Chapter 104

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"Is Mandy going to be my best friend?" Ava asked, while Meredith pulled a dirty purple shirt up and over the girl's head.

"Randi." Meredith corrected. "And yes...I guess she can be your best friend."

"Will she be mean to me?" Eying up her daughter, Meredith moved to the closet at the far end of Ava's room.

"No. She'll be very nice to you." Out of all the guest rooms, Ava's held the biggest closet and it was filled completely with clothes. There were so many, that some still had the tags on them. Frowning, Meredith had no idea what to dress her in.

Two weeks had gone by since Meredith and Derek had decided to hire Randi as their nanny. They had spoken to her since then, but that night was the first time Randi would meet all three girls. Meredith was slightly nervous about it. Ava could be picky, but she hoped her daughter would take to Randi like she took to most people.

"I don't even know what to put on you." Sighed Meredith, as she pushed some of the clothes out of the way. "I really need to tell Aunt Addison to stop buying you clothes." Meredith usually didn't have to dress Ava. The four year old had incredible taste for her age, and dressed herself most of the time. But, Meredith wanted to be sure she looked nice for Randi.

"Can I wear my Cinderella dress?" Pondering it, Meredith found the dress and then looked back towards her daughter skeptically.

"Sorry, I don't think it fits anymore."

"It fit on my birthday!" Argued Ava in a defiant tone.

"Your birthday was 8 months've grown a lot since then."

"Because I'm a big girl. Not like the babies."

"Not like the babies at all." Agreed Meredith.

"How about my fairy one? Randi will like that." Ava climbed up onto her bed and jumped up and down until her mother's stern look made her sit down.

"Why don't you just wear something simple like this?" Holding up a pink sweater dress, Meredith knew by Ava's disgusted look that the outfit wouldn't work.

"I dunno..."

"You don't know?" Meredith mocked. "What's not to know. It's cute."

"Randi wont like it." Sighing, Meredith put the outfit back into the closet.

"How do you know she wont like it? You've never even met her."

"I know." Assured Ava. "Maybe I can wear my jean skirt."

Crinkling her nose, Meredith searched for the item until she found it and pulled it out to examine it. "This should fit...but, you'll have to wear tights. You'll be cold without them."

"I'm not cold."

"Ava. You're wearing tights." Meredith said in an exasperated tone.

"Ohhhkayyy." Responded Ava, like wearing tights was an injustice to society. "But, I'm not wearing shoes." She added as an after thought.

"Deal." Meredith agreed, glad the clothing situation had been solved. Derek had been downstairs with the babies for over an hour and she was sure he would be getting antsy.

Right on cue, Derek's voice echoed up the stairs. "Meredith? Are you almost ready?" Even though she had expected it, she rolled her eyes.

"Ava, go tell your impatient daddy we will be down soon." Excited at the chance to help, the little girl bounded off the bed and raced out into the hallway.

"Daddy, we're almost done! Mommy said you are impatient!"

"Traitor." Meredith whispered once Ava had stepped back into the room.

"I am impatient!" Derek called back. "You've been up there forever. She's going to be here any minute!"

Meredith heard Derek's reply but didn't feel like shouting back. "Why is daddy mad?" Ava asked, in a serious voice. She balanced on Meredith's leg as she kicked off her jeans and slid her jean skirt on. "Did you make him mad?"

"Probably." Meredith replied, with a crinkled forehead.

"Well, he still loves you." Ava assured, like an adult would.

Chuckling, Meredith pulled a pink long sleeve shirt over Ava's head. "I know. He's just nervous because Randi's coming over."

"But...she's nice!" Ava reminded her, not understanding why her father thought any differently.

"I know. Daddy is just silly." Admiring Ava's outfit, Meredith stood up straight. "Young, pretty girls scare him." It was easy to talk to Ava as if she were talking to Izzie or Cristina. But, looking at her daughter's confused frown, it became clear that she was indeed talking to a four year old.


