Chapter 1

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*The traditional Victorian style house was packed to the brim with family and friends. Disney Princess decorations spilled into every room blanketing the house in a cloud of pink.

Joyful screams and giggles could be heard echoing through the large house. Parents mingled while the children played games and filled up on junk food. One little girl sat apart from the rest in a small corner underneath the staircase. Her sparkly, blue, Cinderella dress fanned out around her tiny legs.

The banner above her head read, "Happy 4th Birthday Ava!" and even though she couldn't read yet, she knew exactly what it said. Turning so she was not facing the banner, she curled her knees to her chest.

She paid no attention to the panicked calls she recognized as her mother's. "Ava!? Ava Grace, where are you!?" Instead of replying, she began to hum rock-a-bye-baby to drown out the noise around her. Her stuffed unicorn, Casey, sat in her lap. It was a Christmas gift from her Aunt Izzie and though it was now July, she had yet to part with her favorite toy.

Her mother's calls grew more frantic as she heard footsteps along the wooden floor. They suddenly stopped in front of her and she looked up to see her mother's face change from worried to confused. Ava hung her head as her mother knelt down to take a seat next to her.

"What are you doing here all alone?" Her mother asked pushing her golden bangs out of her daughter's face. The little girl twirled the unicorn's hair around her finger several times before replying. "I want my daddy." Her voice was so quiet her mother had to lean in to hear her.

With a loud sigh her mother picked her up and placed her on her lap. "I know you do. But remember how mommy and daddy help sick people at work? Well, I'm sure daddy is just doing that right now. He'll be here soon."

She tried her best to sound optimistic and put a happy face on for her daughter, but anyone who knew her would be able to tell she wasn't sure of herself. Ava perked up a little listening to her mother's voice. "Daddy said the prince always comes to rescue the princess on her birthday. I'm his princess right mommy?" Her sad blue eyes gazed into her mother's looking for an answer. "Yes. You are his princess and he loves you. He wouldn't miss your birthday party for the world!" Her mother replied once again unable to hide the shakiness from her voice.

"Meredith! Where are you? We should cut the cake, these kids are getting restless!" Meredith stood up with Ava in her arms as Izzie's voice echoed down the hallway. "Cake will make you feel better, I know it will!" Ava perked up as she was carried into the dining room.

She was placed at the head of the table as 14 children looked on at the giant castle cake. The lights were switched off and Happy Birthday began being sung. A tiny tear slipped down Ava's cheek as she blew out the candles and looked around the room expectantly.

She scanned the room searching for the familiar head of dark brown curls. More tears spilled down her face as she looked at all the adults and only saw her uncles.

Camera's flashed in her face making her cry even more and Meredith quickly sat the video camera down on the table and leaned in to comfort her daughter. "You're ok. This is the fun part!" She said, trying her best not to draw attention to the less than happy birthday girl. "I...I..." The little girl stuttered unable to make out the sentence through her sobs. She reached up for her mother as she finally was able to make out, "I wished for my daddy to come and he's not here."

In one quick swoop, Meredith scooped up her daughter and allowed her shirt to become soaked with her daughter's tears. Her heart broke for her daughter, and all she wanted was to fix her little baby. "Iz, would you mind cutting the cake?" Meredith asked her friend desperate to get the attention away from the hysterical child. "Oh, No problem!" Izzie replied as she watched Meredith leave with Ava.

Noticing the commotion, Alex came to stand next to Izzie as she sent a desperate look across the room to Cristina. Izzie began cutting the cake but stopped suddenly when Alex whispered, "Mcdreamy's a dead man" into her ear. The comment was not his usual sarcastic humor, but full of anger. Izzie sighed, knowing Alex was probably right.

All she could think about was the little girl who's birthday had been ruined. Cristina made sure her 6 year old son, Tyler, was occupied with his cake before following Meredith and Ava out of the dining room.

Later that night after all the guests had left and Ava had worn herself out, Meredith stood alone in the dimly lit kitchen. The house seemed quiet, a huge contrast from just hours before.

She tried not to wake her sleeping daughter as she threw the dishes into the dishwasher. Earlier, she had tried to hide her emotions to make the best out of Ava's party. Cristina had stayed for a vent session after the party.

While Tyler entertained Ava, Cristina talked in hushed tones about how much harm she was going to do to Derek once he got home. Meredith vented her own frustrations, until she was almost in tears and had to call it a night. Now, with Cristina long gone, the same sinking feeling had settled over her stomach again.

She glanced at her cell phone and sighed. It read 10:00 P.M. Derek never called to say he was going to miss the party. He didn't even call to apologize. "There's no way he could have forgotten." She thought, as she threw the phone to the other side of the counter. Her platinum rings glistened in the light as she thought back over the past year and how different everything had become.

Their first four years of marriage had been wonderful. They were the golden couple at their small, formal wedding. Though the birth of their daughter was an unexpected surprise just a year later, they were both overjoyed to be parents.

Derek adored his little "princess" and Ava took to him immediately. She was a typical daddy's girl, her world revolved around his every move. Meredith often envied her daughter, for having what she never had growing up.

The past year had started off great. Their relationship was better than ever until one fall day when Derek approached Meredith in the hospital almost giddy with excitement. He had been offered a chance to sit on the hospitals board of directors and wanted to jump at the chance at the prestigious honor.

Even though it meant more hours at the hospital, and much more work, she was overjoyed for him. He promised their family would always come first and he'd find a way to make it all work.

Meredith believed him, and at first, he held to his word. But soon, days turned to nights, and nights turned to weekends. They no longer shared meals together and some days the only time they would talk was in passing at work. Lately, he had been coming home only long enough to shower and grab a few hours of sleep before heading back off to work.

Ava began to notice her father's absence and became extremely withdrawn. She clung to him every chance she got and refused to go to sleep at night unless he was there to tuck her in. Understanding how important his work was to him, Meredith put her feelings aside for the first few months. She knew it would take time for him to get adjusted. But, missing Ava's birthday was the last straw. She was used to being broken hearted, she could even handle it, but hurting Ava was something she would not stand for.

The opening of the garage door startled her mind out of it's reverie. She quickly shoved the wrack into the dish washer and slammed the door shut listening to all the glasses clank together.

Her back was turned away from him when he walked into the kitchen from the garage. She tensed up as her anger reached the boiling point. Derek knew the minute he walked in that Meredith was angry.

He stood silently in the doorway watching as she franticly scrubbed the counter top. A wave of guilt washed over him as he looked around the house to the work that was put into decorating for his daughter's birthday party. A large piece of cake sat on the island with a note written by Ava that said, "Daddy's Cake."

He smiled, and then frowned realizing just how much trouble he was in. Meredith turned to look at him and he instantly saw the hurt and anger reflecting in her green eyes. Bracing himself for the fight he knew was coming, he stepped into the room and placed his bag on the floor.

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