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I was in my room with mom and Stiles laying on my bed, well, we were currently trying to figure out of this is really Stiles. Mom did all kinds of check-ups, medical then. She reached for his hand to check his pulse but she pulled back her hand, Stiles smiled a little and held up his hand. She placed her fingers on his wrist and looked at her watch. 'Well.' She began. 'Medically you seem okay, you're definitely a real person.' She said with a small chuckle. 'Okay so I'm real but... am I really me?' Stiles sighed. Scott entered the room and Stiles sat up. 'Is she here?' He asked and Scott nodded. 'Okay, let's do this.' Stiles said. Scott and I shot each other a look. 'Guys, we have to do this.' Stiles said when he saw us all looking at each other. I smiled and nodded. 'Okay.' I helped him get up and we walked down the stairs. When we entered the living room Kira's mom was standing there. 'Do you recognize me?' She asked. Stiles removed my hand from his arm and stepped forward. 'Stop!' Kira called as she ran into the house. 'It's okay, I'm the one who asked her to come.' Stiles said. 'You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords. Mom, don't do this to him!' Kira replied. 'It's already done.' Noshiko said and suddenly two Oni appeared. They stood in front and behind Stiles doing the same check they did on us. I held my breath but let it escape with relief as Stiles fell to the ground and they disappeared. 'Look behind his ear!' Noshiko said and we all crouched down. 'It worked...' Scott said. 'Am I actually me?' Stiles asked as he stood up again. 'More you then the Nogitsune.' Kira's mom said. 'Can the Oni find him? The Nogitsune?' Stiles asked. 'Tomorrow night, it's too close to damn now.' She said and Stiles looked down with sigh. 'Can they kill him?' I asked. 'That depends how strong he is.' She replied. 'But what about Lydia? Why would he take her?' Scott asked confused. 'He would only take her for an advantage.' Noshiko said. 'You mean her power?' Scott asked. 'The power of a Banshee.'


'This is the best day of my life.' I sighed. 'It better be.' Stiles chuckled behind me. I faked a confused look. 'Oh no, not because we saved you, oh no. You're in the backseat and I'm driving your jeep.' I grinned. Stiles rolled his eyes. 'Just don't crash into any other cars please.' He sighed. 'Hold your horses buddy, we're already here.' I said parking the car in front of the police station. We walked inside to the sheriff's office where he was searching through his jacket. 'If only I could find my keys...' He sighed. 'In your coffee mug.' I smiled. He turned around and his eyes widened when he saw the three of us. 'You always drop them in your empty cup.' Stiles said pointing a finger at the cup. The sheriff stared at us before we walked over to his son and pulled him in a hug. 'Hey dad.' Stiles chuckled. 'Is it over?' The sheriff asked us. I sighed and shook my head. 'Not yet.' We told him everything that happened. When we were finished he told us to wait and disappeared for a few minutes. 'I got an APB out on Lydia's car.' He said closing the door behind him again. 'Every unit on the road is looking for her.' He told us. 'Is there anything else that we could do?' Scott asked. 'At this hour... No not really.' Papa Stilinski told us. 'He took her for a reason.' Stiles said. 'If we can figure out the why, then we can figure out the where.' He said. 'Okay, what would a Nogitsune need with a Banshee?' The sheriff asked. 'I don't know, Lydia's pretty good a finding dead bodies maybe he needs to find a body?' Stiles shrugged. 'Scott, Sam, you know more about this than any of us.' Papa Stilinski said turning to us. 'Us?' We asked in unison. 'You said you got the story from Noshiko?' The sheriff asked. 'Uh yeah, but that happened during WW II, which was like 70 years ago.' I said. 'Wait, what did you say?' Stiles asked with a frown. 'Noshiko told us about the internment camp...' Scott began. 'No, no, before that.' He said. 'You said the whole story?' He asked and I nodded. 'Yeah. What is it?' I asked. 'There is a girl at Eichen House.' Stiles began. 'Named Malia?' I asked and I immediately squeezed my eyes shut regretting that big time. When I opened them again Stiles what looking at me both confused and worried. Did he have a reason to be worried? 'Her name is Meredith...' He continued. 'I think she might be able to help.' He said. The sheriff asked Deputy Parrish to call Eichen House and ask for Meredith, she's still there but they moved her to the closed unit. Which doesn't sound really good. 'Why?' Stiles asked. 'They said behaviour issues.' Parrish replied. 'Issues?' I asked wanted more information. 'She wouldn't stop screaming.' He said and Scott, Stiles and I shot each other a look. That sounds familiar.


'So what are you saying?' Scott asked taking a bite from his sandwich. 'I'm saying we should get bunk beds and change my room into one big jumpy castle.' I said with a wiggle of my eyebrows. Scott grinned and he reached over for a high five. We laughed and I took another bite of my sandwich. 'Hey em, Sammy. I've been wanting to ask... Back at the police station when Stiles told us about this girl, Meredith. Why did you say Malia's name? Did it have anything to do with what the Nogitsune told you?' Scott suddenly asked me and I swallowed putting my sandwich back on my plate. Did I tell him what the Nogitsune told me? But what if it causes trouble between him and Stiles? I mean, it could always not be true but still... If I tell him Scott will ask Stiles and what if what the Nogitsune said turned out to be true? What if Stiles did really have sex with Malia? But then yet again, Scott is my twin brother and we always tell each other everything... I took a deep breath. 'The Nogitsune told me that Stiles...' I heard a loud gasp coming from the living room and we both quickly stood up. Stiles jumped up from the couch where he was sleeping and stumbled around the room confused. I ran towards him and grabbed hold of his arm for support. 'Are you okay?' I asked him. 'What happened? How long was I out?' He asked grabbing both my arms. 'Just a couple hours... Sit down for a bit.' Scott said. Stiles shook his head. 'Where's my dad?' He asked. 'At Eichen House looking for Meredith, we promised to not let you out of our sight.' Scott replied. 'Okay what about the others?' Stiles asked. 'Isaac, Allison, the twins... They're all looking for Lydia.' I said. 'You alright?' I asked as Stiles put on his jacket. 'Yeah I just can't seem to get warm...' He sighed. 'Maybe you just sit down, take it easy...' Scott said. His hand reached for Stiles' and his eyes widened when his hand touched Stiles'. 'You're in pain.' He said. 'It's not that bad.' Stiles said. 'It's just like a dull ache.' He told us. 'Where?' I asked. 'Sort of everywhere.' He said. I grabbed his hand and frowned. 'Stiles, you're literally freezing!' I exclaimed. I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him down on the sofa. 'Tell us the truth. How much does it really hurt?' I asked him. Scott's phone buzzed next to me. 'It's Kira.' He said and Stiles motioned that he should answer it. 'Hey what's up?' He asked. 'She's here. In coach's class. And you need to come too, like right now too.' Kira said.


We had to do a 100 meter sprint during P.E. today :oooooooo

I ran it in 17.62 seconds, is that good? Idk

Something About Me // Teen Wolf [BOOK 3] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now