Chapter 12

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It had been too long and he wanted her more than ever before. Instead of pulling away like her mind was telling her to she welcomed his tongue as it fought with hers. Her hormones were racing due to the pregnancy and she suddenly wanted to take him right then and there in the foyer. His hands roamed over her hips and butt. She didn't even realize he had undone the zipper until he broke away from the kiss and slid it off of her.

She stepped out of it and she watched his eyes grow even darker than before. He let out a barely audible gasp as he realized she had not worn stockings or underwear. Unable to stand not touching her any longer his hands found her breasts and ran his fingers over them. She felt almost like electricity when he touched her and she couldn't believe how long it had been since she felt that way.

"Meredith..." Was all it took for her to loose control and pull him closer to her forgetting all about their problems. His bulge pressed against her stomach and she moaned causing his warm member to pulse through his jeans. Their kisses grew more erratic and suddenly his clothes were being scattered all over the foyer.

In one sudden movement he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist, both moaning at the sudden contact. He carried her into the kitchen, the first place he could think of so their sounds wouldn't wake up Ava and Tyler. In a lusty daze she was plopped up onto the island. He kissed his way down her neck and her breasts moving slower down to her stomach. His hot tongue dove into her moist folds. She moaned his name and grabbed onto his hair.

His fingers began tracing patterns around her folds and her hips jerked at the contact. She was unable to stand the torture and slid her hand down to his erect pulsing length. He let out a groan and bucked at her touch. Shoving her hand out of the way he slid into her slowly, one inch at a time watching her as her eyes glazed over.

"D...D...Derek, please" Her pleading turned him on even more and he could barely think with the feeling of her surrounding him. "Mer...I'm not going to last long.." He managed to get out before she pulled his face to hers and nearly jammed her tongue into his mouth. Her hips impatiently rose to meet his and he pulled out of her and then back in loving the feeling of her writhing beneath him. "Oh Derek, Harder.." She panted and he obliged wrapping her legs tighter around his waist. He reached down and flicked her clit and her muscles suddenly tightened around him.

"Derek!" She screamed as she came, her whole body shaking. Her orgasm sent him over the edge and he let out string of mumbled words as his body convulsed and emptied inside of her. She kissed down his neck as he lay draped over her in a breathless heap.

"I love you." She whispered softly into his ear causing him to look up in surprise. A smile crossed his face and he kissed her on the lips. He laid his head against her chest listening to the thumping of her heart. He sighed, in bliss. "I love you too." His voice was raw and full of emotion and he was suddenly overcome with how much he missed her. He moved off of her and the beads of sweat cooled on her skin. "That was..." He began...but couldn't finish before she ended for him. "Amazing.." She finished for him. He wiped a sweaty lock out of her face and they just stood their naked, staring at each other.

Their moment was interrupted when they heard Peyton start to cry softly in the family room. She sighed, not wanting to be interrupted. "She's probably hungry. Addison told me she'd need a bottle..." Derek agreed still reluctant to leave her side. She moved away from him but he pulled her against him and kissed her passionately. She pulled away before it could get too heated and slapped him on the arm. "I'm going to get Peyton. You sir...have a mess to clean up." He watched her naked form walk back out into the foyer. Before she left completely she turned to him and said "Oh...and Derek, don't think this means you're forgiven..." She meant the words, but a smile was on her face. "Oh...don't worry, I plan on making it up to you several more times.."

Meredith blushed, and walked out of the room and he slumped down against the counters his body still twitching and reeling over what had just happened.


Derek couldn't take his eyes off Meredith as she stood on the alter beside Addison and Cristina. Being the maid of honor, Meredith was in a silk, from fitting pale yellow dress that matched Addison and Cristina's lavender dresses. The wedding was three years in the making and by far the most extravagant out of all their weddings...with the exception of maybe Addison, who flew everyone to New York for her central park venue.

Derek was barely able to concentrate on the ceremony, getting to distracted by Meredith's tight bust line. She was glowing and almost radiant, and he couldn't remember a time when she looked more beautiful. Ava stood beneath her mother in a puffy white dress she picked out herself. It was embroidered with lavender flowers. A crown wreath of yellow daisies sat on her head making her look like an angel. Derek could barely believe how grown up she looked. His heart ached, realizing how fast she was growing up...and just how much he had been missing in the past year.

Derek smiled as Meredith looked down at Ava with a panicked face. Ava's legs began to hurt and she sat down on the alter dropping her empty basket in the process. Meredith met Derek's gaze with a nervous look, but he just smiled and shrugged letting her know it would be ok. Her face relaxed and the two stood staring at each other. They had not talked about the night before, talking wasn't really their thing...which usually ended up hurting them in the end.

Tyler began to giggle and make faces at Ava across the aisle earning him a stern look from Cristina. Looking at Derek, all Meredith could remember was their wedding day and how perfect it had been. Tyler had been their tiny ring bearer and even though he had cried during half of their ceremony, neither let it ruin their day. Things still were not perfect between them, even after their amazing sex. It was still obvious there was a giant whole in their relationship when Derek had left to spend the night at the trailer. She was upset at first, but knew that he was giving her she wanted. She wasn't ready to forgive him yet, still not trusting him to really understand the issues they had.

She was so lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice Izzie and Alex had kissed until Cristina shoved her, willing her to walk down the aisle.

