Galvanize Part 3

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'Wanna come hang out at Stiles' place?' I asked Lydia as we were walking towards Stiles' jeep. 'Sure.' She shrugged. 'Shotgun, front seat!' She then grinned and I groaned. 'You know what, from now on I'm the only person allowed on that stupid back seat! You know that!' I said extra loud so Stiles was sure to hear it. Lydia opened the passenger's door and stepped aside with a big smile so I could crawl in the backseat. I smiled an extremely fake smile as I got in. 'Hmmm, it smells great in here.' I said sarcastically once we were on the road. 'Like sweat and food and...' –'Sex?' Lydia finished for me and I glared. 'Why does everything has to be around sex with you?' I asked her with a sigh. 'It's not. Only when I'm with you two.' She shrugged with a smile. I rolled my eyes at her. 'Yeah well, there's not much to talk about so shut up and talk about your nails.' I told her as I laid across the backseat using my bag as a head rest. Lydia spun around in her seat. 'What do you mean there's nothing to talk about? Are you telling me what if it is I think you're telling me?' She asked me with wide eyes. Stiles sighed loudly in his seat. 'Can you guys not talk about my non-existing sex life thank you I'd appreciate that.' He muttered. Lydia's jaw dropped and she looked at me. 'You guys have been dating for over a year! How?' She exclaimed. I smiled. 'Overprotective brother with curly roommate and a nurse for a mother in one house, and the sheriff in another.' I told her and she nodded in an understanding way. 'You guys should know that we have a lake house we barely use...' She shrugged. 'Lydia!' Stiles and I both groaned and she quickly raised her hands in an innocent way trying to hide a cheeky grin. 'We don't want to hear about your lake house, and besides, we're here.' Stiles said and he parked his jeep in front is his house. 'Is your dad home?' Lydia asked and I eyed her. She shrugged. 'Just a question.' She smirked. 'You know he's at the station. You damn well know it.' I sighed as I got out of the car. I walked over to the front door and unlocked it with my key. 'How'd you do that?' Stiles asked from behind me. I turned around and frowned. 'Do what?' I asked him. 'Open my front door.' He said with a frown. I raised an eyebrow. 'I put the key in the hole in the door and turned it?' I tried, a little confused. 'I didn't mean how you opened the door Samantha. I meant how you opened my door?' He asked not making any sense. 'With my key.' I shrugged. 'With your key?' Stiles asked. 'Yeah, I had one made.' I said holding up the silver key. 'I had it made ages ago, you only noticed now?' Stiles rolled his eyes and walked inside. 'I'm supposed to give you a key to my house.' He muttered as we walked up the stairs into his room. He immediately started messing around with all kinds or pictures and maps he hung at his wall. He then got out different coloured wires and attached them to the walls in all directions. Lydia and I, who were laying on his bed, watched in confusion. Well, Lydia mostly did. 'Is he always like this?' She asked me. 'What? More dedicated to some cases than his dad? Yeah, mostly.' I shrugged. She shook her head with a sigh. 'No wonder your sex life is non-existing.' She muttered and Stiles spun around to glare at her. 'What do the different colour strings mean?' I quickly asked before did turned into the "car convo" again. 'Uh, just different stages of the investigation. So like, green is solved. Yellow is to be determent. Blue is just pretty.' He shrugged and I grinned. 'True, it is pretty.' I said. 'What does red mean?' Lydia asked. 'Unsolved.' He replied and she frowned. 'You only have red on the board.' She noticed. 'Uh, yes, I'm aware. Thank you.' Stiles replied with a sigh. 'Did you get detention for pulling the alarm?' Lydia then asked. 'Yep, every day this week.' He sighed and my head shot up. 'What? Why don't I know that?' I asked. Stiles shrugged. 'Greenberg told me that Coach told him he had to tell me coach gave me detention every day this week.' He explained and weirdly enough I understood that sentence. 'It's okay though, we're on to something.' He said. 'Even though we couldn't find any prove of Barrow being there?' Lydia asked. She must feel really bad. I mean, she was convinced that he was there. I believed her, I mean, she heard the flies? That must mean something, right? I scooted over so I was sitting next to her. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her shoulder. 'You've been right every time something like this has happened.' I told her. Stiles nodded and crouched down in front of us. 'Sammy's right. You can't start doubting yourself right now.' He said. She sighed. 'No scent, no bomb...' She began. 'He was there.' I said quickly. 'You know, you felt it. You know, if you wanted to, we would go back to that school right now and search all night to prove it.' I said and she smiled a little. 'Thank you.' She whispered. 'Get up.' Stiles suddenly said and I frowned. 'What?' I asked confused. 'Get up, now. We're going to the school.'

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