The Divine Move

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'Here, drink this. It will calm you.' Noshiko said placing the cups on the table. I smiled and grabbed one of the cups in my hands. 'What is it?' I asked. 'Tea.' She replied. 'Like magic tea?' Stiles asked. 'No chamomile tea.' Noshiko said with a slight frown. 'Drink it.' She added. Mr. Yukimura entered the room with a sigh. 'He's not safe here.' He said. 'He's not safe anywhere.' Noshiko said. 'But Allison killed one of them, doesn't that mean something?' Kira asked. 'She killed an Oni.' She said. 'Is that even possible?' Mr. Yukimura asked. 'I'm not sure how.' Noshiko replied. 'But she did it. She killed one of them.' Kira said. 'Yeah and then they killed her.' Stiles sighed. 'Allison's dead.' He continued. 'And I guess the only good thing is it looks like I'm dying too.' He said and I nearly chocked in my tea. Kira patted my back and I sent Stiles an angry look. 'Don't say that. Just... Please, don't say stuff like that.' I whispered. Noshiko moved over and sat next to Stiles. 'He made a powerful move by splitting the two of you.' She said. 'So what's our move?' Kira asked. 'At this point? You need a divine move.' Mr. Yukimura said. 'What's that?' Stiles asked. 'In the game of Go, it's what we call a truly inspired, or out-of-the-box move, the Nogitsune has had sente, the advantage till this point. What you need is a divine move in order to turn the game around.' Noshiko said. 'Okay so is anyone feeling divinely inspired?' Stiles asked. 'Mom you said you trapped it in a glass jar, right?' Kira asked her mother. 'It wasn't the jar that trapped it, it was where I buried it.' She replied. 'The Nemeton.' I said. 'A place I don't know too much about.' Noshiko said with a shake of her head. 'Good think we know someone who does.' I sighed. 'Deaton.' Stiles said and I nodded. I stood up and grabbed my coat. Stiles followed my lead and Kira did the same. I held out my hand and Stiles frowned. 'Keys.' I said and he rolled his eyes with a sigh before handing them to me.


