Chapter 16

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Mark arrived home much later that night cursing at the down pour that had started the minute he stepped out of the hospital successfully soaking him. "I hate this city!" He fumed, tossing his now ruined black leather jacket into a rumpled pile on the floor.

Seeing a dim lamp in the living room on he walked in to find a very soaked Derek sprawled out on the couch. His clothes were stuck to his body and his hair was drenched leaving tiny ringlets dripping down his face.

Feeling dirty and exhausted, Mark ran his hands over his growing stubble and laughed at his friends drowned rat appearance. "Addison's going to kill you for ruining her couch.." Mark said only half kidding, knowing his wife hated anything coming near her fashionable furniture.

Derek stared blankly into the TV. He could make out his disheveled appearance but didn't seem to mind. "I'll buy her a new one." He responded monotone, not bothering to look over at Mark.

Mark sighed and thumped into his bedroom. Derek could hear the faint rumbling of drawers being pulled open and then the shower turn on. Time seemed to stand still and before Derek knew it Mark was back in front of him forcing a pair of shorts into his hands.

"I'm going to bed. Stay here, sleep this selfish mood of yours off." Mark was frustrated and too tired to deal with his stubborn friends problems. He thought about Cristina for a brief moment and hoped Meredith was Ok. He felt the need to protect her....since Derek was not in the right mindset to do it.

Derek didn't respond and just sat there staring at his reflection once again. "And do me a favor, don't go flying across county because I don't have time to go chasing your sorry ass." Mark said...waiting for his friend to acknowledge him before he walked away. He used his normal dry, sarcastic tone but it was really just a cover for how worried he really was.

"You should change your clothes. Why the hell are you all wet?" Mark decided against going to bed, and instead walked to his lounger and sat down putting his feet up loving the feel of being able to relax. Derek rolled his eyes and defensively crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Why the hell are you still living in this crappy apartment when you could have a house?"

Mark shrugged sensing Derek's foul mooc. "I like it. When are you going to go home and talk to your wife? You look like sh**." Mark had struck a nerve and Derek huffed flipping on the TV.

"I went for a walk. And I don't want to talk about her." He replied suddenly extremely focused on the remote in front of him. "Too bad. You're here, so talk." Getting angry Derek flipped through channels at a rapid pace doing anything he could think of to avoid Mark.

"I don't want to be here! I'd rather be.." He couldn't finish before Mark interrupted. "You'd rather be where? In the OR? Killing people..or better yet how about on a plane to New wait...that would be too obvious, maybe Australia." Mark rolled his eyes." Get over it Derek. She messed up, so did need to talk to her."

Derek was getting more angry by the minute and flicked the TV off throwing the remote to the floor. "You don't know what I need to do! She hurt me, she lied to me, she doesn't get to just say sorry!"

Mark laughed sarcastically at his friend. "You are ridiculous! You're the one who was absent all year! You're lucky she didn't leave your ass and go find someone who cared!"

Mark had really struck a cord and Derek shot up from the couch and stood angrily in the center of the room. "What someone like you!?" He spat out not even meaning the words. Mark just stared at him...shocked at the words but not at all hurt by them.

"No. Someone better than me. Someone better than both of us. She deserves better and you still don't see that. Any other woman would have left you long ago."


Watching to see that Meredith had shut the bathroom door Cristina whipped out her phone and fired off a text to Mark. Cristina had spent the last few hours listening as Meredith sobbed over Derek. During it all her pocket kept vibrating and when she got a chance to look she discovered Mark had text her at least three times wondering about Meredith.

Rolling her eyes Cristina sent *She's ok. Ava's not.* Knowing the cryptic message would send him reeling with worried questions, a part of her wanted him to worry...if he worried Derek would worry...and then she wouldn't have to be stuck with her hormonal best friend.

Hearing Meredith leave the bathroom Cristina quickly hid her phone and sat back down with her friend. Cristina couldn't stand to see her best friend so upset and hated the fact that Derek was still breaking her heart, even after 4 years of marriage.

Cristina had to give her friend credit, even after he had yelled at her and treated her like crap for the past year, Meredith still loved him. She still wanted to be with him, and worried constantly about him. All she had asked all night was where Derek was. She was worried he was injured and kept calling out to him over and over again until Cristina couldn't take any more and finally confessed Derek was at Mark's.

Looking over Cristina expected to find Meredith ready to cry once again but instead she was sound asleep, the exhaustion and stress of the night finally taking it's toll. Smirking, Cristina got up and brought their empty glasses to the kitchen. Meredith's virgin margarita's were still half full and melted while Cristina's shot's of tequila had long since been emptied.

Searching around the kitchen she rolled her eyes at how organized the drawers were and finally pulled out a small butter knife. Knowing all along it would be the key to opening Ava's door, she didn't want to suggest it and upset Meredith any more than she had to be.

The upstairs was silent as she made her way up and it only took her a few seconds to stick the knife in the small slit and turn it to open the lock. The door met a pile of clothes and shoes as she pushed it harder and finally was able to step into the room.

It wasn't as big of a disaster as she would have assumed and she shook her head knowing she had to teach her god daughter better. Barbies and dolls littered Ava's bed showing evidence that Ava had given up her tirade to play after all.

The CD had ended long ago and the remnants of their covers lay crushed on the floor. Ava wasn't there, and Cristina panicked for a second wondering how the girl could have gotten out of a locked room.

Rescanning the room she noticed a tiny foot sticking out from behind the partially shut walk in closet doors. Opening them caused a loud creaking noise to echo through the room and she laughed at the sight she found.

Ava was dressed in her favorite pink princess dress and tiara. She was sitting up, but her eyes were closed and Cristina could see the peaceful rise and fall of her chest. Picking her up was an easy task and the girl barely stirred as she laid her softly on the bed.

Cristina jumped as her pocket vibrating again and choose to ignore the text as she flipped off the lights and walked out of Ava's room. She would let Mark and Derek stew for was more fun that way.

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