Chapter 14

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*Shaking off the feeling of De Je Vu Derek barreled through the door to Mark's office for the second time that day. He hadn't bothered to knock and Mark looked up in surprise jumping at the intrusion.

"Yes...Alright...sure we are capable of that..." Mark mumbled into the phone clearly distracted by the unexpected entrance. Derek slammed the door shut causing Mark to pause in surprise. "I NEED to talk to you!" He held up a finger at Derek mouthing "Wait" but Derek only groaned in response.

"Did you know?!" He interrupted harshly and Mark widened his eyes trying to shush him. Derek began to pace around the room and finally settled in front of the desk. Derek's breathing was fast and he couldn't seem to catch his breath. "No...No I need to know.." He snapped between pants. Derek's voice was upset and full of pain. Noticing his friends anguish.

Mark made up an excuse to get off the phone and motioned towards Derek. "Derek, what the hell is going on?!" Derek shook his head and slammed his fist against the desk. "Dammit Mark. Dammit!" He was angry and his emotions were going crazy. Mark stood up concern all over his face.

"Derek what's wrong?" Derek wouldn't reply and slumped down into the chair beneath him. "Oh god...did you know? Please tell me if you knew.." Derek's voice was breaking and Mark could tell he was headed for a break down.

"Know what Derek? I really don't understand.." Mark was confused and trying hard to understand what was going on. "It's Meredith...she's...she's pregnant. She kept it from me...did you know? Did you know she was pregnant?" Derek was in tears now pleading with Mark for answers. He had never seen his friend so desperate.

"Derek I'm sorry, I have no idea what you mean...why would I know?" Derek sighed loudly not even knowing where to begin. "Mer...she's pregnant..I found the ultra-sound scan today...Addison performed it weeks ago.." He was stuttering and rubbing his eyes. "Addy knew this whole time...and Meredith...she...almost had an abortion."

Mark sat back down in his chair and looked at his friend. "Wow...Derek, I don't even know what to say. I can't..even believe that..but I swear I had no idea...Addison didn't say anything about it."

*For the first time since Derek's abrupt entrance Mark realized something really was horribly wrong. Clearing his throat he managed to wrap his mind around what Derek had said. Meredith was pregnant. Ok, he could handle that. But the fact that she had hid it from Derek was completely taking him off guard.

Those two were America's sickly sweetest couple(even if he wanted to gag thinking that) they never kept important things away from each other...and Addison knew...and didn't tell him...he was mad at her for a split second but then realized if the situation had been reversed he would have done the same thing.

Shaking off his thoughts in order to focus on Derek he looked over to the man who was usually so strong. In that moment he was the complete opposite of the man he had seen earlier that day. "What happened?" Derek looked up at Mark and Mark held his breath knowing it wasn't good just by the hurt lines written all over his friends face.

"I confronted her...and she said she didn't want me to come back just because of the baby...God she just doesn't get it. She doesn't get how much I would give for her.." After a sweep through his think curls Derek was up again unable to sit still as his hurt turned back to rage.

"I thought we were over this years ago! I really...." Derek's voice finally broke as he stumbled over what he was going to say next. "I really thought we were going to make it." Mark Derek slid to the ground and buried his face in his hands. He could hear him sobbing..which in any other situation he would have teased him about. Truth be told, the only time he had ever seen Derek cry were always when he was faced with loosing Meredith.

Mark was content to let his friend vent, but worried about him. Derek tended to make rash decisions when he was angry...and Mark and Addison knew that better than anyone. He couldn't let that happen...he couldn't let Derek run away from this. "Derek you don't have to get divorced over this. Before anything you need to cool off..I'm sure stupid things were said and both need to just settle down."

Derek wasn't even listening as an idea popped into his head and he shot up and wiped his eyes. Moving fast he moved towards Mark and pointed a finger at him. "Let do a surgery." Derek's voice was demanding. "I need to get my mind off this..." Mark looked at him surprised and shook his head chuckling a little before stopping as Derek glared at him.

"No way! you are in no condition to operate!" Derek kicked the front of his desk and moved closer to Mark. "Mark, this is not a question put me on a case or I'll do it myself." Mark stood his ground knowing he could easily win in a fight with his friend.

"No Derek, I can only fix their outsides...I can't fix their brain when you kill them because you are angry at your wife. NO. You will go home and sleep this off."

"Mark...I can't go back there. Please...I can't look at her, I can't even go back on that reminds me of her." Mark felt overwhelming sympathy for his friend in that moment. He had never before heard him talk about Meredith that worried him.

Thinking for a moment and afraid Derek might flee across country Mark took his keys out of his pocket and handed them to Derek. "Here." Derek looked at him confused. "Go to my whatever and if you're awake when I get home we'll talk." Derek went to say no right away but Mark interrupted him. "Addison's at her mom's with Peyton for a few days...there's no one there to bother you.."

Derek seemed to be pondering the offer over in his head. He wanted to escape his thoughts and stop thinking of the horrible fight he had just had with Meredith. Taking the keys from Mark he nodded his head in thanks and walked out the door. Mark sighed...sitting back down behind his desk and dialed Addison's number hoping that she would have an idea of how to pull Meredith and Derek out of this one.

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