I parked the jeep in front of the school, Stiles could barely stand on his feet so Lydia placed his arm over her shoulder. We walked towards the entrance when Stiles stopped us. 'You guys, I know you're all thinking, but if this works it might kill me too.' He said. 'What did I say about talking like that?' I said between gritted teeth. 'I'm serious Samantha, even if it does you have to go through with it, stick with the plan, okay?' He told me. 'The plan is to save you.' Scott said. 'That's the plan I'm going with.' He said before opening the doors. My jaw dropped and I frowned when we walked inside. 'Since when do these doors lead to the frigging North Pole?' I asked as I looked the around the in snow covered garden like area we were now in. The doors closed behind us and we all looked back. 'Well this was definitely not part of the plan.' Stiles sighed. We all looked around confused, what the hell were we doing here? I grabbed a lock of my dark hair with some snow stuck in it. I heard footsteps behind me and we all spun around. 'Oh, not him...' I sighed when I saw the Nogitsune walking towards us in his mummy outfit. 'Like I promised Stiles. We're going to kill all of them! One by one!' An Oni appeared and its sword collided with Kira's katana. We all stepped back. 'What the hell is this? Where are we?' Scott asked. 'Between life and death.' The Nogitsune replied. 'Bardo.' I heard Lydia say behind me. 'But there are no peaceful deities here, Lydia.' The nogitsune said. 'You're dying Stiles. And now everyone you care about if dying too.' He said. I scoffed. 'You tried this joke once before, remember? When you told him I was dead? Guess what you massive toilet roll, I'm still alive and kicking!' I said crossing my arms over my chest. I was ignored. 'I've captured almost all the territories on the board, Stiles. The hospital, the sheriff station, and now the animal clinic. Do you know the ritual of seppuku Stiles?' The Nogitsune asked. 'No, and I don't want to.' Stiles replied. 'When a samurai disembowels himself with his own sword to maintain his honour, but that's not the cut that kills you.' The nogitsune said. 'The killing stroke is usually made by his kaishakunin. Who beheads the samurai with his own katana.' I said remembering the paper I once had to write on this. 'Yes! Very good! And Scott.' The Nogitsune said pointing a finger at my brother. 'Scott is your kaishakunin. I'm going to make your best friend kill you Stiles.' He said. 'And you're going to let him. Because just like you, we're all going to die. Everyone touched by an Oni's blade, unless Scott kills you first.' He said. 'Why? Why are you doing this?' Stiles asked. 'To win the game.' He said and more Oni appeared and they all got out their swords. 'Lydia, Stiles, stay back alright?' I told them. Lydia's eyes widened. 'Behind you!' She yelled. I smirked and simple raised my fist colliding with one of their masks. I turned around and ran into the actual fight. All we had to do was stay away from the swords. 'Sam!' Kira yelled. I looked to my right and saw one coming my way, I threw my body back and the sword missed my face by only a few inches. 'That really hurt my back.' I grunted and did a spin kicking the Oni in the face. 'Stiles no!' I heard Scott yell and I turned around with a frown. 'STILES!' I screamed at the top of my lungs as I saw him with Kira's katana pointed at his own stomach. 'What if it saves you? What if it saves all of you?' Stiles asked us. 'What if it's just another trick?' Lydia exclaimed. 'No more tricks Lydia.' The Nogitsune said. 'End it Scott, let your friend fall on his own sword. Do for him what he cannot do for himself.' He said. 'Do it Scott, be his kaishakunin.' The Nogitsune said. 'Give up to game. You have no moves left.' He continued. 'No.' I said with a shake of my head. I walked over to Stiles and stood behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist grabbing hold of the sword as well. 'Sammy, go away.' Stiles breathed. I shook my head firmly. 'I didn't fall in love with you to watch you kill yourself. So I guess you're just gonna have to take me with you.' I shrugged. 'I don't deserve your love, Samantha. I betrayed it.' Stiles whispered. He then looked back over his shoulder with a frown. I don't know what he was looking at but it made him lower the sword. I grabbed it from his hands and threw it to Kira. 'I do have a move left.' Stiles said. 'A divine move. Stop fighting them, it's an illusion!' He said. 'You have to stop fighting them. It looks real and it feels real but Scott you gotta trust me it's an illusion.' He told us. Scott and I looked at each other and nodded. I stepped in front of Stiles and looked back at him over my shoulder. 'I trust you.' I mouthed and grabbed my brother's hand. The Oni had taken their positions. Scott grabbed my hand tighter and we walked between them. A sword scraped my collar bone and I groaned in pain. Another one cut my thigh. I heard Kira behind us. Scott nearly went down so I wrapped my arms around his waist to support him. We made it through the Oni and stood in front of the Nogitsune, we pushed him towards the door. It opened and suddenly we were inside the school, with no Oni and no Nogitsune. I quickly checked my body and it was woundless. 'We're okay.' Scott said. I grinned but Scott then suddenly flew past me against the lockers. I spun around and groaned. 'You.' I grunted looking at the evil version of Stiles. 'Me.' He smirked and grabbed my shoulders slamming me against the lockers next to my brother. 'That was very brave of you, wanting to die with him. Even though he cheated on you. I was surprised, I must admit.' He shrugged. I felt Scott's confused gaze on me. 'Bite me.' I whispered. 'This was my game. You think you can beat me at my game?' He asked as he turned back around towards Lydia and Stiles who were walking back as he walked towards them. 'Divine move? You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni but me? Me? I'm a thousand years old you can't kill me!' He screamed. I crawled up to my feet and shook Scott's shoulders. 'But we can change you!' Lydia said. 'What?' He muttered confused. 'You forgot about the scroll.' Stiles said. 'The shugendo scroll.' Lydia added. 'Change the host.' Evil Stiles muttered. I tapped his shoulder. 'You can't be a fox and a wolf sweetheart.' I shrugged. Scott grabbed his arm and sunk his teeth into his flesh. 'Don't worry, it gets even better.' I smirked and stepped aside so Kira could stab her katana into his chest. He went down to his knees, a single fly appeared from his mouth and flew away until Isaac caught it in a wooden box. I looked down. 'Sorry sweetheart but I already have one Stiles to deal with, he's annoying enough at times I don't need two.' I shrugged. He was still on his knees so I kicked his back, he fell down and disappeared into nothing but dust. I smiled and looked up but my smile quickly faded when Stiles suddenly went down. I quickly kneeled down and grabbed him before his head would hit the floor. I placed it on my lap and ran my hand through his hair. 'No, no, no baby, no. Stiles please. You can't die on me. For god's sake Stilinski!' I cried and leaned closer to his face. 'Sweetheart I know about Malia, I know. I still have to kick your ass about that so you can't die. I'm not angry Stiles just really disappointed. I'm gonna need a lot of time to forgive you on that but at least let me yell at you about it.' I rambled. I heard a gasp and I quickly raised my head again. Stiles opened his eyes and I sighed with relief. 'Oh god I fainted didn't I?' He asked and I laughed. 'We're alive, we're all alive.' He said. 'Yeah, we're okay.' Scott said. I smiled and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. 'I'm so sorry.' He whispered. I shook my head. 'Later.' I told him. I looked up and frowned when I saw the look on Lydia's face. 'What is it?' I asked. 'Aiden...' She whispered and started running towards the door. I helped Stiles get up and we followed her. She turned back around and ran into our arms. Over her strawberry blonde hair I could see Mr. Argent and Derek stand next to Ethan who was bend over Aiden's body, crying.