"Because...daddy's big ego assumes every pretty girl wants to be with him." Ava stared back at her with the same confused look, but there was an excited twinkle in her eyes, as if she were being told a big secret.

"You're all ready Ava."

"Do I look pretty?"

"You look beautiful." Fluffing up her own hair, Meredith knew she looked less than desirable and didn't really care. She was tired, and wondered if the exhaustion of having infant twins ever went away.

"Will daddy be afraid of me?"

"Probably." Meredith teased, causing Ava to erupt in giggles. Turning off the light, Meredith led her out of the room.

"Daddy's a scardy cat." Ava whispered, as they walked down the hallway.

"Yes, he is." Meredith winked back. She could practically hear Derek pacing around the foyer and thought it was ridiculous. Reaching the landing, Ava lifted up her arms and stared at her mother.

"Carry me mommy." Ava pleaded, in a whiny voice that was both annoying and adorable at the same time. It wasn't often Ava wanted to be held anymore, so enjoying the moment, Meredith lifted her up.

"Is Randi going to come to my birthday party?"

"I....guess so." Ava's questions were getting harder and harder to answer because Meredith simply couldn't think that far ahead. All she was concerned with was making sure Randi bonded with the girls.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Meredith wasn't surprised to see Derek walking in from the kitchen. He looked good in his dark jeans and gray sweater, but she knew he hadn't put much thought into what he was wearing.

"Daddy said he'll come to my party!"

"He better..." She mumbled, but Derek was coming closer so she corrected her statement. "Of course he's coming."

"Good, because Alexis is having the zoo come to her party but that's silly, because you can't bring polar bears and whales to your house. Right daddy?"

"Right princess." Derek agreed with a confused frown.

"Are we still talking about her party?"

"Yup. It's Izzie's influence. All party planning all the time." Meredith tried putting Ava down, but the girl clung to her neck. "Can you take her? I want to get the babies settled before Randi gets here."

Reaching out for her, Derek took Ava, not in the least concerned that the girl seemed to be in a clingy mood. "Daddy?"

"Yeah?" He watched Meredith step into the family room and shifted Ava to his other hip.

"Why do you have such a big ego?" Shocked by her question, he glanced into the living room to arch an eye brow at Meredith. But, his wife wasn't paying attention, so he focused his attention on his daughter.

"I don't have a big ego." He chuckled, knowing it was a lie.

"Mommy said you do....cause' you're afraid of pretty girls."

"I'm more afraid of mommy thinking I'm not afraid of pretty girls..." He replied right away, and didn't have to look to see the confused frown Ava had on her face.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"Nope. Are you scary?"

"No, I'm Ava!"

"Whew. Okay good. Then I wont be afraid of you." He teased, enjoying the cheerful giggles that filled the foyer.

"Should I just leave the girls in the swings?" Meredith called in an urgent tone. Randi's visit had put them both on edge. They were nervous, but for two completely different reasons.

"Yeah, why not." He responded noncommittally. Ella and Caroline were finally too big to fit into one swing. It was a milestone that had seemed to take forever to achieve.

"Maybe Uncle Mark could make your ego smaller." Ava chimed in, making sure to keep her father's attention on her.

"What?" Asked Derek with a shake of his head. He hadn't been paying attention, and thought maybe he had missed something.

"Uncle Mark makes people's faces smaller all the time daddy." Ava responded like she was telling him something he didn't know. "He can make your ego smaller."

"My ego is just fine Ava." He said seriously, though found it hard not to smile. Meredith must have over heard the conversation, because he heard her chuckling from the family room.

"Thanks Mer." He teased in a serious tone. But the doorbell rang before she could reply.

"She's here, she's here! Hurry, let her in!" Ava was bouncing against him so hard that he was thrown off balance.

"Ava, calm down." He whispered, feeling suddenly anxious as he moved to the door.

"I want to see her!"

