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I'm not saying almost frying ourselves to death got us in a shitload of trouble which brought us to the police station where my dad questioned us, but it did. 'So, when did you get there?' My dad asked us. I slid down in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest, not really planning on saying anything to him. 'At the same time.' Stiles replied. 'At the same time as who?' Dad asked. 'The same time as me.' Scott replied raising his hand a little. 'By coincidence?' Dad asked. 'What do you mean coincidence?' Stiles asked with a frown. Dad sighed, he surely didn't miss how extremely annoying Stiles could be if he wanted to. Well, even if he didn't want to. 'That's what I'm asking you, the three of you arrived at the same time, by coincidence or not?' He asked us. 'Are you asking me?' Scott asked. 'I think he's asking me.' Stiles muttered. The sheriff, who was sitting behind my dad rolled his eyes. He was secretly enjoying this, I know he was. 'I think he's asking both of you.' Lydia said not really enjoying this as much as them. 'Let me answer the questions.' Dad sighed. I snorted and he looked down realizing what he'd said. 'Let me ask the questions.' He corrected himself. 'Just so I have this absolutely clear, Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation, and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her. Which blacked out the entire town.' He said. 'That's about right...' Stiles muttered after my dad finished. 'How'd you know he'd take her to a power station?' Dad asked him. I yawned and grabbed Stiles' arm placing it over my shoulder. I pulled my hood over my head and snuggled up against his chest. I heard him chuckle and another person sighed, most likely my dad. 'Well, because he was an electrical engineer so... Where else would he take her?' Stiles replied. 'That's one hell of a deduction there Stiles.' Dad said. 'Meh, well, what can I say? I take it off my paps, he's in law enforcement.' Stiles replied and I knew he had a grin plastered on his face. I heard a chuckle coming from Papa Stilinski but he tried to cover it up with a cough. He was definitely enjoying this. I certainly am. 'Stiles, just answer the man.' Papa Stilinski then told his son. 'We made a good guess.' Stiles shrugged. 'What were the two of you doing?' Dad asked Scott and Kira. They both replied at the same time that they were eating only Kira said sushi and Scott said pizza. They tried again. Only now Kira said pizza and Scott said sushi. One last try. 'Eating sushi and pizza.' They said. 'You believe that?' Dad asking the sheriff. 'To be honest.' He began. 'I don't believe a word Stiles has said since he first learned to speak. But I think that these kids found themselves at the right place at the right time. And that girl sitting over there, is very lucky for it.' He said nodding at Kira. I sat up straight and grabbed Stiles' phone from his pocket. All this talking about pizza made me hungry. 'What are you doing?' My dad asked me with a frown. A blew a bubble with the gum I was chewing and waited till it popped. 'Ordering pizza, I'm hungry.' I shrugged. Stiles saw my dad's look and placed his hands on mine lowering to phone onto my lap. 'I'll buy you pizza later, kay baby girl?' He muttered eyeing my dad now and then. I shrugged and handed him his phone. 'Hawaii please.' I smiled. 'And what if they don't have that?' Stiles asked. 'The one with ham and pineapple.' I replied and a grin spread across his face. 'I love you.' He sighed and kissed my temple. 'Kira.' Dad said clearing his throat very clearly. 'Is that how you remember it?' He asked the dark haired girl. We all leaned forward in our seats and looked at her. She nodded. 'Yes. Could I get my phone back now?' She asked and my dad shook his head a little. 'Sorry, but no.' We walked outside the office, dad handed Kira's phone to some deputy. 'Kira, a deputy is going to take you home but we're gonna need you to fill in some paperwork for us.' She nodded and a deputy walked her away. Stiles was still in the office discussing something with his dad so I looked at Scott who nodded and walked over to me. 'Scott, Samantha.' Dad called after us and I sighed. 'I don't know why you guys are lying.' He told us. 'I don't know what you're doing here.' I replied with a roll of my eyes. He ignored me. 'Or why Stilinski is content to listen to this crap.' He continued. 'Cause he's a good cop.' I shrugged. He sighed and ignored me again. 'But try and remember something, if half this story about Barrow is true, then not only someone send him loose, but he's a pion in their little game. A mass murderer is bad enough, a mass murderer being controlled by someone, is far worse.' Dad told us. 'Yeah, I get it.' Scott said. 'Okay now go home, it's a school night.' Dad said. I scoffed. 'Like that's ever stopped us before.' I muttered.


The next morning I was busy getting my books from my locker when from the corner of my eye I saw coach walking with a megaphone in his hand. Oh right. No power. No school bell telling when class is starting. 'Class start in five minutes! Just because there's no power don't expect there to be no school.' Coach said through the megaphone. 'Hey, that was a triple negative! Very impressive coach!' Stiles, who was standing next to me (how fun is it when your boyfriends locker is right next to yours??!!) said. 'Copy that.' Coach replied through the megaphone and I rolled my eyes with a grin. I heard the sound of keys falling to the floor, I looked down and saw they came from Stiles' locker. He picked them up and looked at a certain key with a frown. 'Where did you come from?' He muttered. 'Is it the key to my heart? Because that's impossible? you already have that.' I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows. He shook his head with a smile and leaned forward to press his lips against mine. 'You can be so romantic when you want to.' He chuckled and I shrugged. 'I have my moments.' I giggled and kissed him again. I was kinda getting into the kiss when Stiles of course broke apart to stop my brother from going over to talk to Kira. 'What? I have to talk to her? And you were kinda busy there...' Scott said shooting me a look. 'Yeah, you were, Stilinski.' I grumbled. 'Don't you remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her?' Stiles asked. 'Which is why I need to talk to her!' My brother sighed. 'Scott, no way.' Stiles said. 'Until we figure out if she is just another psychotic monster that's just gonna start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction!' He rambled. 'But what if she's like me?' Scott asked. 'That girl walked through 1.21 jigawatts of electricity, she's not like you.' Stiles said. 'He's right, I mean, I haven't tried walking through 1.21 jigawatts of electricity but I don't think I'd come out as pretty as her.' I shrugged. 'Are we done?' I then asked. 'I guess...' Scott shrugged. 'Great, Stiles, let's go find an empty classroom.' I said shutting his locker for him. 'Why?' He asked confused. 'To make out, duh. By Scotty!' I said grabbing Stiles hand and pulling him with me.


So my friend and I were talking about Dylan all day and omg I found my soulmate she loves him just as much as I do

Something About Me // Teen Wolf [BOOK 3] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now