'She's here isn't she?' I asked my mom with a sigh. She nodded and looked down. 'Sweetheart, I don't know how this is going to help in any way, but, almost every relationship needs bumps like these. And try to see the good of it, she's new to all of this. She has much to learn, and if she has someone to hold on to, it might help her.' Mom said. 'I know that, but... Does it have to my boyfriend?' I asked. 'Or...ex...' I muttered with a frown. She cupped my cheek with her hand. 'You were the one to break up with him, remember?' She told me. 'You were the one who told him you needed space and time. Everything's been back to normal for a while now. Maybe you should take some time off and take the time you told Stiles you needed.' She said. I sighed. She was right. When everything was starting to get back to normal Stiles and I finally found time to talk about the whole Malia thing. And it turned out to Nogitsune was indeed right. So I did was I thought was best, break up with him and tell him I need time and space. Scott knows as well, but he made the smart decision of staying out of it and pretending nothing's going on. He doesn't want to stand between his best friend and his sister. So he stays out of it. Which is good. I don't want him fighting with Stiles. It's all very painful, and it's going to get even worse since Malia will be coming to Beacon Hills High school. 'But what if he falls in love with her?' I asked my mother. 'There's always that chance.' Mom shrugged. 'But you're handling it well so far. And if it does come to that, you fight for him. Fight for him the way he's always fought for you.' She said and hugged me. 'I love you, mom.' I whispered. 'I love you too, sweetheart.' She said. I smiled and walked up the stairs. I heard laughter coming from Scott's room. I peeked around the corner. Scott was teaching Malia all about control and everything. She managed to make her claws appear and she looked so proud. My eyes drifted off to Stiles who was smiling at her. He caught my gaze and waved a little. Scott and Malia turned their heads towards me as well. I noticed Malia's eyes widening a little. 'Don't mind me.' I said entering the room. 'You were doing great then, mind showing me again?' I smiled. She nodded and opened her hand showing me her claws. 'Awesome, right?' She grinned and I nodded. 'Hey, wanna see how you can make your eyes glow?' I asked her and she nodded with a grin


This book took me more then 6 months to write and upload, I didn't feel like that long... Phew, anyway, in a week or three I'm starting on the next book! I hope you're just as exited as I am!!!

I have some situations planned in my head and I wanna play around a little bit with those

Thank you all for sticking with me! I love you xo

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