Meredith was reminded at the reception exactly why she hated being pregnant, even if the outcome was great. Her feet ached from standing in heels too long and the summer heat had already caused them to swell. Her breasts had enlarged a whole cup size since her last dress fitting causing her dress to expose much more cleavage then she would have liked. It was also slightly too tight, the zipper in the back jabbing painfully into her skin as a constant reminder she was pregnant.

Just the scent of the salmon for dinner sent her rushing to the bathroom to throw up. Everyone was already slightly tipsy, dancing and having a great time. But, Meredith was just tired. She was tired of making up excuses for not wanting to drink. She was tired of blowing off the confused looks from everyone once she told them she just wanted water. Addison being the only sober one who knew kept nudging her, urging her to tell Derek all night long.

Meredith just shrugged it off, in her Meredith way and tried to avoid everyone. Thinking back to the previous night she was surprised Derek had not noticed the changes in her body, but then, with disdain she realized that he hadn't been home enough for him to notice. Cristina pulled up a chair next to her forcing her to come out of her reverie.

Signaling over a waiter she grabbed to champagne glasses off the tray and started downing one at rapid speed. "These wedding make people toxic." She remarked, finishing off the glass. Meredith didn't even respond, and just sat drinking her glass of water. "Burke went off with Mark and your Mc-Ass husband...some secret guy talk or whatever.." Meredith pushed the glass away that Cristina had sat in front of her.

"Alright Mer, what hell is wrong? You've been all mcbitchy all day...and haven't drank in two nights in a row.." Cristina was more than tipsy...almost falling over herself and was rambling more than usual, her voice raising as she went. Finally getting frustrated Meredith had had enough. Cristina knew she was pregnant, drunk or not she was sick of getting interrogated by people, especially her best friend. "Cristina, stop!" Meredith interrupted. Cristina looked at her with a stunned expression. "I'm know this why are you pretending like I never told you?" Meredith whispered, though she wanted to scream.

"You're what!?" Cristina almost screamed. "Oh wait...I knew that.." She replied, the words finally clicking in her hazy mind. "Did you tell him yet!? You said you wanted to forget you were I figured I might as well forget too.." She laughed loudly, causing Meredith to hit her in the arm. The alcohol had finally caught up to her friend, there was no telling what she might say.

"Shhh...keep your voice down. No he doesn't know." Meredith watched as the boys walked into the ballroom. "I don't know how to tell him, just please don't say anything."

Derek and Burk approached their table after hitting the bar. Meredith shushed her in a panic and faked a smile as the boys sat down. "Hey ladies, how's it going?" Derek asked grinning from ear to ear. Cristina opened her mouth to say something but only let out a yelp as Meredith kicked her under the table. Derek gave them a questioning look, not really understanding what was going on. Meredith had been acting weird and distant all night and they had been so busy at the wedding that he hadn't had time to force it out of her.

"Hey Derek, apparently your little girl is more like Meredith than we thought.." Mark and Addison had came to the table and Mark had a smirk on his face. Derek laughed, not getting his joke until he followed his gaze to the dance floor. Meredith tried to look as well, but was blocked by Derek as he stood up. Derek had a smile on his face and then it suddenly turned to a frown.

"What is that!?" He snapped clearly not happy. He was not angry, but more flustered. Meredith stood up to get a look at what was making him so upset. Ava and Tyler were in the middle of the dance floor. Tyler's arms were wrapped around her. His miniature black tuxedo made him look like a clone of Burk. Meredith smiled at how cute they looked. Derek's fists were clenched as he watched Tyler lean in and kiss Ava. They kissed for barely a second and then stopped.

"No, Burke...get your son off my little girl." Derek was annoyed and Burk just laughed watching his son proudly. "He's practicing...these are skills he needs!" Burk replied. "Yeah...calm down Derek, she's gorgeous...let her have some fun!" Mark smirked, hitting Derek on the arm. "No, she's my baby...she is way too young to be kissing boys...even if it is Tyler." Derek put his beer on the table and went to walk to the dance floor.

Meredith put her hand on his arm stilling his movements. "Don't freak out..." She said
and he tried not to shake her off. "Meredith...I can't handle seeing her kiss boys. She's 4 years old!" He was starting to get annoyed with the fact that Meredith wasn't more upset by it. Ava and Tyler had long since parted and were both running over to their table.

"Daddy, Daddy, Tyler's my boy friend!" Derek got control of his annoyance and lifted her into his arms. "Ava...he can be your boyfriend, but you are really too little to be kissing boys.." Ava looked confused and eyed her mother. " and mommy kiss and make noises all the time...I want to!" Meredith blushed and Burk and Mark began to snicker. "Ava, only mommy's and daddy's kiss..." Derek told her trying to get her to understand.

Sensing this was going to be a bigger topic than the night allowed, Addison asked the Ava if she wanted to go get cake. Derek let the girl down and watched as she ran ahead of Addison. " out Derek, she's going to be a knock out when she gets older." Derek glared at Mark and for an instant thought about hitting him. He was on edge and already frustrated between Meredith's confusing moods and his daughter's sudden need to be an adult.

"Ohh...well just wait. Peyton is a red head...and we both know how the boys get around red heads...remember how all the guys stalked Addison in college?" Mark's face suddenly fell instantly and he shut up. He suddenly was not happy either and Meredith could tell that a scene intended to be funny, had quickly escalated into something else.

Meredith moved closer to him and put her hand in his. "Come on Derek, let's go get some air..." Derek's face was crinkled into a tense mess and he nodded...following Meredith out of the room his hand still protectively in hers.

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