Galvanize Part 2

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'Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? That's his exact words?' Isaac asked as we ran down the stairs. 'Yep, and no one knows how he woke up from anaesthesia. Also, when they opened him up they found a tumour full of life flies.' I said and both Allison and Lydia's eyes widened. 'Which in any other circumstance would've been all kinds of awesome!' Stiles added and I rolled my eyes. 'Did you just say flies?' Lydia questioned. 'Yeah, why?' I asked. 'It's just, I've been hearing this sound all day it's like... the sound of... Buzzing.' She said. 'Like the sound of flies?' Allison asked her. 'Exactly like the sound of flies.' Lydia sighed. 'Okay, Stiles, we gotta go tell Scott. Do you know where he is anyway?' I asked. He shook his head. 'No, let's go find him.' He said and we ran off. We ran into the hallway where my locker was and I saw Scott leaning against a wall. 'Dude!' Stiles exclaimed. 'Where the hell have you been?' He asked. 'The police are leaving.' Lydia said as she walked over to us. 'Why are they leaving?' She asked confused. 'The police?' Scott asked, obviously not knowing what's going on. 'They must've cleared the building and grounds which means he's not here...' Stiles muttered. 'Who? What are you guys...' My brother sighed but Lydia cut him off mid-sentence. 'He has to be here!' She said. 'That sound, the buzzing I've been hearing, it's getting louder.' She told. 'How loud?' I asked. 'Very loud.' She replied with a sigh. 'Then we gotta find your dad and tell him not to leave.' I told Stiles. He nodded. 'I'll explain everything later.' I quickly told Scott before running off with Stiles again. We had to do a lot of running today. A bit too much if you ask me. We ran outside and jogged down the stairs catching up with Papa Stilinski. 'Dad, dad, dad.' Stiles called out and the sheriff turned around. 'You can't leave yet.' Stiles said. 'We got an eye-witness that put Barrow by the train station.' He told us. 'Let's go Stilinski!' My dad yelled from a bit further away and I rolled my eyes with a sigh. 'There must be some kind of mistake. Lydia says he's still here.' I said. 'Did she see him?' Papa Stilinski asked and I shook my head slightly whilst chewing on the inside of my cheek. 'Not exactly no.' Stiles said. 'Actually not at all. But she has this feeling!' He said. 'A supernatural feeling!' I quickly added and the sheriff sighed. He looked at Lydia who was at the door leaning against the wall examining it. Not looking very worried or anything. 'Lydia wasn't on the chessboard.' The sheriff told his son and I frowned. What chess board? 'Yeah well, she is now.' Stiles shrugged. 'Kanima?' Papa Stilinski asked. 'Banshee.' Stiles replied and the sheriff sighed. 'Dad, I know how it sounds but basically it means that she can sense when someone's close to death.' Stiles explained. 'Did she say that I'm to kill you?' The sheriff whisper shouted and I chuckled a little. 'Look, I'm not saying I don't believe, but right now I'm going with eye witness over banshee. We're leaving a few deputies here and the school's on lock down till three o'clock. Nobody goes in and nobody goes out.' He told us as he started walking away from us. 'Buddy that's the best I can give you right now.' He shrugged. 'You're leaving me and your future daughter in law here though! That is not the- that is the worst!' Stiles called after him. I frowned as I looked up at him. 'What chess board?'


We went back inside with Lydia to find this guy. Since we weren't allowed to leave the school anyway, might as well make ourselves useful. Allison though sneaked out to go home and search the bestiary for anything that could help us. She did warn us that because of the little information we had, it could take a while. 'Okay where do we start?' Lydia asked once Allison had crawled out of the window. 'Upstairs.' Stiles replied so that's where we went. It was already half past two and we only had till three o'clock to find this guy. We had to hurry. We started with art class, where there really weren't many places to hide but still. 'Scott and Isaac are in the basement, right?' I asked as I looked behind a giant painting. You never know... 'Yeah, with Ethan and Aiden. The plan is to meet in the middle uh, in the boiler room.' Stiles replied. 'He's letting Ethan and Aiden help?' I asked with a surprised tone and Stiles raised his eyebrows. 'That's all you heard from that whole sentence?' He asked me. I rolled my eyes. 'Boiler room, got it.' I sighed with a chuckle. 'All of the wolves.' Lydia suddenly said. 'Uh, well, yeah, not all of the giraffes so yeah.' I said with a slight frown. 'I mean, all of the ones with glowing eyes?' She asked 'In the basement, in the boiler room...' She continued. 'Well not all of 'em, I'm here.' I shrugged. I noticed they were awfully quiet. I got up from my crouching position to check under the table and walked over to them. 'An engineer could use the boiler room to blow up the school.' Stiles sighed. My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat. 'We have to get them out of there...' Lydia said. 'We have to get everyone out.' Stiles said. 'How do we do that?' I whispered, not being able to speak louder. The thought of my brother possibly getting blown up completely taking over my mind. 'I have an idea.' Stiles said and we walked outside where he pulled the fire alarm. He had a grin on his face because of his amazing plan but I had to hold back my laughter as he didn't noticed Coach was standing right behind him. And saw the whole thing. He grabbed Stiles by hear ear and walked us outside. 'Pulling a fire alarm on Mischief Night is one thing, doing it when a mass murderer is spotter nearby is insane! Dammit if I were four years younger I'd punch you!' Coach exclaimed. 'That doesn't make sense...' I noticed. 'Oh well it does to me!' Coach said and walked back inside. 'There!' Lydia said pointing at the four other werewolves. We quickly walked over to them. 'We didn't find anything.' Aiden said. 'Not even a scent.' Scott added. 'Its three o'clock school's over. If he placed a bomb wouldn't he have set if off by now?' Stiles asked. 'So does that mean everyone's safe?' Ethan asked. 'I don't know... I just... I don't know.' Lydia sighed. 'Well, I guess we can all go home now.' I sighed. 'If the school blows up it at least won't have me it so that's alright.' I shrugged. 'About that...' Scott said. I raised an eyebrow. 'What? The school blowing up or me not being in it?' I asked him. 'No, about going home, you're gonna have to ride with Stiles.' Scott said and Stiles let out a loud 'Yes!' next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 'Finally!' He grinned. 'Okay, cool, why?' I shrugged. 'Kira's dad kind of invited me over for dinner. To thank me for saving his daughter from not becoming coyote dinner.' He explained and I grinned. 'Ooooh, I like the sound of that. You go have dinner! Go on, shoo! You should've been there already!' I said pushing him towards his bike. 'Kids, they grow up so fast...' I sighed as I turned back around.


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