with a huge gaping wound in his stomach. 'What the hell? He needs to go to a hospital!' I exclaimed running forward. 'Sammy, remember last time he was at the hospital?' Scott asked me. Okay. True. I was not happy with this, a part of me wants to save him, but this other part of me only sees Malia when I look at him. 'It doesn't look like he's bleeding.' Deaton said examining the wound. 'I think he might even be healing.' He said. 'You mean healing like we heal?' Aiden asked. 'But that's good? Right?' I asked. 'For him, yes. Us? Not so sure.' Deaton replied. 'Well if we're not killing him then why don't we just tie him with really big chains?' Aiden asked. 'Does he look like any harm to you right now?' I asked crossing my arms over my chest. 'Aiden's right though, Sam.' Deaton said. 'But I brought something more effective.' He said reaching into his back. Scott and Aiden walked over to the sofa and held Stiles' mouth open as Deaton poured some of the liquid in. Suddenly Stiles opened his eyes and he grabbed Aiden's throat. I ran forward helping Scott to pull Aiden out of the grip. Stiles let go but I don't really think it was because of us, he pulled back his hand which was shaking and stared at is with a frown. Hold up, I've seen this before. 'Kanima venom, nice touch.' Stiles said. Aiden let out a growl and stepped forward, I reached out my hand grabbing the collar of his shirt holding him back. 'You know they say twins get a feeling, when the other ones in pain. You didn't lose that talent too did you? Ooh, I hope not, you're gonna need it.' Stiles said and we all looked at each other confused. 'Okay I'll give a little hint, Ethan's at the school.'



Hey, make sure to let me know if you liked it :D

*sigh* I love you all

Something About Me // Teen Wolf [BOOK 3] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now