Chapter 38

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So...I heard Derek and Addison had a blowout today." Izzie questioned after shutting the door and walking into the small lounge. She handed a cup of caffeine free tea to Meredith and ignored the disgusted look she got from her friend.

"Didn't you get the memo? They no longer speak civilly, I'm just sorry I wasn't there to see it...20 bucks says he kills her by Friday..." Cristina piped in and Izzie replied with a laugh, " The wont last the week, especially if they get stuck working together."

Meredith laid back on the uncomfortable sofa and groaned. "Guys. No one is getting killed...and can we not make bets on my husband." She interrupted, annoyed at the subject.

"I don't understand why they still fight, I thought the point of divorce was so the fighting would stop?" Cristina rolled her eyes at Izzie. "Barbie, divorce is just a temporary escape. Signing the papers only means the lawyers can stop sucking money out of you.."

"Cristina, that doesn't even make sense!" Izzie admonished, and the two glared at each other.

"Please, I can't handle anymore arguing. Can you still watch Ava tomorrow night Iz?" She had affectively changed the subject, annoyed with the topic.

"Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to it actually, I need all the practice I can get. We've been trying you know."

"You have?" Meredith asked pretending to be shocked. It was no secret Izzie was desperate to have a baby since her and Alex got engaged.

"Please, it's practically my destiny. I already have names picked out. My little Madison Elizabeth will be adorable."

Cristina looked at her in a weird condescending way. "Um...isn't that a little too much like Addison? I mean it's practically her name...are we really back on baby names again?"

"It is not the same as Addison. Besides, I liked it before she even got here. Baby names are important Cristina!"

" they're really not. The kids grows up to hate it anyway."

"Guys! Again with the arguing...I can't handle it. Not today." Meredith snapped and sat up to glare at both of them. I'll drop her off at 6."

" you and Mcdreamy have a hot date? He better be making up for the crap moods he's been in lately."

Meredith hesitated before answering Cristina and that gave her friend time to pounce.

Cristina knew her friend was avoiding the question and she leaned on her knees staring her down in order to get it out of her. "Where are you going Meredith? Please tell me it's not something super mushy..."

Meredith sighed not wanting to tell Cristina at all. She wouldn't be supportive. Meredith was beginning to doubt going was a good idea at all....and she didn't need the added pessimism.

"Actually, Derek and I are going to try counseling. We have our first appointment see how it goes."

Cristina looked at her, stunned and Izzie picked that moment to excuse herself from the room. " in marriage counseling?" Stuttered her friend and she looked at her in disbelief.

"Yeah, well I suggested it, but we really just need some way to communicate..."

"Marriage counseling doesn't work. Trust me. It's a bad idea, all it does is make you more mad at the person."

"Well...we're giving it a shot. We're both willing to...which is a goo..."

"Meredith, I can't believe you of all people wants to go and listen to some fake doctor give you advice..."

Meredith looked at Cristina and then back at the ground, kind of upset at the lack of support. But, that's what she expected. Something surged up in her however, maybe it was anger, or just the frustration of the day...but she looked back at Cristina and grumbled, "How do you even know? You can't just judge our situation...we're messed up...and we both realize we need help."

"Trust me I know!"

"How, you don't talk to me anymore Cristina. Something is going on and you're not telling me. Is everything ok at home?"

Cristina looked back at Meredith and stood up hiding the emotion that was evident on her face. She wasn't willing to open up, opening up meant weakness.

"We've been in marriage counseling OK? We've been going for months...and it hasn't done any good."

"What? You and Burke? For what...are you having problems?" Meredith was confused and rambling off not knowing what to think or say. She hadn't been close with her friends in awhile, both their lives got in the way leaving no time for heart to heart chats...not that they usually had them.

Cristina looked at the door wanting to escape and go anywhere other than talk about her relationship. "We haven't been the same for awhile. We've actually been talking about divorce."

Meredith didn't know what to say and she just stared watching as her friend built up the tight armor that she always wore. Everyone's lives seemed to be falling apart while she had been so focused on her own.

"Cristina...I don't know what to you want to talk about it?"

"No, I really don't. I'm sorry." With that she walked out of the room and Meredith was left feeling more confused than when she started. She would go to counseling, whether people thought it was a idea or not...and try not to worry over Derek and Addison and Cristina and Burke.

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