"Okay, let me get to the door." His patience was wearing thin as the nervousness over took him. He still had an irrational fear that Randi would be attracted to him...and it was starting to get to him.

Ava was still wiggling impatiently, and he released her and let her slide to the floor as he opened the door. "Hi Randi." He greeted with only a brief hint of hesitation.

"Hi Dr. Shepherd." The young girl responded with a nervous smile. Motioning for her to come in, he noticed Ava had moved so that she was completely behind him.

"Call me Derek." Randi stepped into the foyer, adjusting her designer bag further up her shoulder. Her dark brown hair was tucked behind her ears showing off a glistening pair of earrings that Ava noticed as she peeked her head out from behind Derek. "This is Ava." He introduced, trying to push his daughter forward. "Ava, can you say hi to Randi?"

Staring down at his daughter, he watched as she stood staring up at Randi. She was uncharacteristically quiet, and he laughed in amusement. "Ava, come on, you were so excited to meet her."

"Sorry," Meredith apologized as she walked into the foyer. Greeting Randi with a warm smile, she explained, "She's usually not so shy...but, I think she'll warm up."

"That's okay, I'm sure it'll take some time to get used to me..." Randi said, thinking it was pretty normal. Once she had spoken though, Ava stepped away from Derek completely and pointed to Randi's head.

"I like your earrings." Ava beamed up at her, enjoying the way the light was hitting the diamonds.

"Oh...thanks." Randi said in surprise and touched her ear unconsciously. As Randi took in Ava, Ava took in Randi.

"I like your ring." The little girl announced in wonder, and Meredith found herself breathing a sigh of relief. Holding out her left hand, Randi let Ava admire it. "It's beautiful."

"Thank you. My fiancé gave it to me."

"Oh, you have a fiancé?" Meredith asked, unsure whether she had known that before and possibly forgotten.

"Yes, Kyle. He just proposed last weekend actually."

"Congratulations." Responded Meredith happily. "That's exciting."

"I know, I'm really excited. I wasn't expecting it at all." Meredith felt at ease talking to Randi. The instant connection they shared reminded her why she had chosen the girl in the first place. It was comfortable talking to Randi, which is something Meredith had been hoping to find in a nanny.

"Randi, do you want to come see my room?" Ava asked out of no where, taking hold of the older girls hand. "It's really pretty, my Aunt Addie made it for me. Come see it. We can have a tea party." Glancing towards Derek and then to Meredith, Randi hesitated, not knowing if it would be alright.

Nodding, Meredith said, "Ava, don't stay up there too long, we have to talk to Randi."

Pulling Randi forward, Ava lead the girl up the steps with so much enthusiasm, that Randi started laughing. "You can be my new best friend Randi. Alexis was my best friend...but she told a fib about the polar bears coming to her birthday party. Polar bears can't come to parties can they?"

Glancing back toward Meredith one last time in amusement, Randi just shrugged and continued up the steps. "I don't think so, but maybe a little baby polar bear could." Ava's response began to fade away once the girls made it up the steps.

Looking up towards the steps, Derek then turned to Meredith. "Well, I guess we don't have to worry about Ava bonding with her."

"No, she seems like she warmed right up to her." Meredith's brow was arched in amusement, and Derek noticed a familiar twinkle in her eye.

"What..." He asked, knowing she was about to tease him.

"Fiancé?" She asked with a wicked smirk. "I guess that means she wont be pining for you and your perfect hair after all."

Blushing a bit, Derek smiled sheepishly. "Leave the hair out of this." He teased, but came closer and wrapped his arms around her.

"Does that mean you will stop freaking out?" She murmured, enjoying the way her chest fit perfectly against his.

"I was not freaking out." Argued Derek half heatedly.

"You were. I hope you're at least more comfortable now."

"I am." He assured, kissing her across her cheek. He could hear Ava squealing in delight at something Randi had said, and he suddenly felt better about the entire situation. "She was the right choice."

"I know." Meredith sighed, like a weight had been lifted off of her.

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