Chapter 45

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The hospital had been abnormally busy the next afternoon. She wasn't sure if it was the onslaught of the holidays or if karma was just out to ruin her. The twins growing steadily inside of her still didn't react well to several hours without food, they kicked and poked her during her last, and only surgery of the day.

Most people ate long before, so the cafeteria was empty allowing her to pick any table she wanted. It wasn't usually for her to alone, she was always swarmed by her fellow residents...but she wasn't about to pass up the opportunity for some peace and quiet.

Sitting down at a small table in the back of the room, she sighed as her phone vibrated in her pocket. Looking at her cheese burger longingly, she pulled her phone out, ignoring a small kick to the ribs Baby A sent her.

Flipping the phone open she read the message and tried not to smile.

"Ava refuse to take off the Hannah shirt this morning, don't get mad when you pick her up in the same clothes as yesterday. love you dear."

He had pet named her again, she couldn't understand why all the sudden he was fascinated by cutesy things, but she couldn't help but smile. It made her feel wanted and loved, something she had missed for so long.

Closing the phone, she chose not to respond then, in order to feed her starving babies. Digging into her burger and swallowing the greasy goodness she wasn't surprised Ava had refused to take the shirt off. According to Addison she had arrived at her house with it on....meaning it was 3 days old...and most likely disgusting.

She'd have to find a way to get it off her long enough to wash it, but she'd wait until later in order to suck down more of the fattening food.

She downed it all in a short time, too fast she knew, but food was a commodity to her growing body. She was about to deposit the wrappers int he trash, and then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar short haired brunette sitting alone in the corner of the room.

Meredith had enjoyed sitting along, but Lexie looked anything but happy about the situation. She stared down at her food not making eye contact with anyone. It reminded Meredith of her freshman year in high school. Her lack of hips or boobs made her a target of ridicule and her dark and twisty self didn't help the matter any. Finding someone to sit with in the cafeteria was humiliating...and not something she ever wanted to remember. Her heart went out to the girl, and in a moment of pure kindness, she walked over and sat down.

Meredith didn't know if it was the hormones, or the generosity the woman had showed towards her daughter, but she couldn't help but call her name to get Lexie's attention.

It was still awkward and even with Meredith's new found courage...the two girls sat in an odd silence. Lexie seemed completely surprised by the visitor.

Breaking the silence, Meredith started, knowing that her courage would fade quickly.

"I just wanted to thank you, again, for taking Ava to the concert. She's....well she's the happiest I've ever seen her." Lexie stared at her, kind of in shock. Both Meredith and Derek had already thanked her, several times. She wasn't expecting her thanking her again.

"Oh...well it was the least I can do. I mean, Laura just loves her...and she's such a great's really no trouble." Meredith smiled at that, in the way only a mother can smile when complimented on her child.

"Thanks, she really is. It's just...she's had a tough year...we have...Derek and I...have had a rough year and Ava took it hard. She's so happy now...and I know that spending time with you helped that." Lexie blushed, slightly, and pushed her salad away from her.

"Well...I can't take too much credit. Hannah did most of it. Laura too...they have this strange connection. Like they've known each other their whole lives. I'm really grateful you let me take her." Lexie was beginning to ramble, and even though Meredith had seen the trait on the girl before, she still found it funny.

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